属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-汤姆森路透 荧屏上的考验
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-没有事后诸葛亮 Without hindsight
1 | [美、口] 彻底打败; 消灭; 根除 | kick the hindsight off | |
2 | [美、口] 彻底打败; 消灭; 根除 | kick the hindsight out | |
3 | [美、口] 彻底打败; 消灭; 根除 | knock the hindsight off | |
4 | [美、口] 彻底打败; 消灭; 根除 | knock the hindsight out | |
5 | 唉,如果我们稍能借鉴于前车之覆,本来可以少吃多少苦头啊。 | Ah, what suffering a little hindsight would have saved us | |
6 | 毕竟,事后看问题的好处不可估量。 | After all, it has the inestimable advantage of hindsight | |
7 | 但是在这里发现一种自然的(不单单是超自然的)顺序性,并非仅仅事后聪明。 | But it is not hindsight alone that finds a natural, not solely a supernatural, sequentiality here | |
8 | 去除后见之明偏误:列举理由程序的应用 | Debiasing Hindsight Bias: An Application of the Reason-Generation Procedure | |
9 | 然而,后知总是比先见容易。 | However, hindsight is easier than foresight | |
10 | 事后来看,如果银行职员当初问了正确的问题,有些行为模式是很容易发现的。 | With the wisdom of hindsight , it is easy to see patterns of behaviour that could have been spotted if staff had been asking the right questions | |
11 | 事后来认识,我们能看到在几何的基础上,新的“数”必须包含四个分量。 | With hindsight one can see on geometric grounds that the new "numbers" had to contain four components | |
12 | 我当时表示反对,不过事后一想,这是切合实际的节约措施。 | I opposed this at that time, but with hindsight it was a sensible economy | |
13 | 我借助事后的认识才得以作出判断。 | I was able to attempt a judgment with the benefit of hindsight . | |
14 | 我借助事后的认识才得以做出判断。 | I am able to attempt a judgment with the benefit of hindsight . | |
15 | 我们失利了,事后一想,我终于明白了错在哪里. | We failed,and with(the benefit of)hindsight I now see where we went wrong. | |
16 | 我们失利了,事後一想,我终于明白了错在哪里 | We failed, and with (the benefit of)hindsight I now see where we went wrong | |
17 | 我事后才明白我完全冤枉了他。 | I now know with hindsight that I did him a terrible wrong | |
18 | 我事后才明白自己犯了一个错误。 | I now know with hindsight that I made a mistake. | |
19 | 现在回过头想想,当初要是把晚晴园拆掉,留下的将是千古遗憾! | On hindsight , if we had destroyed the villa, we would now live to regret it! | |
20 | 以知识重建观点来看后见之明 | A Knowledge Reconstruction View of Hindsight Bias | |
21 | 用今天的后见之明,可以说英国农业部未能及时对清楚地危及该国家畜养殖业与其关联的食品工业作出反应 | Today, with the wisdom of hindsight , it might be said that the ministry of agriculture in the United Kingdom failed to react in time to what was clearly a great risk to the livestock and related food industries of the country | |
22 | 在后来的研究中认识到,最重大的进展是Heesch作出的,他发展了一种排除法。 | In hindsight the most important advance was made by Heesch, who developed the method of discharging | |
23 | 这回就算事后孔明也没有令人满意的解释。 | This time even our hindsight is not perfect | |
24 | ||1:“除了选美皇后、百万富翁、可笑的记录和好莱坞,美国还有啥?”阿道夫?希特勒1940年这样问。||2:现在回头看,这几乎可以算二战期间人们提出的最愚蠢的问题了。||3:但当时情况看来并非如此。||4:正如赫尔曼在他的这本二战历史著作中告诉读者的那样,当希特勒嘲讽美国最瑰丽的光环时,美国经济刚刚经历了一次二次萧条(不是二次探底)。||5:但这个国家濒死的军工产业却依然能以浩瀚无匹的力量回应了弗兰克林?罗斯福总统对武器的召唤。 | ||1:“WHAT is America but beauty queens, millionaires, stupid records and Hollywood?” asked Adolf Hitler in 1940.||2:With hindsight , this ranks as just about the most foolish rhetorical question posed during the second world war.||3:But it did not seem so at the time.||4:As Arthur Herman shows in his wartime history, when Hitler mocked its prowess America had experienced not so much a double-dip as a double-dive depression.||5:Yet somehow the country’s moribund military-industrial complex was able to respond with great force to President Franklin Roosevelt’s call to arms. | |
25 | ||1:根据这个结果,Lyubomirsky博士开始着手自己的实验。||2:但是在调查世界价值观的时候还存在一些问题,因为受访者是被要求回忆他们当时的感受,而不是描述此时此刻正在经历的事,事后的觉悟可能会让他们把作为父母的责任想得更令人喜爱。||3:所以Lyubomirsky博士在北美选择了329位18至94岁的志愿者,并给他们配备了寻呼机,此外,记录原始数据还包括他们的性别、年龄、种族、社会地位、婚姻状况和子女的数目。||4:她告诉志愿者她会随机呼叫他们,每天5次,当他们被呼叫时,他们会被要求完成一份简短的回复表,这个表主要是关于他们当场感觉,但是她并没有告诉他们她为什么要问那些问题 | ||1: Armed with this result, Dr Lyubomirsky conducted her own experiment. ||2: The problem with projects like the World Values Survey is that, because participants are asked to recall their feelings rather than stating what they are experiencing in the here and now, this might lead them into thinking more fondly in hindsight about their parenting duties than they actually felt at the time. ||3: Dr Lyubomirsky therefore gave pagers to 329 North American volunteers aged between 18 and 94, having first recorded, among other things, their sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, marital status and number of children. ||4: She told them they would be paged at random, five times a day. When they were so paged, they were asked to complete a brief response sheet about how they felt, then and there. She did not, however, tell them why she was asking these questions. | |
26 | 不过有事后之名,因而选择逐渐升级Eikon会比较稳妥。 | With hindsight , a more gradual upgrade might have been more prudent. | |
27 | 它在收集数据时,要求参与者是回忆自己的感受,而不是叙述他们当下的经历,所以这就容易导致他们去深情地,美化地思考他们为人父母的责任,而不是他们当时真实的感受。 | because participants are asked to recall their feelings rather than stating what they are experiencing in the here and now, this might lead them into thinking more fondly in hindsight about their parenting duties than they actually felt at the time. | |
28 | 文艺;书评;在纳粹德国的美国人;没有事后诸葛亮; | Books and Arts; Book Review;Americans in Nazi Germany;Without hindsight ; | |
29 | “事后来看,这是一个战术性失误,因为它让我们变成了花旗的同类,”刘易斯表示。 | "In hindsight , it was a tactical mistake because it put us in the same category as Citigroup, " said Mr Lewis. | |
30 | “它们不全是骗子。”波顿表示,“我认为,事后来看,这将成为一个绝好的良机。” | "They’re not all frauds, " Mr Bolton said. "I think this will turn out in hindsight to be a fantastic opportunity. " |