1 | .发动机的机械噪音也因发动机机体的刚度提高和进排气阀的结构改进而得到改善.实现了低噪音,低振动的运转. | The increasing in the rigidity of motor body and the improvement in the structure of suction and exhaust valve have also contributed to the reduction of mechanic noise. The an entire low noise, low vibration running is resulted. | |
2 | [口](向某人)报复,复仇 | have /get one’s own back on sb. | |
3 | Collat与Ligane已经表明,在Cu2+存在下硝酸根离子的电解还原都产生NH4+。 | Collat and Lingane have shown that electrolytic reduction of nitrate ions proceeds all the way to NH4+ in the presence of Cu2+. | |
4 | FM1及FM2具有同样频率范围 | FM1 and FM2 have the same frequency range. | |
5 | GB7251.3-1997低压成套开关设备和控制设备第三部分:对非专业人员可进入场地的低压成套开关设备和控制设备--配电板的特殊要求 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 3: Particular requirements for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies intended to be installed in places where unskilled persons have access for their use--Distribution boards | |
6 | 安装您的介面卡到插槽中(AGP介面卡仅能安装到AGP插槽中)。 | Install your graphics card in the proper slot if your motherboard does not have integrated graphics. | |
7 | 把...背得滚瓜烂熟; 对...十分熟悉 | have sth. at one’s tongue’s end | |
8 | 包装需有“可尝试”功能 | Packaging should have “Try me” function | |
9 | 本公司价格公道、服务周到、质量一流,信誉卓著 | We have built a solid reputation for providing quality workmanship and superior service at a fair price | |
10 | 并已经取得了长足进展。 | Tremendous strides forward have been made in this sector of building. | |
11 | 初检时先后有5批货检验合格。 | 5 consecutive lots or batches have been considered acceptable on original inspection. | |
12 | 此外,我国开展国际友好城市活动27年来,在经济、文化、科技和体育等领域的交流取得了大量的积极成果。 | Moreover, over the past x years since our country started to develop friendship city relations with other countries, we have achieved a great many positive results in exchange program in such areas as economy, culture, science, technology and sports | |
13 | 打开装运箱并查看部件是否齐全。 | Unpack the contents of the shipping carton. As you unpack the carton, check the contents to make sure you have received all items. | |
14 | 但是过去五年来,资本家们并没有获利。 | Capitalists have failed miserably in this task in the past five years. | |
15 | 当Disco的集线器刀片将使用于其它制造工厂的机器时,如有必要,请准备并贴上写有相当于本说明书内容的标签。 | When Disco’s hub blade is going to be used on machine of other manufacturer, prepare and affix safety labels that have contents equal to those included in this sheet, if necessary. | |
16 | 当事人和主要责任人违反治安管理规定的,由公安部门依法处理。 | if the persons involved or the persons held chiefly responsible have violated the public security regulations, they shall be handled by the public security organ according to law. | |
17 | 独特的燃烧室设计和汽缸工作容量的增大,以及OHV发动机优良的燃油消耗率性能,使新型GM系列发动机比同类型OHV发动机具有更大的输出功率. | The uniquely designed combustion chamber, enlarged cylinder working capacity, and excellent fuel consumption rate have contributed to a larger power output of GM series compared with OHV motors . | |
18 | 对有条件判刑或有条件释放的外国罪犯的监督 | Supervision of foreign offenders who have been conditionally sentenced or conditionally released | |
19 | 该答复的书面复印件将被送至所有已获得招标文件的投标者。 | Written copies of the response will be sent to all tenderers who have received the tender documents. | |
20 | 该母公司在华的各家子公司现享受的高科技投资优惠政策,从四月一日起改为国民待遇。 | All subsidiaries under that parent company in China, which have enjoyed the preferential policies for their investment in high technology projects, shall receive national treatment starting on April 1st. | |
21 | 改革开放以来,全国已建立53个国家级高技术开发区 | Since the inception of reform and opening up to the outside world, 53 State-level new and high-tech industrial development zones have been set up nationwide | |
22 | 根据“无异议”程序分发但有人提出异议的来文 | Communications circulated under the "no objection" procedure to which objections have been raised. | |
23 | 公司拥有训练有素的员工。许多员工已在公司工作多年。 | The company is proud of its highly-trained employees, many of whom have been with the company for many years. | |
24 | 关闭产品没有销路的企业 | Shut down (close down)the enterprises whose products have no market | |
25 | 关于可能引起不必要痛苦或具有滥杀滥伤作用的武器的政府专家会议 | Conference on Government Experts on Weapons that may cause unnecessary suffering or have indiscriminate effects | |
26 | 合营企业取得批准设立的证书后,应在一个月内向市土地局办理土地使用手续,领取土地使用证。 | Joint ventures that have obtained approval certificates for establishment shall go through the formalities for the use of land at the Municipal Land Bureau within one month and get their land use certificate. | |
27 |
假如您遇到任何的问题,您可以在开机过程中按下 |
If you have any problems, you can enter BIOS setup by pressing |
28 | 近一二十年来,世界科学技术发展得多快呀! | How fast they have progressed over the past 10 or 20 years! | |
29 | 禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约(某些常规武器公约) | Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [10 Oct. 1980](CCW) | |
30 | 禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约缔约国审议会议 | Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects |