属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-宝石交易 南非最有影响力的矿业家族
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-棉花出口 印度颁布棉花禁令
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-钱多了该怎么花 苹果大赚
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-棉花出口 两不讨好
1 | 囤积稀缺商品 | speculative hoarding of scarce supplies | |
2 | 建筑房屋时的临时围墙. | a hoarding when building is going on | |
3 | 解析劳动储藏与劳动报酬短期递增的关系 | Labor Hoarding , Dynamic Adjustment and Returns to Labor | |
4 | 老妇人在这套公寓里住了30年,她又是个名副其实的收藏家。 | She had lived in the flat for thirty years and was a veritable magpie at hoarding | |
5 | 历史文物,奇货可居。 | Historical relic--a rare commodity worth hoarding . | |
6 | 凉水自然保护区松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)贮食生境选择 | Hoarding Habitat Selection of Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris)in Liangshui Nature Reserve | |
7 | 凉水自然保护区松鼠与星鸦对红松种子分散贮藏的特征分析 | The Hoarding Site Character of Sciurus vulgaris and Nucifraga caryocatactes in Liangshui Nature Reserve | |
8 | 损毁党的海报,还有贮藏公告。 | to deface Party posters and hoarding announcements | |
9 | 他在饥荒期间囤积大米发了不义之财。 | He got rich by hoarding up rice in time of famine | |
10 | 严重的储藏问题和垄断问题可能纯粹地来自补偿的个人所有权,威胁着处于经济停滞的非达标地区。 | Serious problems of hoarding or monopolization arguably could arise from purely private ownership of the offsets, threatening nonattainment areas with economic stagnation | |
11 | 由于贮藏而不起作用的资本 | Capital sterilized by hoarding | |
12 | 在大型企业中遇到另一个困难,就是直接领导常常抓住有资格晋升的人员不放。 | Another difficulty encountered in large enterprises is the hoarding of promotable persons by their immediate superiors | |
13 | 在荒时期屯积(食物)的人受到了惩罚 | People found hoarding (food)during the famine were punished | |
14 | 在饥荒时期屯积(食物)的人受到了惩罚. | People found hoarding (food)during the famine were punished. | |
15 | 张贴广告的广告牌. | a hoarding for posting advertisements | |
16 | 这件古董奇货可居。 | This antique is a rare commodity worth hoarding against a later higher price. | |
17 | 这枚传世珍邮奇货可居。 | This rare stamp handed down from quite a few generations (ancient times)is worth hoarding . | |
18 | 这使温斯顿模糊地想起很久很久以前在墙上或者广告牌上看到过的什么东西--用电灯泡组成的一只大酒瓶,瓶口能上下移动,把瓶里的酒倒到杯子里。 | It aroused in Winston dim memories of something seen long ago on a wall or a hoarding --a vast bottle composed of electric lights which seemed to move up and down and pour its contents into a glass | |
19 | ||1:1929年,欧内斯特爵士成为德比尔斯主席。||2:自此之后,海默家族一直经营着德比尔斯,并通过控制库存量来调控钻石价格。||3:与此同时,海默家族为一些南非的自由事业提供资助,在政界也有一定的影响。另外,欧内斯特和儿子哈利也曾为南非议会服务:欧内斯特在14年里为二战提供支持,哈利也是种族主义的支持者。 | ||1:Since 1929, when Sir Ernest (knighted for war services in 1921) took over as chairman, the Oppenheimers have led De Beers almost without interruption, massaging the price of diamonds by hoarding them and occasionally selling part of the firm’s stockpile.||2:The family has wielded political influence, too, mostly bankrolling liberal causes.||3:Both Ernest and his son Harry served in South Africa’s parliament: Ernest for 14 years in the run-up to the second world war, and Harry for nine years as a member of the anti-apartheid opposition. | |
20 | 1929年,欧内斯特爵士成为德比尔斯主席。自此之后,海默家族一直经营着德比尔斯,并通过控制库存量来调控钻石价格。 | Since 1929, when Sir Ernest (knighted for war services in 1921) took over as chairman, the Oppenheimers have led De Beers almost without interruption, massaging the price of diamonds by hoarding them and occasionally selling part of the firm’s stockpile. | |
21 | 害怕国内棉花因囤积居奇而价格飙升。 | It feared a spike in domestic cotton prices, followed by hoarding . | |
22 | 鉴于上世纪90年代中期时苹果差点破产,所以前任执行官乔布斯推崇囤积现金,以备意外。因此,返现金给股东这个方法,很明显与这位备受尊敬的创始人的理念大相径庭。 | This is a surprisingly sensitive subject. Mr Jobs was obsessed with hoarding cash, not least because of Apple’s near-bankruptcy in the mid-1990s. Returning money to shareholders would mark a big departure from the revered founder’s philosophy. | |
23 | 这主要是因为害怕囤积导致国内棉价暴涨。 | It feared a spike in domestic cotton prices, followed by hoarding . | |
24 | “我有许多客户以前一直在囤积黄金,现在他们正在卖出,因目前是卖出碎金的好时机。”Harris说。 | "A lot of my customers who have been hoarding up their gold are selling it because now it’s a good time to sell scrap gold, " Harris said. | |
25 | “隐私已经被那些在囤积这类信息方面有既得利益者当作借口,”海伍德说。 | "Privacy has been used as an excuse by those who have a vested interest in hoarding this information, " Heywood says. | |
26 | 标志之一是人们大量囤积空房,希望房价能上涨,但还有其它一些迹象。 | Hoarding empty flats in the hope of price rises is one indicator, but there are others. | |
27 | 长沙城市森林建设树种大树移栽圃地囤积调查及思考 | An investigation of nursery hoarding of transplanted large trees for urban forest in Changsha City and its related concerns | |
28 | 此举是全国范围内打击房地产开发商囤积、闲置土地的整个行动的一部分。 | is part of a broader nationwide crackdown on land-hoarding and land left idle by property developers. | |
29 | 大批半饥饿和心怀报复的城镇居民来到乡村,从农民手中抢夺粮食,后者则被指控为囤积居奇。 | Large mobs of half-starved and vindictive townsmen descended on villages to seize food from farmers accused of hoarding . | |
30 | 但目前存货并没有特别的充足且鲜少有囤积的迹象。 | But inventories are not especially full just now and there are few signs of hoarding . |