1 | "在这信息泛滥的年代,面对数码产品及其它通讯产品的需求不断增加,以及激烈的竞争,柯尼卡美能达控股公司(""柯尼卡美能达"")经过柯尼卡株式会社及美能达株式会社以股换股的方式,于二零零三年八月正式成立,主要目的是加强公司的竞争力。" | "To meet the fast-growing demand for digital products and other communication products so as to survive amidst today’s global competition, Konica Minolta Holdings Inc. (""Konica Minolta"")was established through an exchange of stock by Konica Corporation and Minolta Co., Ltd. in August 2003." | |
2 | (该党)的资产最近严重缩水。 | The value of its holdings has plummeted of late. | |
3 | (胡仙)全数售出所持的星岛股权予一投资银行,套现二亿七千万元偿还债务。 | She sold her entire stake in Sing Tao Holdings to an investment bank to pay off debts of $270 million. | |
4 | (三)董事、监事、经理及有关高级管理人员的姓名及其持有本公司股票和债券的情况。 | and (3)The names of directors, supervisors, managers, and high‑ranking administrators as well as information on their stock and bond holdings in the company. | |
5 | (外汇、黄金)持有额 | holdings [foreign exchange, gold] | |
6 | 18世纪起,许多私人收藏的艺术品移交给博物馆收藏(如罗浮宫博物馆、乌菲兹美术馆〔Uffizi Gallery〕)。 | By the 18th century, collectors were donating their holdings to the public and constructing buildings to house them (e.g., the Louvre Museum, Uffizi Gallery). | |
7 | 2003年1月由原中远网络有限公司与工贸控股下属中远信息科技(香港)有限公司合并、重组为新的中国远洋网络有限公司。 | In January 2003, the former COSCO Network Limited merges with the subsidiary of COSCO (H.K.)Industry & Trade Holdings Ltd., COSCO Information & Technology (H.K.)Limited, to form the new COSCO Network Limited. | |
8 | 2004年5月11日伦敦讯:中国石油化工股份有限公司(中国石化)、壳牌中国控股私有有限公司与壳牌(中国)有限公司(以下合称“壳牌”) | (11 May 2004, London)China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp), Shell China Holdings BV and Shell (China)Limited | |
9 | 2006年9月22日北京讯:壳牌中国控股私有有限公司(以下称壳牌)今天宣布购买 “北京统一石油化工有限公司”和“统一石油化工(咸阳)有限公司” 百分之七十五的股份,统一是中国领先的独立润滑油生产和销售企业。 | Shell China Holdings BV (Shell)has acquired a 75% share in Beijing Tongyi Petroleum Chemical Company Limited and Xianyang Tongyi Petroleum Chemical Company Limited, which produce and market China′s leading independent lubricant brand. | |
10 | MIC 汽车保险公司是一家总部设于美国密歇根州南菲尔德市的保险公司。 | GMAC′s Motors Insurance Corporation (MIC), a wholly owned subsidiary of GMAC Insurance Holdings . | |
11 | 宝马集团和中国著名的汽车制造企业华晨中国汽车控股有限公司(英文简称CBA)合作,在中国共同组建了一个生产和销售宝马汽车的合资公司。 | Working with the renowned Chinese company Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Limited (CBA), the BMW Group has established a production and sales joint venture. | |
12 | 标准普尔调低香港数家地产公司的信贷评级,包括香港置地、太古地产和希慎兴业。 | Standard and Poors has downgraded the credit ratings of Hong Kong property developers Hong Kong Land Holdings , Swire Pacific Properties and Hysan Development. | |
13 | 不论如何,我们三家永恒的股权投资在这点是不太可能发生的 | In any event, at our three marketable-but permanent holdings , this point is moot | |
14 | 长江实业副主席李泽钜 | Cheung Kong (Holdings )deputy Chairman Victor Li Tzar-kuoi | |
15 | 长实否认与程介南的顾问公司有任何关系。 | Cheung Kong (Holdings )Ltd said it had never engaged the services of Mr Cheng’s companies. | |
16 | 除了上述的三家重要投资事业,我们的保险公司也持有大量的有价证券 | In addition to our three permanent common stock holdings , we hold large quantities of marketable securities in our insurance companies. | |
17 | 大部分人认购Tom.com的原因是,李嘉诚任主席的长实和和黄,持有Tom.com股权百分之五十七。 | Most of the interest in Tom.com is generated by the fact that it is 57 per cent-owned by Cheung Kong (Holdings )and Hutchison Whampao, which are chaired by Mr. Li. | |
18 | 单独或者合谋,集中资金优势、持股优势或者利用信息优势联合或者连续买卖,操纵证券交易价格的 | Taking advantage of one’s financial strength, stock holdings ,or information to jointly or continuously sell or buy securities and rig securities trading prices, either on one’s own or by conspiring with other people | |
19 | 调低该行对汇控的评级,由"持有"改为"沽售" | lowered its rating on HSBC Holdings to ’’sell’’ from ’’hold“ | |
20 | 负债的部份也相当健全,同时我们还保有大量的流动资产 | What debt we have is structured well; and we maintain major holdings of liquid assets. | |
21 | 根据在“匹配”列表中选择的选项,Access 将查找以“old”开头或包含“old”的记录,例如 Old World Delicatessen 和 Consolidated Holdings。 | Depending on the option that you select from the Match list, Access finds records that start with or contain ″old″, such as Old World Delicatessen and Consolidated Holdings . | |
22 | 股票股利是一个术语,用来描述公司向股东按其现有持股比例增发的股票。 | Stock dividend is a term used to describe a distribution of additional shares of stock to a company’s stockholders in proportion to their present holdings . | |
23 | 合和实业有限公司主席胡应湘 | Hopewell Holdings chairman Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung | |
24 | 合和实业主席胡应湘 | the chairman of Hopewell Holdings , Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung | |
25 | 合伙人尝试将所有持股买进。 | The partnership tried to Buy up all the stock holdings . | |
26 | 和黄与长江实业(集团)有限公司合资成立海逸酒店(国际)管理集团有限公司,负责经营与管理和黄集团地产部门的酒店投资项目。 | The Group, together with Cheung Kong (Holdings )Limited, has set up a joint venture company, Harbour Plaza Hotel Management (International)Limited, to operate and manage hotels under the portfolio of the Hutchison Property division. | |
27 | 和记港口集团有限公司("和记黄埔港口")业务遍及十七个国家,在三十五个港口经营共二百零六个泊位。世界七大繁忙港口中,有五个是由和黄经营的。 | Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH)operates in 17 countries. The port and related services group operates a total of 206 berths in 35 ports. It operates in five of the seven busiest container ports in the world. | |
28 | 和记黄埔有限公司是香港交易所主版其中一家最大的上市公司,属下主要机构包括和记港口集团、和记电讯、和记黄埔地产、屈臣氏集团和长江基建。 | Hutchison Whampoa Limited is among the largest companies listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Flagship companies include Hutchison Port Holdings , Hutchison Telecom, Hutchison Whampoa Properties, A.S. Watson and Cheung Kong Infrastructure. | |
29 | 红筹股联想集团公布截至十二月三十一日的第三季业绩。集团纯利增长百分之六十八点七,比预期为佳。 | Red chip Legend Holdings has posted a better than expected 68.7 per cent quarterly growth in net profit in the third quarter to December 31. | |
30 | 华晨中国汽车控股有限公司(“华晨中国”)以及它的执行子公司是中国领先的汽车和汽车零部件制造商。 | Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Limited (″Brilliance China″)and its operating subsidiaries is one of the leading automotive and automotive component manufacturers in China. |