1 | 随着我国加入了WTO,我们与很多的国外企业建立了紧密的联系 | With China’s entry to WTO, we have established closer relationship with various overseas businesses | |
2 | 所以,在自力更生的基础上,我们把对世界更加开放作为我们的另一个基本国策。 | So we have taken it as another Basic State policy to open wider to the outside world on the Basis of self-reliance | |
3 | 台湾同胞具有光荣的爱国主义传统,在反抗外国侵略台湾的斗争中建立了卓越的功勋。 | Our compatriots in Taiwan have a glorious exploits in the struggles against foreign invasions of Taiwan | |
4 | 同时,积极吸收和借鉴世界一切先进的文明成果,这些文明成果对于中国的发展也起了重要的促进作用。 | Meanwhile, we have earnestly absorbed and drawn upon fruits of advanced world civilization, which in turn have greatly promoted the development of China. | |
5 | 晚上有什么节目? | What entertainment will you have this evening?(朋友间问侯) | |
6 | 我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京. | On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing. | |
7 | 我公司主要从事塑胶模具制造及塑胶成型加工,在该行业已有十多年的经验,主要合作厂家有LG、美的公司等。 | Our major business lines are manufacturing of plastic molds and plastic molding. In this field, we have accumulated over 10 years’ experience. Some of our partners: LG, Meidi, etc. | |
8 | 我没胆去做/没勇气去做 | I don’t have the nerve to do it. | |
9 | 我们的产品有着最好的性价比,所以有稳定的消费群 | Our products enjoy the best price versus performance ratio and therefore, have a stable consumer group | |
10 | 我们既要有紧迫感,又必须统筹规划,突出重点,分步实施,。 | We should not only have a sense of urgency, But also must work out a comprehensive plan, which, while giving prominence to some key areas in the development process, is to be carried out step by step. | |
11 | 我们完全有理由相信中国的人权状况将不断改善。 | We have every reason to believe that China’s human rights situation will continue to improve. | |
12 | 我们要继续实行以质取胜和市场多元化战略,贯彻落实各项鼓励出口的政策,努力扩大出口 | We will continue to carry out the strategy of wining success through quality and market diversification, implement all kinds of policies that have been made to encourage exports and make great efforts to expand them | |
13 | 我们已经决定从新疆修建,x公里的管道,经过8个省、市,直达上海。 | We have decided to construct a x kilometre-long natural gas pipeline from Xinjiang to Shanghai, passing through eight provinces and municipalities | |
14 | 我们在新疆的塔里木地区发现了大量天然气 | In fact, we have discovered a very rich natural gas reserve in the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. | |
15 | 西部地域辽阔,但交通却不发达 | China’s west covers a vast expanse of land, But the transportation facilities there have not been well development | |
16 | 下班后一块吃饭好吗? | Would you like to have dinner with me after work?(晚饭) | |
17 | 现在我们粮食已经富余,完全可以无偿向农民提供粮食,让他们退耕还林,退耕还草,退耕还湖。 | But now, as we have a large food surplus, we are in a position to provide to provide grain to farmers for free to help them reconvert farmland to forests, grasslands and lakes | |
18 | 香港同胞有着光荣的爱国主义传统 | Hong Kong compatriots have a glorious patriotic tradition. | |
19 | 性能测试:检测本合同附件三所规定的各项保证数值,包括设备的各项性能和产品的技术指标。 | Performance Test means the tests conducted pursuant to Appendix 10, in order to identify whether the Contract Plant and the Contract Product have achieved the technical performance and guarantee indices specified in Appendix 3. | |
20 | 修理这收音机要多久? | How long will it take to have this radio fixed? | |
21 | 要使大多数国有大中型亏损企业摆脱困境。 | We should have extricated most unprofitable large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises from their predicament. | |
22 | 以上设计建议应仔细考虑 | The foregoing design recommendations have to be carefully considered | |
23 | 有水、电、暖气、煤气设备 | to have electricity, gas, running water and steam heating system | |
24 | 有条件的地方要率先实现现代化。 | Those areas that have strong economy should take the lead in achieving modernization | |
25 | 有头脑; 聪明; 精明能干; 有见识 | have a good head on one’s shoulders | |
26 | 在各民族相互融合的过程中形成了强大的凝聚力,形成了崇尚统一、维护统一的价值观念。 | In the process of the integration, they have forged strong cohesiveness among themselves, and have developed the values of cherishing and safeguarding unity for their country | |
27 | 在过去几年里,中国和周边国家进一步加强和发展了友好睦邻关系,这是中国与这些国家共同努力的结果。 | The past few years have seen further strengthening and development of the friendly and good-neighborly relations between China and its surrounding countries, which is the result of the concerned efforts by China and those countries | |
28 | 在上述缺陷消除后,应按照本合同附件十的规定尽快进行第二次性能测试。 | After the defects have been eliminated, additional performance Test shall be carried out as soon as possible in accordance with Appendix 10. | |
29 | 占上风,处于有利地位 | have the better end of the staff | |
30 | 这儿有香波卖吗? | Do you have shampoo here? |