1 | Geithner无奈的说,美国最大的优势之一,就是任何人都可以事后诸葛亮的批评他的决定。 | One of America’s great strengths, so Mr Geithner dryly remarked, is that anyone can criticise his decisions with the benefit of hindsight . | |
2 | RSPCA表示,这一系列惨痛教训表明,在发现鲸搁浅时,最明智的办法是对它尽快实施安乐死。 | The RSPCA said, with the benefit of hindsight , it may have been better to put the whale down as soon as it was discovered. | |
3 | 查理。威尔森认为那是愚蠢的想法,那是马后炮的说法。 | Charlie Wilson thought that stupid, just hindsight talking. | |
4 | 出院在即,奥威尔收到了出版商的催稿信。事实上,这等于又往他的棺材上钉了颗钉子。 | As he prepared to leave hospital Orwell received the letter from his publisher which, in hindsight , would be another nail in his coffin. | |
5 | 从马后炮的角度来说,EJB2.0不是解决这些问题的正确方法。 | With the perspective of hindsight , EJB 2. 0 is not the correct way to solve these problems. | |
6 | 从事后诸葛亮的角度来看,他犯了一个错误,但是为什么不提其他几百件赫卡比先生也同样显示慈悲的案子呢? | With hindsight , he made a mistake, but what of the hundreds of other cases where he showed mercy? | |
7 | 从收藏者的角度来说,原来宣称的文物的古老出处事后来看可能非常可疑。 | On the collectors’ side, the old provenances once claimed for the items can look implausible in hindsight . | |
8 | 但仅仅6个月之后,eBay就发布了弱于预期的业绩预期,现在看到,那标志着eBay强劲增长阶段的结束。 | Just six months later the company issued a weaker-than-expected forecast that in hindsight was the end of its red-hot growth phase. | |
9 | 但事后看来,他认识到,经过上世纪90年代在整个美国的迅速扩张后,沃尔玛开始失去了方向。 | But with hindsight , he realises that Wal-Mart was losing direction after the dynamism of its rapid expansion across the US in the 1990s. | |
10 | 但事后可见,上网本的一个特点比其他的都更能吸引消费者:它们很便宜。 | In hindsight , however, networks had one characteristic that appealed to consumers more than any other: They were cheap. | |
11 | 但事后来看,鉴于会上讨论的话题的性质,我们不应该召开这次会议。 | But with hindsight we wouldn’t have had the meeting because of the nature of the topics under discussion. | |
12 | 当临界点出现时,我们可以借机表现后见之明,以前被忽视的风险会变得异常明显。 | When they happen they present the opportunity for hindsight and the risks that were previously ignored become glaringly apparent. | |
13 | 当你事后回头看时,那真是令人惊讶,AIG这4400亿美元的保险契约真是多么过分。 | When you look back with the benefit of hindsight , it is truly amazing how outsized A. I. G. ’s insurance commitment was, at $440 billion. | |
14 | 当然,事后再来这样说是很简单的,但是这样来处理问题有两方面的意义 | Sure, it’s easy to say that in hindsight , but the true value in this solution is two-fold | |
15 | 当然,以事后聪明的观点看,远东经济评论这个全名有过于傲慢之嫌。 | Certainly, with hindsight there is hubris in the Review’s full title. | |
16 | 当时,我还不知道自己在911恐怖袭击后患上了抑郁症,但事后看来,那时的症状很明显。 | I still wasn’t aware I suffered from depression following the events of Sept. 11, but the signs were clear with the benefit of hindsight . | |
17 | 第二,经济模型常常出于后见之明,修正先前估测的潜在产出规模。 | Second, economic models often revise historical estimates of potential output with the benefit of hindsight . | |
18 | 而依后见之明,中国的命运的转变可以被追溯到1976年——美国的两百周年建国纪念以及毛泽东的去世。 | With hindsight , its change in fortune can be traced to 1976, the year of America’s bicentennial and the death of Mao Zedong. | |
19 | 该报告也认为CRU可以在数据和程序逻辑的保存上做得更好,不过事后来说这种结论总是很容易的。 | It also noted that the CRU should have archived data and algorithms better, but that this was a conclusion more easily drawn in hindsight . | |
20 | 过去那些定价和杠杆率均过高(事后来看)的交易引起了人们极大的担忧。 | Concerns with past deals that were over-priced and over-leveraged (with the benefit of hindsight ) are very considerable. | |
21 | 后见仅仅是衡量如何在未来进行生活的一个工具,不是认识总体价值的衡量。 | Hindsight is only a tool measure how to go about life in the future, not a measure of how much life is worth generally. | |
22 | 后来我们发现,我们的团队结构也许是太具有杀伤力了,因为我们的工具仅仅是为了实现在第一阶段中的概念的验证的。 | In hindsight , our team structure may have been overkill, since we were only working toward a proof of concept in Phase 1. | |
23 | 换句话说,主要是因为事后的利益,委员会会说当经济从通货膨胀转向通货紧缩,就是那个拐点。 | In other words, with the benefit of hindsight , the committee says when the economy switches from expansion to contraction. | |
24 | 回过头看,最糟糕贷款的特点十分明显。 | The hallmarks of the worst loans are obvious in hindsight . | |
25 | 回过头来,以一种过来人的心态来看,这种想法简直荒唐透顶,但当时我就沉浸在那种思维定式中不可自拔。 | It’s outrageously silly with the benefit of hindsight and the wisdom of experience, but at the time the mindset consumed me. | |
26 | 回过头来看这是一个转折点,因为它把一种新的商业模式引入新闻行业。 | In hindsight this was a turning point because it introduced a new business model to the industry. | |
27 | 回头看来,欧洲央行今年七月份提高利率的决定似乎是一个不幸的错误。 | WITH hindsight , the European Central Bank’s decision to raise interest rates in July looks unfortunate. | |
28 | 汇丰主席说:“后知后觉,我们希望当初没有进行这桩收购”。 | "With the benefit of hindsight , this is an acquisition we wish we had not undertaken, " the bank’s chairman said. | |
29 | 即使在当时这也是一个奇怪的举动,而事后看来则更加突兀。 | Even at the time it was a bizarre move, but with the advantage of hindsight it is even more peculiar. | |
30 | 集团主席葛霖(StephenGreen)在声明中称:“事后看来,我们真希望没有进行过那次收购。” | "With the benefit of hindsight , this is an acquisition we wish we had not undertaken, " chairman Stephen Green said in a statement. |