1 | McCurdy先生说休渔对沿海星罗棋布的成百上千家小加工厂工人带来最为沉重的负担。 | The moratorium weighs heaviest , Mr McCurdy says, on workers in the hundreds of small processing plants that dot the coast. | |
2 | Microsoft的内部测试表明,ExchangeActiveSync是客户端访问服务器的最重负载生成器。 | Internal testing has shown that Exchange ActiveSync is the heaviest load generator on a Client Access server at Microsoft. | |
3 | MuhammadAkbarRisuddin,这个本周一降临人世的孩子,被认为是印度尼西亚迄今为止出生的最重的婴儿。 | Muhammad Akbar Risuddin, born Monday, is thought to be the heaviest baby born to date in Indonesia. | |
4 | Smolin的预测,包括宇宙暴胀学说和最重稳定中子星的质量都有待验证。 | Smolin’s predictions, including ideas about cosmological inflation and the mass of the heaviest stable neutron star, have held up so far. | |
5 | 奥巴马是在巴格达最近两年最大的一次轰炸之后一天到达的。 | He arrived one day after the heaviest spate of bombings in Baghdad in almost two years. | |
6 | 奥尔默特内阁星期四举行会议.一天前,以色列军队在与真主党游击队连续两个多星期以来的战斗中蒙受了单日最多的人员伤亡。 | Mr. Olmert’s cabinet met Thursday, a day after Israel suffered its heaviest single-day losses in the more-than-two-week fight. | |
7 | 不过爱尔兰是欧洲最能喝酒的国家之一,在禁烟令实行以前的2003年销售量也下降了差不多的数量。 | But the Irish are among the heaviest drinkers in Europe, and sales fell by a similar amount in 2003, before the ban. | |
8 | 不过这样想想:博伊尔曾经举起的最重杠铃有700磅,世界举重记录是1008磅,而一辆市售雪佛兰重达3000磅。 | But think about this: The heaviest barbell that Boyle ever dead-lifted weighed 700 pounds. The world record is 1, 008 pounds. | |
9 | 成都军区官兵已于昨晚徒步进入灾情最重的地区。 | Soldiers from the Chengdu Military Command have chosen to walk to the areas with heaviest damage inflicted by the quake last night. | |
10 | 存活下来的最重的婴儿是一个1955年生于意大利阿韦尔萨的男婴,重达22.6磅(10.2公斤)。 | The heaviest baby to survive was a boy born in 1955 in Aversa, Italy. He weighed 22. 6 pounds (10. 2 kg). | |
11 | 大象是陆地上最重的动物。 | Elephants are the heaviest animals on land. | |
12 | 大学英语的课程规模和学生规模在所有大学课程中是首屈一指的,大学英语教师的课时工作量十分繁重。 | College English is the largest of all college courses and College English teachers shoulder the heaviest work loan of classroom teaching. | |
13 | 但很快,穷人和穷国可能会为这场危机付出最沉重的代价,而这场危机并非由它们制造。 | But poor people and poor countries could soon end up paying the heaviest price for a mess they have had no hand in creating. | |
14 | 但经济危机却使该公司的上述计划被迫搁置,并使它背负了可谓业内最沉重的债务负担。 | But the downturn put an end to those plans, leaving the company with one of the sector’s heaviest debt burdens. | |
15 | 当地时间5日,英国遭遇近50年来最严重的暴雪袭击,恶劣天气导致学校、交通等均出现混乱。 | The heaviest snowfall in almost 50 years hit the UK Tuesday and brought chaos to schools and transportation networks. | |
16 | 对文章的最严厉批评,似乎仅限于满篇脏话以及对政府官员的无礼言辞。 | The heaviest criticism seemed reserved for the mix of knock-about bad language and disrespectful remarks about politicians in the article. | |
17 | 对我国女子跆拳道大级别运动员组合技术运用现状的分析 | The Analysis on Utilization of the Combination Technology in Tae Kwon Do Female Heaviest Rank Athlete at Present in our Country | |
18 | 而在多数国家,最需要公共服务的人:老人和穷人,正是那些最不可能使用网络的人。 | And in most countriesthe heaviest consumers of public services, the old and the poor, are the leastlikely to use the internet. | |
19 | 负担能力最差的贫穷东道国正在付出最沉重的代价。 | Poor host countries that can least afford it are paying the heaviest price. | |
20 | 该数据使您可以识别性能较差的程序、负载较重的用户以及使用趋势。 | This data allows you to identify poorly performing programs, the heaviest users, and usage trends. | |
21 | 更不幸的是,当我们排队的时候,教练叫道,“最重的先来,XXX号,请过来。” | Worse is to come and as we queue the instructor calls: "Heaviest first so number. . . please come forward. " | |
22 | 海纳辩称,批评中国最多的主要是法国和德国等少数国家。 | Mr Hainer argued that the heaviest criticism of China was coming mainly from a few countries such as France and Germany. | |
23 | 海中最大、最重的动物则是鲸鱼,它也是世界上吃得最多的动物,它每天要吃一吨的食物。 | The largest and heaviest animal in the sea is the whale. It’s also the biggest eater in the world. It eats a ton of food a day. | |
24 | 继两年前的干旱后,这是四十年来最强降雨,现在致使一些农田被淹。 | The heaviest rainfall in 40 years comes after 2 years of drought. Now, some crop fields have been flooded. | |
25 | 加沙的冲突是哈马斯去年六月掌权以来最为严重的。 | The fighting in Gaza was the heaviest since Hamas took control last June. | |
26 | 据报道他是德国最重的新生儿,但很显然他还不是世界上最重的。 | And, though he now holds the record for biggest baby born in Germany, he certainly isn’t the heaviest newborn ever. | |
27 | 据说最强降雪发生在新泽西州西部,纽约市和长岛地区。 | It said the heaviest snowfall had occurred in eastern New Jersey, New York City and western Long Island. | |
28 | 欧洲野牛是整个欧洲大陆最大也最重的哺乳动物。 | Aurochs are the heaviest and the biggest land mammals in all European continent. | |
29 | 其他重武器,像防空导弹和反坦克导弹,都在首都附近缴获的。 | The heaviest weapons, such as antiaircraft and antitank missiles, came from around the capital itself. | |
30 | 其中,能源、工业与材料行业的反射性下跌幅度最大。 | The reflexive sell-off was heaviest in the energy, industrial and material sectors. |