1 | “对墨西哥人来说,特奥蒂瓦坎古城是我们最伟大的文化遗产,它不仅展现了墨西哥的历史,还是我们这个国家和民族身份的象征。”作家和艺术家们在公开信里这样说。 | "Teotihuacan is for Mexicans our greatest cultural heritage , an expression of our history and our identity as a people and nation," the writers and artists said in the letter. | |
2 | “继承不泥古,创新不离宗”〔《中医药工作小组报告》〕 | ""Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the Strength of its Heritage " [Report of the Working Party on Chinese Medicine]" | |
3 | “凯撒和教皇迫不及待去抢遗产,借口是去找死者的文件。 | Then Csar and the pope hastened to lay hands on the heritage , under presence of seeking for the papers of the dead man | |
4 | 1890年苏人认为举行鬼舞道门仪式,白人就会消失,原有土地失而复得,于是招致了联邦军队的干涉。 | In 1890 the Sioux had been inspired by the Ghost Dance movement to take up arms and reclaim their heritage , but federal military intervention quelled the rebellion. | |
5 | 1987年12月,联合国教科文组织将敦煌莫高窟同泰山、长城、故宫、秦陵兵马俑等,一起作为人类珍宝的文化遗产,列入"世界文化遗产清单"。 | In December 1987, Dunhuang appeared, together with Mount Tai, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Terracotta Warriors, on UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage List | |
6 | 75年来,摩托罗拉一直秉承着创新的传统。公司深刻领会世界的发展,并致力于领导世界发展潮流。 | Innovation is a recognized part of Motorola’s 75-year heritage . A company that understands the way the world is moving.and then jumps in to intelligently shape its direction. | |
7 | HOLLOKO可能是匈牙利东北部山区最具魅力的村庄,也是世界文化遗产的一部分。 | Holloko, possibly the most charming Hungarian village in the mountains of the northeast, is also part of the world heritage . | |
8 | 奥尼尔先生说,我们调查的重点在于确定:犯罪集团在Heritage案中扮演了何种角色。 | Part and parcel of our investigation is to determine what role organized crime played in the Heritage affairs. Mr. O’Neil said. | |
9 | 邦特蒙普斯,阿纳·温德利1902-1973美国作家,他的作品探究黑人的生活和传统问题 | American writer whose works explore Black life and heritage . | |
10 | 保护美洲国家考古、历史和艺术遗产公约 | Convention on the Protection of the Archeological, Historical and Artistic Heritage of the American Nations | |
11 | 保护欧洲文化和自然遗产非政府协会国际联合 | Europa Nostra-International Federation of Non-Governmental Association for the Protection of Europe’s Cultural and National Heritage | |
12 | 长城于后世续有修建,特别是在15至16世纪。长城的基本高度约为30英尺(9公尺),瞭望台则高达40英尺(12公尺)。长城于公元1987年被认定为世界遗产保护区。 | It was rebuilt in later times, especially in the 15th and 16th centuries. The basic wall is about 30 ft (9 m)high, and the towers rise to about 40 ft (12 m). It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. | |
13 | 从公元前2世纪到公元6世纪,这段时间被认为是书法艺术的黄金时期,当时书法是非常流行的消遣,并出现许多著名书法家。从那时起,书法便作为丰富文化遗产代代相传。 | The second century B. C. through the sixth century A. D. is considered the golden age of calligraphy, a time then it was a very fashionable pastime and many noted calligraphers appeared. Since then, calligraphy has come down to us as a rich cultural heritage from generation to generation. | |
14 | 但是,我们不能不提醒自己,毕竟是两个国家,拥有共同的历史记忆并不等于拥有共同的政治效忠。 | Yet we must not forget that we are an independent country, a shared historical heritage should in no way compromise our loyalty to our own nation. | |
15 | 道德上正直的传统 | a heritage of moral uprightness | |
16 | 东巴舞谱是我国乐舞文化史上的珍贵遗产。 | The Dongba dance step is really a precious heritage in the history of the Chinese dance culture. | |
17 | 而民族或民众的戏剧艺术却稳步登上舞台,生存了下来。这些艺术被视为民族遗产,得到了国家的扶持。 | National or civic theaters, on the other hand, steadily come into being and endure. Supported by state subsidies, they are considered part of the national heritage . | |
18 | 扶持对重要文化遗产和优秀民间艺术的保护工作. | We must give our support to the protection of major cultural heritage and outstanding folk arts. | |
19 | 弘扬民族文化 | To advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation | |
20 | 花四十五元获得享受传统文化熏陶的机会 | Could afford up to forty-five Bucks a throw to wax sentimental over their heritage | |
21 | 黄山与我所期待的一模一样,而安徽著名的世界遗产村也很美,但有件事却让我吃了一惊, | Huangshan met my expectations perfectly, and the famous World Heritage villages of Anhui were very beautiful, but one thing about them took me aback | |
22 | 回顾两个世纪来耶鲁的传统,他们只是为耶鲁效劳的光荣行列中增添的两个名字而已,他们为国家效劳,也就是为耶鲁效劳了。 | Looking back today through the heritage of two centuries, these names are but added to the roll of those Who have served Yale because they have served their country | |
23 | 或许是为了弥补过去所不珍惜的,一些人已开始积极支持华族文化和艺术。他们也不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风景和认识丰富的文化遗产。 | As if to redeem themselves, some have become ardent supporters of Chinese art and culture. They also visit China regularly in order to imbibe its splendors and rich heritage . | |
24 | 开罗诸多的博物馆展示着它悠久的历史和丰富的文化遗产。 | cairo’s long history and rich heritage are revealed in its many museums | |
25 | 拉斯穆森,努德·约翰·维克托1879-1933丹麦种族学家和北极考察者,曾对爱斯基摩文化和传统作过认真研究 | Danish ethnologist and Arctic explorer who conducted extensive research on Eskimo culture and heritage . | |
26 | 来自这些产地羊毛的质量取决于羊的饲养条件和品种。 | The quality of wool from these sources depends upon the conditions and heritage of the sheep. | |
27 | 李斯特是最典型的浪漫主义音乐家(音乐精品回顾) | Liszt was the quintessential romantic(Musical Heritage Review) | |
28 | 里斯本国际展览会:“海洋:未来的遗产” | Lisbon International Exposition: "The Oceans: A Heritage for the Future" | |
29 | 联合利华理解这些新的期望。我们拥有的良好管理制度、产品质量和长期与社会交往的经验是我们的宝贵财产,给我们提供坚实的基础。 | Unilever embraces these new expectations. Our heritage of good governance, product quality and long experience of working with communities gives us a strong base. | |
30 | 毛泽东先生一生对二十四史做过许多评点和批注,为认识中国的历史和吸取历史经验,留下了丰富的思想遗产。 | In his life time, Mr. Mao Zedong made numerous commentaries and annotations on the Twenty-Four Histories, thus leaving us with a rich heritage for the benefit of understanding and drawing useful lessons form China’s history |