1 | 在千千万万土耳其妇女白天用面纱遮住自己的面部,在自己丈夫面前从不解衣的时候,坦苏从小就不屈从于这些风俗习惯。 | While hundreds of thousands of Turkish women keep their faces hidden behind veils during the day and never undress in front of their husbands, Tansu refused from an early age to submit to these customs | |
2 | 在他的温和仪表,他的老成练达,他的生活阅历下,都隐藏着他的自私自利,就象在遍地鲜花中隐藏着一条毒蛇。 | Under his good-nature, his facility, his knowledge of life, his egotism lay hidden like a serpent in a bank of flowers | |
3 | 找到埋藏的财宝 | Uncover the hidden riches | |
4 | 哲学家们总是不断提醒我们,我们是经验的主动构造者,根据特定的预设使其具有意义。那样的预设是隐藏不露的,其大部分不出现在意识之内,如同水下的巨大冰山。 | Philosophers are constantly reminding us that we are the active shapers of experience, investing it with meaning from a hidden fund of presuppositions, mostly submerged beneath consciousness like the great mass of an iceberg beneath the water | |
5 | 这辆长车现在藏在紧挨着“自由之友”第二个隐蔽所的一间上了锁的私人车库里。 | The truck was now hidden in a locked, private garage adjoining a second "Friends of Freedom" hideaway | |
6 | 这时,在拉费德银行一扇拱形小窗口后面,躲着一个人。 | A man was hidden in Lafitte’s banking-house, behind one of the little arched windows which are placed above each desk | |
7 | 这条小港湾,静寂无声,树木环绕,简直是个世外桃源。 | The creek, still and soundless, is closed in by trees, hidden from the eyes of men | |
8 | 这种巷,常在江南的小城市中,有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺,轻易不肯抛头露面。 | Often tucked away in a small town south of the Yangtse River, the lane, like a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make its appearance in public | |
9 | 证人席被记录员的桌子遮着了,并且,我们刚才说过,厅里的灯光是暗淡的。 | the seat of the witnesses was hidden from him by the clerk’s table, and then, as we have just said, the hall was sparely lighted | |
10 | 作品是要被所有人理解的,而不是带着故意不让人知晓或隐藏的动机写成的 | Writings meant to be understood . . . By all, composed without deliberate obscurity or hidden motives |