属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-比特币在中国 美梦破碎
1 | ||1:狭小、幽暗、凌乱的空间,在艾伦·施瓦茨的生命中担当着重要角色。||2:他会成天抱着自己的高端苹果笔记本猫在卧室里,身边全是缠杂的线缆和散乱的硬盘。||3:由于近视,他的眼睛几乎快要贴到屏幕上,于是他曾问自己:笔记本的屏幕为何不与眼睛在同一水平线?2005年是让他沉醉的日子:现在网上最热门的公告板Reddit,就是他和其他三位创始人一道在那年开发的。||4:那时,他们在麻省的萨默维尔市合住一套房子,而施瓦茨就睡在一个板柜里。2010年10月,同样也是在一个板柜里,他偷偷地在一个盒子下面藏了一台笔记本:那是一个没有上锁的配线柜,被一名流浪者当作了储物间;从这里,施瓦茨的笔记本径直接入了麻省理工大学的电脑网络。 | ||1:SMALL, dark, cluttered places were important in the life of Aaron Swartz.||2:His days were spent hunched in his bedroom over his MacBook Pro, his short-sighted eyes nearly grazing the screen, in a litter of snaking cables and hard drives.||3:In the heady days of 2005 when he was developing Reddit, now the web’s most popular bulletin board, he and his three co-founders shared a house in Somerville, Massachusetts, where he slept in a cupboard.||4:And it was in a cupboard—an unlocked wiring cupboard, where a homeless man kept stuff—that in November 2010 he surreptitiously placed a laptop, hidden under a box, and plugged it directly into the computer network at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. | |
2 | 唉,可叹那些激动人心的日子已然一去不复返。比特币价格在后期爆跌至500美元以下,比特币中国的日交易量几乎还不到2,000比特币。其创始人李启元表示,“大部分投资者已离场。”到底发生了什么?说得简单点:监管插手了。 | Alas, those heady days are gone. Prices have plunged below $500 of late and hardly 2,000 coins are now traded daily on BTC China. According to Bobby Lee, the exchange’s founder, “Most investors have left the market.” What happened? The short answer is regulation. | |
3 | 1980年,黄金涨至850美元见顶,在那些市场繁荣的日子里,金价在500美元以上维持了13个月。 | During the heady days when gold peaked at $850 in 1980 the precious metal remained above $500 for 13 months. | |
4 | MIT的解说视频通过多媒体讲解枯燥乏味的概念,极大地激发了学生对理工课程的兴趣。 | MIT’s video demonstrations can engage students in science coursework by providing fun multimedia explanations of heady concepts. | |
5 | 按照设计,在市场出现异常时,系统程序就会作出反应,因此,当市场走势开始逆转时就会退出。 | The systematic programme is designed to react when markets are getting heady and therefore exit when markets start to turn round. | |
6 | 此外,尽管对中国的销售增长令人陶醉,但是美国、欧洲和日本三个集团(G3)仍然是最重要的需求来源。 | And despite the heady growth of sales to China, the most important sources of demand remain the "G3" of America, Europe and Japan. | |
7 | 答:所以就是说你的丈夫希望你能再去争取他,重回那断求爱的令人陶醉的日子里? | A: So your husband wants you to re-woo him, to revisit those heady days of courtship? | |
8 | 但该集团让人头晕的规模扩大将给塔塔先生的继任者带来新的挑战。 | But the group’s heady expansion will present Mr Tata’s successor with some challenges. | |
9 | 但鉴于电讯盈科的现金储备正在支付交易成本,投资者可能会望而却步:电讯盈科净负债与股东权益比已经是令人头疼的5倍。 | But since PCCW’s cash pile is defraying the cost of the deal, the buyers may balk: PCCW’s net debt to equity is already a heady five times. | |
10 | 但小虎不会在回到近年来那强劲的增长率。 | But the tigers are unlikely to return to their heady growth rates of recent years. | |
11 | 但有人质疑,是否还应继续把房价屡创纪录和信贷宽松的非常时期作为衡量基准。 | But some question whether the heady years of record housing prices and easy credit should serve as a benchmark any longer. | |
12 | 迪拜是阿联酋的七个成员国之一,它也从2008年达到的令人陶醉的顶点开始了坠落,其下降的高度和速度毫不逊于纳赛尔的纪录。 | From the heady heights it reached in 2008, Dubai, one of seven members of the UAE, has fallen almost as far and as fast. | |
13 | 对大多数公司来说,近来这段时间是令人沉醉的日子。 | THESE are heady days for most companies. Profits are up. | |
14 | 对于一个承认在62岁时她仍然较于人类和动物更容易相处的女性而言这是一个爆炸性的素材。 | That’s heady stuff for a woman who admits that at age 62 she still relates better to animals than she does to humans. | |
15 | 对于一个三分之二的收入来自业绩提成的企业来说,这一市盈率水平高得有些过头。 | This is a heady multiple for a business that derives about two-thirds of total revenue from performance fees. | |
16 | 股市的估值已从2007年令人眩晕的日子跌至更为现实的水平。 | Valuations have dropped to more realistic levels from the heady days of 2007. | |
17 | 还记得2003年那些鲁莽的会议和演示么,微软新的、令人兴奋的操作系统code-namedLonghorn? | Remember those heady conferences and demonstrations in 2003 on Microsoft’s new and exciting operating system, code-named Longhorn? | |
18 | 还记得2007年那些好日子吗?那时候大规模范围的经济衰退尚未出现。 | Remember the heady days of 2007, before the large economy sized recession? | |
19 | 回顾2008年,在全球经济危机爆发的最初一段时间里,欧洲人曾头脑发热长达数月,认为是他们在领导着世界。 | For a few heady months in the early days of the global economic crisis, back in 2008, Europeans felt they were leading the world. | |
20 | 即使还有篇幅,现在我也还不能解释其本质。 | Heady stuff that I cannot yet explain, even if I had space. | |
21 | 鉴于如此高的估值水平,中国企业的排名看上去似乎不及长城稳固。 | With valuations this heady , China’s rankings look less stable than the Great Wall. | |
22 | 她除了赢得一辆新车和5000美元现金之外,还有一项神圣任务「未来一年将以和平大使身分在西非各国进行亲善访问」。 | Alongside a new car and $5000 in cash, she wins the heady prospect of "a year of ambassadorial work spreading peace across the sub-region. " | |
23 | 莱顿克罗夫特,南戈壁的副董事长,与匆忙进入的让人头疼的网络时代相比较。 | Layton Croft, a vice president at SouthGobi, compares the rush to the heady days of the dotcom era. | |
24 | 例如,经济衰退导致了近几年来迅速增长的税收减少,预算平衡趋向恶化。 | For example, the budget balance is set to deteriorate as the economic slowdown tempers the heady revenue growth of recent years. | |
25 | 明年最大的不确定因素是中国,持续高速增长的中国经济目前似乎正在降温。 | The biggest wild card going into next year is China, whose heady economic growth now appears to be cooling. | |
26 | 穆尼奥兹说在1990年初生意红火的时候他每个月可以从手下的舞女们那里收20000美元的份钱。 | Mr Munoz says that in the heady days of the early 1990s he was making $20, 000 a month from his cut of the money earned by his dancers. | |
27 | 那场晚宴对我来说是令人兴奋的经历,特别是因为我穿的是吉恩.麦卡锡的鞋子。 | The dinner was a heady experience for me, especially since I kept my feet on the ground in Gene McCarthy’s shoes. | |
28 | 那是一段让人陶醉的时期,股市2005年一度仅略高于1000点,去年秋天暴涨至6000点以上。 | Heady days in a market that surged from just above 1, 000 points at one stage in 2005 to above 6, 000 points last autumn. | |
29 | 你想像一下就会明白的。(你也可以说我正在研究的课题真是曲高和寡,令人兴奋之处就在于此…。) | Go figure. (You can tell I’m about to delve into really highbrow, heady stuff here. . . ) | |
30 | 年轻时使人陶醉的日子。 | the heady days of one’s youth |