1 | 如付款人承兑多过一部分,而此等承兑部分转到不同适时执票人之手,则该付款人须对每一此等部分负责,一如其为独立汇票无异。 | If the drawee accepts more than one part and such accepted parts get into the hands of different holders in due course, he is liable on every such part as if it were a separate bill. | |
2 | 如果授权资本在任何时候被分为不同等级或系列的股票,则无论公司是否正在结业,对与任何级别或系列股票相联系的权利进行的变动,需经该级别或系列股票不少于四分之三已发行股票持有人书面同意和任何受有关变动影响的任何其它级别或系列股票不少于已发行股票四分之三的股东书面同意。 | If at any time the authorized capital is divided into different classes or series of shares, the rights attached to any class or series may, whether or not the Company is being wound up, be varied with the consent in writing of the holders of not less than three-fourths of the issued shares of that class or series and of the holders of not less than three-fourths of the issued shares of any other class or series of shares which may be affected by such variation. | |
3 | 如通知由执票人或其代表人发出,则此举亦为代表以后各执票人及以前各背书人所发出,而该等背书人系对接受通知之当事人有追偿之权利者 | where the notice is given by or on behalf of the holder, it ensures for the benefit of all subsequent holders and all prior indorsers who have a right of recourse against the party to whom it is given; | |
4 | 软件著作权人还应当按规定交纳登记费。 | Software copyright holders must pay a registration fee according to the rules. | |
5 | 受委托的境外代理机构应当随时保证境外上市外资股股东名册正本、副本的一致性。 | The entrusted foreign agency shall ensure the all-time identity of the original and copy of the list of foreign capital stock holders . | |
6 | 授予已发行优先权或其它权利的任何级别股票持有人的权利,不得因股票进一步按比例发行或生成而受影响。 | The rights conferred upon the holders of the shares of any class issued with preferred or other rights shall not, be deemed to be varied by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith. | |
7 | 所以一旦牙膏皮上的涂料被烧掉后,被放在钢壶中的铅皮就会烧熔,直到变成液体。我们用妈妈的抓锅布垫着,将溶液从牛奶盒顶的小孔中小心地注入到牛奶盒中。 | So once the paint was burned off, the tubes were dropped in the small steel pot, melted until they became liquid, and with my mom’s pot holders we were pouring the lead through a small hole in the top of the milk cartons. | |
8 | 倘成套汇票之两部分或以上,流通转让至不同适时执票人,则首先享有所有权之执票人,在该等执票人之间,视为汇票之真正持有人 | Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to different holders in due course, the holder whose title first accrues is, as between such holders, deemed the true owner of the bill; | |
9 | 特别提款权唯一的附加条件是:只能与其它持有特别提款权的成员国作交易。 | The only condition attached to SDR’s is that they may only be used in transactions with other authorized holders of SDR’s. | |
10 | 停止使用的邮资凭证,由国务院邮政主管部门在停止使用前一个月公告并停止出售,持有人可以自公告之日起六个月内向邮政企业及其分支机构换取有效的邮资凭证。 | Postage certificates to be withdrawn from circulation shall be announced to the public, and sales will be stopped one month in advance by the competent department of postal services under the State Council. Holders of such postage certificates may exchange them for valid postage certificates at postal enterprises and their branch offices within six months from the date of the announcement. | |
11 | 同时车内还有前排双杯托、插卡槽等十余个储物空间,周详考虑、设计妥帖。 | In addition, the AVEO provides more than ten storage compartments including front double cup-holders and card pockets, revealing a comprehensive consideration of user needs and proper design.” | |
12 | 外汇管制限制了一种外币持有者想将其换成它种外币的权利,即造成了一种外币的不可兑换情况。 | Exchange control restricts the right of holders of a currency to exchange it for other currencies. It thereby renders a currency inconvertible. | |
13 | 为达此目的,筒子架上设有筒子插座,筒子插在插座上。 | To accomplish this purpose, creels are equipped with package holders on which the supply packages are placed | |
14 | 我行在此向汇票的出票人,背书人及合法持有人表示同意。 | We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts | |
15 | 无论你为他买多少参考书,或给他报名多少堂某某博士开的创意课程,都是没用的。 | No amount of reference books or lessons on creativity given by doctorate-holders will help them. | |
16 | 无限公司,无限责任公司 | joint-stock companies of (seven or more share-holders )with unlimited liability;company of unlimited liability;unlimited liability company;unlimited company | |
17 | 消费者可以向其要求赔偿,也可以向营业执照的持有人要求赔偿。 | The consumers may demand compensation from them or from the holders of the business licences. | |
18 | 协议双方应在FCAM股东大会的决议前,本着友好和相互信任的精神,就FCAM管理和业务有关的需讨论的所有问题,经常互相协商,取得一致意见,只要任何一方希望与对方协商的话。 | Both parties hereto shall, as often as either party hereto may desire, consult with each other seeking mutual agreement, in good faith and in mutual trust on all matters that either of the parties hereto may desire to so discuss relating to the conduct of the business of FCAM or management of FCAM, prior to discussion and decision at a meeting of the Board of Directors or a general meeting of theshare-holders of FCAM. | |
19 | 信用卡能使持卡人通过赊账的形式购买商品,得到服务。信用卡由零售商店、银行和信用卡公司发放给经过批准的客户 | Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit. They are issued by retail stores, Banks, credit card companies to approved clients | |
20 | 学位评定委员会负责审查通过学士学位获得者的名单;负责对学位论文答辩委员会报请授予硕士学位或博士学位的决议,作出是否批准的决定。 | The academic degree evaluation committee shall be responsible for examining and approving the list of holders of the bachelor’s degree and for making a decision whether or not to approve each resolution on the conferment of a master’s or doctor’s degree submitted by the dissertation committee. | |
21 | 牙雕艺术品主要是动物,鸟类、人物、山水风光、花篮、小船、以及胸饰、图章、筷子、粉盒、烟嘴等日用品。 | The carvings are mainly animals, birds, figurines, landscapes, floral baskets, boats, and, articles of daily use, such as brooches, seals, chopsticks, powderboxes, and cigarette holders . | |
22 | 一个2年期债券的持有者并不需要等2年才能使其股资变现。 | The holders of a 2-year bond issue need not wait 2 years to convert their investments into cash. | |
23 | 一个人一旦挤进走运的掌权人的圈子,他就立刻会被社会接受。 | A person is accepted as soon as he enters the charmed circles of the holders of power | |
24 | 依据本规定第四条所指的谅解、协议,公司可以将境外上市外资股股东名册正本存放在境外,委托境外代理机构管理; | A company may keep the original list of its foreign capital stock holders abroad and entrust a foreign agency for its safekeeping according to the understanding and agreement referred to in Article 4 of this set of provisions. | |
25 | 依照第(2)款给予某宗抵押的优先权,只限适用于该抵押文书或该文书所指的文件中所明言须获保证的义务 | The priority accorded to a mortgage pursuant to subsection (1) shall, unless the holders of all registered mortgages having priority subsequent to such mortgage otherwise agree in writing, | |
26 | 因此,侵权行为可以得到及时和有效的制止,权利持有人的合法权利能够得到保护。 | Hence the infringing activities could be curbed in a timely and effective manner and the legitimate rights of the right-holders could be protected | |
27 | 银行采用计算机办理此项股东登记。这类信息存储在计算机中,并包括最近的信息。因此,准确的股东名单随时可得。 | Banks use computers to maintain this registration of shareholders. The information is store, d by the computers and updated. accurate up-t-date of share holders are always readily available. | |
28 | 有关机关应在汇总配额持有者交还的任何未使用配额后,公布关于可获得额外配额的通知。 | The relevant organization would publish notice of the availability of additional allocations after collecting any unused quotas returned by the quota holders | |
29 | 有效旅行证件持有人,除非受到法律制止,可自由离开澳门特别行政区,无需特别批准。 | Unless restrained by law, holders of valid travel documents shall be free to leave the Region without special authorization. | |
30 | 在1957年的英镑危机中,伦敦银行被禁止使用英镑基金为非英国贸易融资,此时,他们利用高利率吸引美国和其它国家的美元持有者储存美元。 | When the London banks, during the stealing crisis of 1957, were prohibited from using stealing funds to finance non-British trade, they offered high interest rates to attract dollar deposits from both non-american and american holders of dollars. |