属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-服装零售 专注追随快时尚的他们
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-烟雾氤氲 Wreathed in smoke
1 | 不管怎样,如果事实证明令人兴奋的电视制作事业并不适合于他,斯佩克也有一条退路。 | However if the heady world of television production proves not to be for him, Spake has an escape route | |
2 | 对于使用中微子探测器的实验工作者,这是令人兴奋的美酒。 | This is heady wine for experimenters using these neutrino detectors | |
3 | 过了一段时间,我不再四处打听赠花的人是谁,而是尽情欣赏着那朵用柔软的粉红色纸包着纯白无比的栀子花,欣赏它的美丽,陶醉于那浓郁的香气。 | After a whole I stopped trying to discover the sender’s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper | |
4 | 几句文章一做,他就快活得飘飘然了。 | The act of composing had given him a heady pleasure | |
5 | 她回顾了过去令人伤脑筋的日子和未来的挑战。 | She reviewed the heady days behind and the challenges ahead | |
6 | 烈性酒 (迷人的香味). | a heady alcohol (scent) | |
7 | 令人兴奋的胜利消息 | the heady news of victory | |
8 | 鲁莽的行为(轻率的意见). | heady actions (ideas) | |
9 | 罗达想,生活以奇特的方式取得了平衡。这个让人头晕目眩的情势正在使她变得达观起来。 | Life balanced out in strange ways, Rhoda thought; the heady situation was making her philosophical | |
10 | 偶尔也有种了杂粮的,那黄金一般的菜花散出强烈的香味。 | Here and there, the early crops were coming up.In one field, the golden blossoms of rape-seed plants emitted a heady fragrance | |
11 | 擅自决定;随便决定. | a heady decision | |
12 | 他仿佛看见有一个浑身雪白毛茸茸的人形在他面前一闪,就跑进右首作为卧室的那一间里去了;那人形走过时飘荡出刺脑的浓香和格格的艳笑。 | Suddenly, he seemed to see the blurred outline of a white figure flash past him and disappear into the bedroom, leaving behind a trail of heady perfume and the echo of a woman’s silvery laughter | |
13 | 他说:"今天所有的财富几乎都是工业革命以来创造的,但是即使是依照那时的令人头脑发热的标准,现在的繁荣也是非同寻常的。 | "Almost all of today’s wealth has been created since the industrial revolution, but even by those heady standards the current boom is extraordinary," he said | |
14 | 他因成功而飘飘然。 | He is heady with success. | |
15 | 太专横而无法与之理论 | too heady to reason with. | |
16 | 我变得轻率,权力和成功使我有些陶醉,先是缩氨酸7号,又是荷辛--W,我飘飘然了,结果忽略了十分明显的迹象。 | I became heady , a little drunk with power and success--so buoyed by Peptide 7, then Hexin W, then I overlooked the obvious | |
17 | 仙袂乍飘兮,闻麝兰之馥郁 | Her fairy sleeves, fluttering, give off a heady fragrance of musk and orchid. | |
18 | 一个设法在选举中获胜的聪明计策 | a heady scheme to win the election | |
19 | 因胜利而激动(兴奋). | be heady with success | |
20 | 有酒香的,有酒味的;易使人醉的或令人陶醉的 | Having the qualities or taste of wine;heady or intoxicating. | |
21 | 在1973年生意兴隆的日子里,石油日产量曾达到3,100万桶。那时,石油收益不但为该组织成员国新的发展计划提供资金,而且使西方银行有充足的现款可供借贷。 | In the heady days of 1973, output was31 million barrels a day, yielding a revenue which financed the new development programmes of the OPEC countries and filled Western banks with money to lend | |
22 | 在每个领域里,出了名就会使一些虔敬的入迷者表示赞扬和尊崇,但这也是一种容易使人陶醉的东西。 | Fame brings celebrity and high regard from adoring and loyal fans in each field of endeavor and it is heady stuff | |
23 | 在每个领域里,一旦出了名就会使一些入迷者虔敬地表示赞扬和尊崇,这是种容易使人陶醉的东西。 | Fame brings celebrity and high regard from adoring and loyal fans in each field of endeavor and it is heady stuff. | |
24 | 站在一块露出地表使人头昏目眩的岩石上 | standing on a heady outcrop of rock. | |
25 | 这是一种易使人陶醉的经历。 | It was heady experience | |
26 | 这些花晚上散发出醉人的芳香。 | The flowers give off a heady scent at night. | |
27 | 振奋人心的获胜消息 | the heady news of triumph. | |
28 | ||1:Desigual比Mango还要小。去年它的销售额为8.28亿欧元,其中五分之四的销售额来自西班牙境外。Desigual在109个国家都有店铺,规模自从2007年以来增加了十倍。||2:如此迅速的增长引人注目,一家法国的私募公司Eurazeo于三月购买了10%的股权。||3:此交易使得Desigual的估价达到了29亿欧元;与之相比,Inditex目前的股价为700亿欧元。 | ||1: Desigual is smaller still. It had sales of 828m last year, four-fifths of them outside Spain, and has outlets in 109 countries. It has expanded tenfold since 2007. ||2: Its heady growth has attracted the attention of Eurazeo, a French private-equity firm, which in March bought a 10% stake. ||3: This valued Desigual at 2.9 billion; Inditex’s current stockmarket valuation is 70 billion. | |
29 | ||1:Makana,苏丹人士,穷困潦倒,因政治问题被流放他乡,独居于尼罗河上一艘破败不堪的船屋里。||2:他肩负开罗残暴腐朽的独裁者Hanafi的使命,寻找足球明星Adil Romario。||3:同时,英国贵族之女Liz Markham在寻找20余年前在开罗丢失的女儿时被折磨并被杀害了。||4:Makana曾为警察,自然绝不天真,但很快却发现自己身陷人间地狱,周围尽是埃及巨富、伊斯兰好战分子,还有俄罗斯人组织的犯罪。||5:这是个让人眼花缭乱的局面,Bilal先生却用高超的技艺成功驾驭了它。 | ||1:Makana is a poverty-stricken Sudanese political exile living alone on a rickety houseboat on the Nile.||2:He is commissioned by Hanafi, a violent and corrupt Cairene oligarch, with finding Adil Romario, a star football player.||3:Meanwhile, Liz Markham, the daughter of a British aristocrat, has been tortured and murdered while searching for her daughter, who went missing in Cairo more than 20 years earlier.||4:A former policeman himself, Makana is no naif, but he rapidly finds himself in a perilous world peopled with Egypt’s ultra-rich, Islamic militants and Russian organised crime.||5:It’s a heady mix, but one that Mr Bilal pulls off with verve. | |
30 | ||1:为了理解一夫一妻制的偏向,邓巴博士带领读者体味了爱的各种感觉,从初坠爱河时忘乎所以,呼吸困难的兴奋,到义无反顾地维持家庭关系,再到遭到背叛时的心如刀割。||2:纵观全书,邓巴的高超之处在于利用人们常见且熟悉的信息——男人偏好曲线玲珑的女人;女人喜欢舞技出众的男人;年龄稍大的女人很少在征友专栏揭露自己的年龄——同时解释了这些现象背后复杂且常出人意料的进化科学。 | ||1:To understand this predisposition for monogamy, he takes readers through the myriad feelings of love, from the heady , breathless exhilaration of falling, to the stubborn persistence of familial affection, to the bitterness of betrayal.||2:Throughout the book Dr Dunbar excels at taking obvious and familiar information—men prefer curvy women; women prefer men who dance well; older women rarely reveal their ages in lonely-hearts columns—and explaining the complex and often unexpected evolutionary science that lies behind it all. |