1 | 每个族群都对新加坡的福祉作出各自的贡献,与此同时却没有失去新加坡华人、新加坡马来人、新加坡印度人或新加坡欧亚裔的文化和知识遗产。 | Each of these communities makes its own contributions to the well-being of Singapore without losing its respective cultural and intellectual heritage as Singaporean Chinese, Singaporean Malays, Singaporean Indians or Singaporean Eurasians. | |
2 | 美国的基督教传统也影响了美国人对法律的看法 | America’s Christian heritage has also shaped how people view the law | |
3 | 美国的运动代表着从事这些运动的人的国际遗产。 | Sports in America represent the international heritage of the people who play | |
4 | 名为"黑熊搏斗"的民间舞蹈,正是原始图腾崇拜活动的遗迹。 | The folk dance named "Black Bears Fighting" is just the heritage of primitive totem worship activities. | |
5 | 莫高窟的壁画,显示出各个时代的不同风格,是一份巨大的古典艺术遗产。 | In the murals which form a rich heritage of classical Chinese art can be detected the peculiar styles of different ages | |
6 | 内容是歌颂舜帝能继承并发扬光大尧的功德 | The dance was to praise the achievements of Emperor Shun in carrying on and developing the heritage of Emperor Yao. | |
7 | 您们举办这样一个展览,将会大大有助于增进人们对这方面的了解。而且,这样的展览在伯明翰市举办十分相宜,因为,伯明翰市自身的工业与科学遗产毋庸我来强调。 | An Exhibition such as yours is a great contribution to this growth of understanding and it is very fitting that it should take place in birmingham, a city whose industrial and scientific heritage needs no emphasis from me | |
8 | 其他国家按照自己的需求,用自己的方式记录过去。中国人更将其发扬光大,记录族谱成了一门艺术,难以复制。 | While other countries have their own methods of recording their heritage to suit their own requirements, the Chinese have developed theirs into a fine art, with characteristics and flavours that would be difficult to duplicate. | |
9 | 前贤给我们留下了丰富的文化遗产。 | The former worthies have left us a rich cultural heritage . | |
10 | 切尼的冷静“遗传自祖上数代在牧场的骑马放牧”,他的办公室主任说,他认为这是源于副总统的西部传统。 | Cheney’s calm " comes from riding the range genetically for several generations," says his chief of staff, referring to the Vice President’s Western heritage | |
11 | 青年时期充满幻想,继之而来的是成年时期的失望;我们但愿老年时期所承袭的不绝望。--狄斯累利 | The disappointment of manhood succeeds to the delusion of youth; let us hope that the heritage of old age is not despair.-- Benjamin Franklin | |
12 | 青铜器中,如酒器、饪食器、乐器、水器和兵器,是中华民族文化遗产中的珍品,为各国人民所崇仰 | Brown ware, including wine vessels , food vessels, musical instruments, water vessels and weapons, is fine treasure of the Chinese cultural heritage highly respected in the world | |
13 | 区域市政局文化博物馆发展督导委员会 | Steering Committee on Development of the Regional Council Heritage Museum | |
14 | 如果我们下定决心,新加坡作为一个家庭观念根深蒂固的年轻国家,大可以成为一个关心文化遗产的国度。 | As a young nation where the family concept is deeply ingrained, Singapore is well placed to be a heritage -conscious country if we set our minds to it. | |
15 | 收留文物,那是国家文物局的工作 | acquisition of artefacts is the task of the National Heritage Board | |
16 | 数次大火之后,卑尔根仍然保持了中世纪港口和商业中心的原来面貌。联合国教科文组织把它列入了世界文化遗产名录予以保护。 | Despite several fires, the area maintains the atmosphere of the "old port" and Commercial City from the Middle Ages. UNESCO recently declared it a World Heritage Site and included it in the list of monuments that are to be preserved. | |
17 | 苏格兰高地游戏是苏格兰文化遗产的一部分。 | The highland game is part of Scotland ’s cultural heritage . | |
18 | 所有的文化遗产都应当批判地继承。 | All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way | |
19 | 他出生在一个贫困家庭。 | Poverty was his heritage . | |
20 | 他的外祖母细述了作为亚伯拉罕林肯的亲属他们的遗产和对少数民族公平友好的这一传统。 | His grandmother recited their heritage as relatives of Abraham Lincoln and the legacy of being fair and helpful to minorities | |
21 | 他们能在这儿找到既富有民族文化传统,又吸收国际流行色调的五大类地毯 | They can find here 5 categories of carpet that are not only imbued with national cultural heritage , but also have internationally fashionable colors incorporated into them. | |
22 | 他们为我国悠久的传统感到自豪--他们不愿目睹或听任我国一向保证的、今天仍在国内外作出保证的人权渐趋毁灭。 | They are proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling to witness, or permit, the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world | |
23 | 他们也不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风景和认识丰富的文化遗产。 | They also visit China regularly in order to imbibe its splendors and rich heritage | |
24 | 他们知道自己对于这些文化道德遗产所知甚少。每当在工作中遇到困难时,他们倾向于倾听他们国家伟大的思想家所给予的建议。 | They are aware that they know little about their culture’s ethical heritage , but as they encounter dilemmas at work, are enticed to listen to the advice of their country’ s great thinkers | |
25 | 他期望文化委员会能带领香港更上一层楼。 | The Culture and Heritage Commission, he expected, would help Hong Kong attain even higher excellence in arts and culture. | |
26 | 他认为香港应加深了解中国文化,同时吸收西方文化。 | Therefore, the Chief Executive advocated that Hong Kong should strive for a better understanding of the Chinese heritage while drawing upon the Western culture. | |
27 | 晚晴园可歌可泣的往事,是新加坡与中国共同拥有的历史遗产,是两国人民共同的记忆。 | The touching history of the villa is also the shared heritage of Singapore and China and the shared memory of the two peoples. | |
28 | 文物是我国的历史文化遗产,对珍贵的文物应一律禁止出口。 | Chinese cultural relics are our historical cultural heritage . The export of rare, precious cultural relics shall, without exception, be prohibited. | |
29 | 我对每个事实和例证并不学究式地强调其出自何处。 | I have not punctuated every fact or example with its academic heritage | |
30 | 我们必须注意保护自己的民族遗产。 | We must take care to preserve our national heritage . |