1 | 这个战略思想现在已经有了实施的机遇 | We now have the opportunity presenting before us to materialize this strategy | |
2 | 这意味着那些敏感而能控制自己情绪的人能够将其主观能动性发挥到极致 | This means that those who are sensible and have a command of emotions can bring their own subjective initiative into full play | |
3 | 正是本着对中国人民和世界的负责精神,我们才有计划、有组织地对我国的经济和政治结构进行调整,而不是仓促上阵,贸然行动 | It is with a sense of responsibility to the Chinese people and to the world that we have adopted a planned and systematic rather than rash and haphazard approach to economic and political restructuring | |
4 | 中国和整个世界的过去和现在都证明了这样一个无可辩驳的事实,那就是没有政治和社会的稳定,任何有效的和有意义的改革都不可能实现. | The past and the present of Both China and the world at large have proved the irrefutable fact that in the absence of political and social stability it is impossible to Bring about any effective and meaningful reform | |
5 | 中国具有五千年悠久历史。在中国这块土地上,中化民族繁衍生息,各民族相互融合 | China has a long history of 5000 years. The Chinese people have lived and multiplied on this land, where all ethnic groups have been highly integrated. | |
6 | 中国五千年的的历史文化深深地在中国人的心中根植了一种强烈的民族意识,这就是中国必须统一 | The 5000-year history and culture have been implanted deeply in the minds of the Chinese people, sprouting the strong national consciousness of the need for national unification | |
7 | 中化人民共和国诞生后,中国人民倍加珍视得来不易的民族独立,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整 | Since the founding of PRC, the Chinese people have particularly valued their hard-earned national independence, firmly upheld state sovereignty and territorial integrity | |
8 | 自从开发西部战略提出以来,中央政府各部委都已积极行动起来。许多部委已经采取了支持西部发展的新举措。 | Since China launched the strategy of developing the country’s west, various ministries and commissions under the Central Government have gone into action. Many of them have adopted new measures for supporting the western region development program. | |
9 | 最近你见过史密斯先生吗? | Have you seen Mr. Smith recently? | |
10 | 最近你看见凯特了吗? | Have you seen Kate lately? |