1 | 第十九条 境外上市外资股股东遗失股票,申请补发的,可以依照境外上市外资股股东名册正本存放地的法律、证券交易场所规则或者其他有关规定处理。 | Article 19 If a holder of foreign capital stocks lost his or her shares and applies for re-issue, the cases may be handled according to the law where the list of the foreign capital stock holders is kept, the rules of the stock exchange and other relevant regulations. | |
2 | 第十九条获得临时出口许可的经营者在申领许可证时,应当如实填写《许可证申请表》,并加盖单位印章。 | Article 19. Holders of temporary export licenses shall, at the time of applying for licenses, fill in the Application Form for Licenses according to the facts and stamp on the forms the official seal. | |
3 | 第十六条 持标有 D 、 Z 、 X 、 J-1 字签证的外国人,必须自入境之日起3 0 日内到居住地市、县公安局办理外国人居留证或者外国人临时居留证。上述居留证件的有效期限为准许持证人在中国居留的期限。 | Article 16 Aliens holding visas D, Z, X, or J-1 shall, within 30 days of entry into China, obtain aliens’ residence cards or aliens’ temporary residence cards from the city or county public security bureau at the place of their residence. The period of validity of the aforementioned certificates is the duration of the holders ’ permitted stay in China. | |
4 | 第十六条 依法持有境外上市外资股、其姓名或者名称登记在公司的股东名册上的境外投资人,为公司的境外上市外资股股东。 | Article 16 The names of investors abroad holding foreign capital stocks listed abroad and registered in the list of shareholders of a company shall be the foreign capital stock holders abroad of the company. | |
5 | 第十七条纺织品临时出口许可证持有者,如在有效期内未使用量超过申请量 20% 且未按期上交的,商务部将在下一年度分配中按比例相应扣减其数量。 | Article 17. In cases where holders of temporary export licenses of textiles use less than 20% of the total quantity of licenses applied for within the validity period of the licenses and fail to submit them as requested, the MOFCOM shall deduct the quantity applied for by the holders for the next year in proportion. | |
6 | 第四条 本条例所称对软件的保护,是指软件的著作权人或者其受让者享有本条例规定的软件著作权的各项权利。 | Article4. The provision of protection to computer software, as referred to in these regulations, refers to (the fact that)that computer software copyright holders or transferees enjoy all the rights of copyright stipulated in these regulations. | |
7 | 对议付信用证--保兑行应根据受益人依照信用证出具的汇票及;或提交的单据,对出票人及;或善意持票人予以议付,不得追索。 | If the Credit provides for negotiation-the Confirming bank should negotiate without recourse to drawers and/or bonafide holders , Draft(s)drawn by the beneficiary and/or document(s)presented under the Credit. | |
8 | 对议付信用证--开证行应根据受益人依照信用证出具的汇票及;或提交的单据向出票人及;或善意持票人履行付款,不得追索。 | If the Credit provides for negotiation-the Issuing bank should pay without recourse to drawers and/or bona fide holders , Draft(s)drawn by the beneficiary and/or document(s)presented under the Credit. | |
9 | 对于手持胜券的人来说,这是多好的运气啊! | What a bonanza for the winning ticket holders ! | |
10 | 而一旦我们屈服于这样的压力,不只是持有美国债权的外国人遭殃,连带的我们也会受到影响。 | If we do succumb to that pressure, it won’t be just the foreign holders of our claim checks who will suffer. It will be all of us as well. | |
11 | 而在这些挂名的官吏,部长和国王之上,却还有上帝派的人,上帝不是派他们来充填位子的,而是让他们来执行任务的,但他们却逃过了您那狭隘的目光。 | and that the men whom God has put above those office-holders , ministers, and kings, by giving them a mission to follow out, instead of a post to fill--I say that they escape your narrow, limited field of observation | |
12 | 纺织品临时出口许可证持有者,在有效期内未出口的,可以到原发证机构办理延期手续,最长延期不超过 3 个月,需延期、更改的,重新换发新证。 | Holders of temporary export licenses of textiles may go to the original issuing bodies to handle the extension formalities in cases where they fail to export within the validity period, the longest extension given being no longer than 3 months. In the case of extension or changes being made to licenses, new licenses will be issued. | |
13 | 分隔饰盘餐桌中央用以放鲜花、水果、糕点的有许多分隔的饰盘 | A large table centerpiece consisting of a frame with extended arms or branches supporting holders ,as for flowers,fruit,or sweetmeats. | |
14 | 公司应当将境外代理机构制作的境外上市外资股股东名册的副本备置于公司的住所。 | The company shall keep the copy of the list of foreign capital stock holders made by the foreign agency at the residence of the company. | |
15 | 公司应该有权处理其资产、财产或其信托的任何部分,或将该财产或资产转让给其他任何公司,无论是否是为了保护公司的资产;在公司利益转让方面,公司董事可以规定:公司、公司债权人、成员或任何对公司持有直接或间接利益的任何人,可以是任何其他类似利益的受益人、债权人、成员、证书持有人、合伙或持有人。 | The Company shall have all powers to settle its assets or property or any part thereof in trust or transfer the same to any other Company whether for the protection of its assets or not and with respect to the transfer the Director may provide that the Company, its creditors, its members or any person having a direct or indirect interest in the Company as any of them may be the beneficiaries, creditors, members, certificate holders , partners or holders of any other similar interest. | |
16 | 股票市场在各国也得到了迅速发展,部分原因是股票使其持有人有权获得以本国货币偿付的股息。 | Stock markets also proliferated in different countries, in part because shares entitle their holders to repayment in local | |
17 | 海泡石(天然或凝聚的),已加工,及海泡石制品(不包括烟斗和雪茄与烟嘴的部件) | meerschaum (natural or agglomerated),worked,and articles thereof (excl. pipe bowls and parts of cigar and cigarette holders ) | |
18 | 琥珀是化石化了的树液或树脂。艺术家们把琥珀雕刻成动物、胸饰针、戒指、项链、手镯和烟嘴。 | The ambers are fossilized tree sap or resin. craftsmen carve them into animal figures, brooches, rings, necklaces, bracelets and cigarette holders . | |
19 | 货物的经管者需对搬运过程中原材料、对象及产品的安全和处理负责。他们须按照有关的搬运工作指导,小心及合理地搬运原材料、物件及产品。 | The holders of goods are responsible for safe and secure handling of materials, items and products. They have to perform the handling of all materials, items and products in a careful and reasonable manner, and to follow any special instructions regarding the handling as indicated. | |
20 | 金属焊接结构湿式气柜施工及验收规范 | Code for construction and acceptance of metallic welded wet-type gas holders | |
21 | 境外上市外资股的权益拥有人可以依照境外上市外资股股东名册正本存放地或者境外上市地的法律规定,将其股份登记在股份的名义持有人名下。 | Owners of the rights and interests of foreign capital stocks listed abroad may registered their shares under the names of nominal shareholders according to the provisions of the laws of the place where the list of foreign capital stock holders is kept or the place where the stocks are listed. | |
22 | 境外上市外资股股东名册为证明境外上市外资股股东持有公司股份的充分证据;但是有相反证据的除外。 | The list of foreign capital stock holders is the full evidence testifying the holding of the company’s foreign capital stocks, except otherwise testified by opposite evidence. | |
23 | 利物浦是目前的冠军. | Liverpool are the current title-holders . | |
24 | 其他主要股东承诺投票保护自身利益时应确保风险资本家在董事会的代表性的限制 | A commitment from other major equity-holders to vote their interests in a manner to ensure board representation for the venture capitalist | |
25 | 其用途十分广泛,从雪茄烟烟柄和寺庙中僧人手中的念珠到收音机的外壳、配电盘盖和电话机的机壳。 | It became the stuff of everything from cigar holders and rosary beads to radio housings, dis-tributor caps and telephone casings | |
26 | 如付款人承兑多过一部分,而此等承兑部分转到不同适时执票人之手,则该付款人须对每一此等部分负责,一如其为独立汇票无异。 | If the drawee accepts more than one part and such accepted parts get into the hands of different holders in due course, he is liable on every such part as if it were a separate bill. | |
27 | 如果授权资本在任何时候被分为不同等级或系列的股票,则无论公司是否正在结业,对与任何级别或系列股票相联系的权利进行的变动,需经该级别或系列股票不少于四分之三已发行股票持有人书面同意和任何受有关变动影响的任何其它级别或系列股票不少于已发行股票四分之三的股东书面同意。 | If at any time the authorized capital is divided into different classes or series of shares, the rights attached to any class or series may, whether or not the Company is being wound up, be varied with the consent in writing of the holders of not less than three-fourths of the issued shares of that class or series and of the holders of not less than three-fourths of the issued shares of any other class or series of shares which may be affected by such variation. | |
28 | 如通知由执票人或其代表人发出,则此举亦为代表以后各执票人及以前各背书人所发出,而该等背书人系对接受通知之当事人有追偿之权利者 | where the notice is given by or on behalf of the holder, it ensures for the benefit of all subsequent holders and all prior indorsers who have a right of recourse against the party to whom it is given; | |
29 | 软件著作权人还应当按规定交纳登记费。 | Software copyright holders must pay a registration fee according to the rules. | |
30 | 受委托的境外代理机构应当随时保证境外上市外资股股东名册正本、副本的一致性。 | The entrusted foreign agency shall ensure the all-time identity of the original and copy of the list of foreign capital stock holders . |