属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-不是不讲理 Uncommonly unreasonab
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-餐饮业 The restaurant business
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-听君一席话 胜读十年书
1 | 这个例子突出体现了在线翻译的一些缺陷。 | This story highlights some of the pitfalls of translating online | |
2 | 这个例子突出体现了在线翻译的一些缺陷。互联网上有很多即时翻译工具,但是它们最擅长翻译的是个别单词和短语,而不是宣传册、书籍或任何复杂的资料。 | This story highlights some of the pitfalls of translating online. There are many instant translation tools on the web-but they are best used for individual words and short phrases, rather than for brochures, books or anything complex. | |
3 | 这是比赛中最精彩的项目之一。 | It is one of the highlights of the match. | |
4 | 这些研究的主要目的和重点是什么? | What is the main purpose and highlights of this? | |
5 | 这一进展充分说明有效的技术磋商对保障澳大利亚产品进入海外市场的重要意义。 | This achievement highlights the value of effective technical negotiations to secure access to overseas riaarkets for Australian products. | |
6 | 这种"走婚"行为形成了母系族大象家族的特点。 | It is this male-leaving behavior that highlights the matriarch elephant family | |
7 | 这种发型,新潮新派;男士风度,尽在其中。 | This hairstyle of the latest fashion highlights the Best gentlemanly demeanor. | |
8 | 中国的佛教是通过与另一种文化的相遇而生成这个事实,更加证明了它与国际经济伦理的相关性。 | The fact that Buddhism in China came from an encounter with another civilization highlights its relevance to international business ethics. | |
9 | 中间色调:在光部和暗部间的色调范围。在半色调图片内,它是30%至75%网点的部份。在原稿上,它的密度范围是0.5至1.0。 | Middle tones (Mid tones): Tonal ranges between highlights and shadows. In a half-tone, it is those areas having tonal value of 30%-75% .In an original, it is those areas having density of 0.5-1.0. | |
10 | 总结经验突出重点又好又快地推进“十一五”“长治”工程建设 | Summing up Experience, Stressing on Highlights and Pushing on "the Yangtze River Management Project" in "11th Five-Year Plan" Period | |
11 | 足球比赛精彩场景的自动分析与提取 | Automatic Analysis and Extraction of Soccer Highlights | |
12 | ||1:布罗德先生的文章开门见山,直击主题。文章正文共165页,12页的附录中列举了他的“事业亮点”,文章并不华丽,平淡地讲述了他的生活教训,但这些都只是他传达自我的冰山一角。||2:杰克·韦尔奇在他的《杰克·韦尔奇自传》(2001)中洋洋洒洒写了几百页,同样理查德·布兰森不遗余力事无巨细地讲述了他《轻松玩商业》的故事,但布罗德的书却简洁明了,正如他在日常生活中喜欢一切从简那样。||3:(正如他在“如何在满负荷工作中睡够8小时”这一章中说明的:“不论是聚会、博物馆还是会议,我在一个地方从不会停留3小时以上。”) | ||1: Mr Broad’s straight-to-the-point narrative—165 pages of text with a 12-page appendix of his “career highlights ” and just the minimum colour necessary to illustrate the important lessons that life has taught him—is part of what he is trying to convey about himself. ||2: Where, say, Jack Welch spews out hundreds of pages in “Jack: Straight From the Gut” (2001) and Richard Branson spares no detail as he explains how he has spent his life trying to “Screw Business As Usual” (2011), Mr Broad has delivered a book that is as brief as he likes to keep everything else in life ||3: (“I never stay anywhere—parties, museums, meetings—longer than three hours,” he explains in a chapter entitled “How to Work 24/7 and Still Get 8 Hours of Sleep”). | |
13 | ||1:然而,事态的转变痛苦的不只是“蚂蚁”,这反映的是中国监管机构的糟糕表现。||2:IPOS很少会在如此晚的阶段停止。||3:该交易在上海获得了800多倍的超额认购,而在香港,该公司上周提前一天收市。||4:公司计划在上海的星空市场上市,目的是吸引已在海外上市的中国科技企业回国。||5:相反,蚂蚁金服在最后一刻暂缓上市,突显出中国政治体系的不透明以及即便是最成功的企业也可能遭遇的风险。 | ||1: Yet the turn of events is not just painful for Ant. It reflects poorly on China’s regulators. ||2: IPOS are rarely stopped at such a late stage. ||3: The deal was more than 800 times oversubscribed in Shanghai, and in Hong Kong last week the firm closed its book a day early. ||4: It was set to float in Shanghai on the star Market, China’s answer to Nasdaq, designed to lure home Chinese tech groups that have listed abroad. ||5: Instead, the last-minute halt of Ant’s listing highlights the opacity of the Chinese political system and the risks that can trip up even its most successful companies. | |
14 | ||1:人们回想过去的时候,总觉得成功本来是十拿九稳的,而在追求成功时,它却虚无缥缈。||2:当初谁能想到一碗面条再加一张公共餐桌的就餐方式会受全球追捧?成功的奥秘多不胜数,而兰德尔则强调了那些顶级餐厅经营者所具备的一些共同特质。||3:干劲和胆量至关紧要。||4:处理事情有幽默感,而且还要有分寸。||5:过失总是难免的,但笑容,道歉和一种大方的姿态通常能将问题化解。||6:若招呼得当,不满意的顾客也能变成终身的忠实拥趸。 | ||1:Success always seems as inevitable in retrospect as it is elusive when sought.||2:Who would have foreseen that noodle bars with communal tables (Wagamama) would be a worldwide hit? Amid such mysteries Mr Lander highlights qualities that almost all successful restaurateurs share.||3:Energy and a thick skin are vital.||4:So are humour and a sense of proportion.||5:Mistakes are inevitable but almost all can be put right with a smile, an apology and a generous gesture.||6:Treated right, the unhappy customer becomes a lifelong fan. | |
15 | ||1:特里爵士反复强调建立从底层员工到CEO团队的升迁渠道。||2:2011年,也就是他离开乐购的那年,8名执行董事中,有5人的职业生涯始于乐购。||3:但这并不意味这是一个逃离基层的方式:他要求所有的管理者(包括他自己),每年至少有一周在当地的店面中参与基层工作。||4:他还一直强调顾客们的“对更好生活的小小希冀”。||5:在杂货上的花费下降了1/3在1975年到2007年之间。||6:同一期间内,商品的种类增加了十倍以上。||7:同时英国的饮食习惯也发生了翻天覆地的而变化。||8:特里爵士加入乐购之初,顾客们花费在果蔬上的钱和在黄油上的一样多。||9:而如今,出售的果蔬却是黄油的40倍之多。 | ||1: Sir Terry repeatedly emphasises the importance of building a ladder of mobility from the shop floor to the CEO’s suite. ||2: Of the eight executive directors on the board in 2011, the year he left Tesco, five had started their careers with the company. ||3: But that does not mean a ladder of escape: he required all managers (including himself) to spend at least a week a year as dogsbodies in local stores. ||4: He also often highlights his customers’ “simple wish for a better life”. ||5: The cost of groceries fell by a third in real terms between 1975 and 2007. ||6: The range of products available increased more than tenfold over the same period. ||7: And the British diet improved beyond recognition. ||8: When Sir Terry joined Tesco, customers spent as much on butter as on fruit and vegetables. ||9: Now fruit and vegetables outsell butter by a factor of 40 to one. | |
16 | ||1:沃尔克未受到华尔街影响,毕其大半精力与之斡旋, 这或许是他最杰出的功绩。||2:希尔伯强调了沃尔克对金融改革所做的贡献,却未提及他更为尖锐的箴言——即当代唯一有用的金融创新就是自动提款机。||3:对华尔街如此口出恶言,加之其与现任总统的关系,沃尔克即便有过多么光荣的反通胀传奇也无法成为保守主义运动中的伟人了吧。 | ||1:Perhaps the most remarkable fact about Mr Volcker is that he has spent much of his career dealing with Wall Street without being captured by its influence.||2:Mr Silber highlights his subject’s commitment to financial reform, but fails to mention one of his more pointed bon mots—that the only useful modern financial innovation has been the automated teller machine.||3:Such robust cynicism about Wall Street, along with his links to the current president, may explain why Mr Volcker is not a hero of the conservative movement, despite his anti-inflationary credentials. | |
17 | [NYT]iPhone供应链中国部分成本上升 | IPhone Supply Chain Highlights Rising Costs in China - NYTimescom Supply Chain for iPhone Highlights Costs in China | |
18 | “吃一堑,长一智”还带出了果断领导力的另一个方面:独立处事的勇气和能力。 | Learningfrom mistakes also highlights another important aspect of decisive leadership: courage and the ability to stand alone. | |
19 | 《龙妈笔记》强调了许多关于怀孕、抚养小孩和基因检测的内容。 | "Notes From a Dragon Mom" highlights many important aspects of raising a child, pregnancy and genetic testing. | |
20 | 《我是你的男人》(I’mYourMan)是他非同寻常的长久的职业生涯中亮点之一。 | I’m Your Man is one of the highlights in his remarkably long career. | |
21 | 《转角办公室》,一个新的星期日商业专栏,提供关于领导与管理的访问内容摘要。 | Corner Office, a new Sunday Business feature, offers highlights from conversations about leadership and management. | |
22 | AngelinaJolie迷们分析照片,寻找BradPitt的身影、欣赏Jolie新染的金发、探究她当时穿的是些什么服装的线索。 | Her fans analyzed the photos, looking for the presence of Brad Pitt, at her new blond highlights and for clues to what she was wearing. | |
23 | ezetimibe数据资料的不足暴露了药品审批制度的一个方面,即使是精明的病人可能都弄不明白。 | The lack of data about ezetimibe highlights an aspect of the drug approval system that even sophisticated patients may not understand. | |
24 | Howell的实践强调了计划的递归性。 | Howell’s exercise highlights the recursive nature of planning. | |
25 | l大脑知道哪些是我们觉得重要的信息,并对其进行重点记忆。 | The brain knows which pieces of information we consider important and highlights them for memory storage | |
26 | windows很Mac系统中,单你单击地址栏时会高亮显示所有文本。 | In Windows and Mac, Firefox highlights all text when you click onthe URL bar. In Linux, it does not select all the text. | |
27 | 报告着重介绍的证据是,约2.8万年前在非洲由于较干燥条件出现的一次重大变化。 | The report highlights evidence of a dramatic shift toward drier conditions in Africa about 2. 8 million years ago. | |
28 | 本地特色:11月到12月在金沙江漂流基地举行的攀枝花国际长江漂流节 | Local Highlights : Panzhihua International Yangtze River Rafting Festival at Jinshajiang River Rafting Base (Nov. -Dec. ) | |
29 | 比如,像Twitter中一样的趋势排行(trendinglist)突出了最近七日内下载量最多的应用。 | The Twitter-esque top "Trending" list, for example, highlights the most-downloaded apps over the past seven days. | |
30 | 不过,报告强调说,喝大量的水仍然是保持身体健康所必须的。 | However, the report highlights that drinking plenty of water is still essential to good health. |