属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史及其悲哀之处 History and its wo
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史及其悲哀之处 History and its wo
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史及其悲哀之处 History and its wo
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史及其悲哀之处 History and its wo
1 | 20世纪犹太人的经历包含了纳粹把大部分欧洲犹太人加以消灭或对他们进行“大屠杀”。 | Jewish experiences in the 20th century have included the Nazi extermination or "holocaust " of most of European Jewry | |
2 | 33. 大屠杀的历史正渐渐被人们忘却。 | The history of Holocaust is being headed into oblivion.The history of Holocaust is falling into oblivion. | |
3 | 奥辛威茨集中营总是让世人想起大屠杀。 | The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust . | |
4 | 此一惨绝人寰之浩劫,实为我国内战史上空前所未有。” | Such a terrible holocaust is really without parallel in the history of civil wars in our country | |
5 | 大规模的核毁灭. | a nuclear holocaust | |
6 | 德国纳粹屠杀事件之处理与借镜 | Treatment and Reference of the Nazi Holocaust | |
7 | 东非地区五年的干旱引起上百万人的死亡。 | In East Africa five years of drought have brought about a holocaust in which millions have died. | |
8 | 论Holocaust的研究与族群和解 | On the Research of Holocaust and Ethnic Reconciliation | |
9 | 内贾德否认大屠杀,因为他像希特勒一样残忍。 | Ahmadinejad is denying the holocaust because he’s as brutal as Hitler was. | |
10 | 迄今为止不完全的编年史中关于柬埔寨屠杀的重要文件(b罗德·诺尔兰) | an important document in the so-far sketchy annals of the Cambodian holocaust (bRod Nordland) | |
11 | 迄今为止不完全的编年史中关于柬埔寨屠杀的重要文件(罗德·诺尔兰) | an important document in the so-far sketchy annals of the Cambodian holocaust (Rod Nordland) | |
12 | 上帝的沉默:对“大屠杀”(HOLOCAUST)的哲学和宗教反省 | The Silence of God: Philosophical and Religious Reflection on the Holocaust | |
13 | 他们拼命喧染所谓的核战争灾祸来吓唬人民。 | They did their best to play up the so-called holocaust of nuclear war to intimidate the people. | |
14 | 他预言将有一场世界性的浩劫。 | He predicted that there would be a world holocaust . | |
15 | 维泽尔,托尔斯坦·尼尔斯生于1924瑞典裔美国生理学家。因研究人脑中组织和功能获1981年诺贝尔奖 | Romanian-born writer and lecturer.A survivor of Nazi concentration camps,he is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust .He won the1986Nobel Peace Prize. | |
16 | 我们若竟让核武器大屠杀的惨剧发生,简直是匪夷所思. | It is unthinkable that we should allow a nuclear holocaust to occur. | |
17 | 显然他们在课堂上讨论过大规模核破坏的最恐怖的方面。 | It’s evident they’ve discussed the most nightmarish aspects of a nuclear holocaust in their classrooms | |
18 | 现代性的缺憾-读鲍曼的《现代性和大屠杀》 | The Discontent of Modernity: A Reading of Bauman’s Modernity and the Holocaust | |
19 | 有礼貌不能制止核战争,也不能为无家可归者提供栖身之所, | civility doesn’t stop nuclear holocaust and doesn’t put a roof over the head of the homeless | |
20 | 在解释该片主题时,贝尼尼告诉《娱乐周刊》的记者,这部影片“不是一部关于大屠杀的喜剧,因为那根本不可能。” | Explaining the theme of the movie, Benigni told Entertainment Weekly that the film "is not a comedy about the holocaust , because that’s impossible." | |
21 | 战犯的应当惩办,是“浩劫”的逻辑的结论。 | That the war criminals should be punished is a logical conclusion from the "holocaust " | |
22 | 这场大屠杀结束了。 | The holocaust was complete | |
23 | 这次要挽救这个国家,使之摆脱困惑和分裂,摆脱最终的财政灾难的威胁,最重要的是摆脱核浩劫的恐惧…… | This time to save the nation from confusion and division, from the threat of eventual fiscal disaster and most of all from a fear of a nuclear holocaust .. | |
24 | 这件事和另外几件事使希特勒的追随者第一次看到,在他的世界征服者的使命失败以后,他决心像沃丹在瓦哈拉那样,要投入一场血腥的大屠杀中去,其中流的不仅有敌人的血,而且也有德国人民的血。 | This was one of the first indications to his followers that Hitler, his mission as world conqueror having failed, was determined to go down, like Wotan at Valhalla, in a holocaust of blood--net only the enemy’s but that of his own people | |
25 | ||1:“血染之地”已经激起了一些人的激烈批评,这些人认为苏联即使有千般缺点,也比不上第三帝国的罪恶,后者是种族屠杀的先锋。||2:批评者认为,这种做法将使东欧的极端民族主义者合法化,这些极端分子漠视大屠杀,夸大自身遭受的苦难---而不愿直面他们与希特勒的刽子手们勾结的罪行。 | ||1:“Bloodlands” has aroused fierce criticism from those who believe that the Soviet Union, for all its flaws, cannot be compared to the Third Reich, which pioneered ethnic genocide.||2:Doing this, the critics argue, legitimises ultranationalists in eastern Europe who downplay the Holocaust , exaggerate their own suffering—and dodge guilt for their own collaboration with Hitler’s executioners. | |
26 | ||1:国家科学教育中心的乔希-罗西诺(Josh Rosenau)质问道,为何法案规定只应在科学课堂上鼓励学生批判思考。||2:要知道,有人可认为1969年人类登陆月球是假的,还有纳粹大屠杀就是个骗局;何不要求历史老师也告诉学生关于那些事件的两种观点。 | ||1:Josh Rosenau, of the National Centre for Science Education (NCSE), asks why the bill singles out science classrooms as a place where pupils should be urged to think critically.||2:After all, some people believe the 1969 moon landing was faked or that the Holocaust is a hoax; why not require history teachers to inform pupils of both sides of those issues, too. | |
27 | ||1:斯大林把所有苏联战俘都当成叛徒。||2:俘获他们的德军将他们上百万地饿死,没有人敢为他们哀悼。||3:大屠杀也不合苏联的官修史要求,在战后反犹运动日益激烈之后更是如此。(斯大林在1952年曾说道:“每个犹太人都是民族主义者和美国情报人员”)。||4:被屠杀犹太人的墓碑上不是大卫星,而是苏联的五角星,他们被淡淡地归为“苏联公民”或“法西斯主义的受害者”。 | ||1: Stalin regarded all Soviet prisoners-of-war as traitors. ||2: Their German captors starved them to death in their millions; nobody dared mourn them. ||3: The Holocaust , too, did not fit into Soviet historiography, especially as post-war anti-Semitism intensified (“Every Jew is a nationalist and an agent of American intelligence,” Stalin said in 1952). ||4: Memorials to murdered Jews carried not the Star of David but the five-pointed Soviet one, and referred blandly to “Soviet citizens” or “victims of fascism”. | |
28 | ||1:有些故事仍然未见天日,因为不便讲出。||2:1939年德国对华沙的轰炸造成的死亡人数和盟军在1945年轰炸德累斯顿造成的死亡人数不相上下。||3:这一牺牲,战后的波兰从未正式获得承认。||4:纳粹和苏联在1939年8月的结盟是“鲜血凝成的”,斯大林赞许地说道。||5:没几个人愿意记起,两年后,德国就发动“巴巴罗萨”计划入侵苏联。||6:西方盟国对大屠杀几乎未加阻止。||7:没几个人愿意提起,唯一一个对犹太人直接给予帮助的政府恰恰是波兰政府。在地下的波兰国民军所组织的前八次行动中,有七次是为了支持犹太区的起义。||8:(战后,波兰共产主义当局将曾经帮助过犹太人的波兰士兵当做“法西斯分子”予以处决。) | ||1: Some stories remained untold because they were inconvenient. ||2: About as many people died in the German bombing of Warsaw in 1939 as in the allied bombing of Dresden in 1945. ||3: Post-war Poland was in no state to gain recognition for that. ||4: The Nazi-Soviet alliance of August 1939 was “cemented in blood”, Stalin said approvingly. ||5: Few wanted to remember that two years later, when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa. ||6: The Western allies did little to stop the Holocaust . ||7: Few wanted reminding that the only government that took direct action to help the Jews was the Polish one: seven of the first eight operations conducted in Warsaw by the underground Polish Home Army were in support of the ghetto uprising. ||8: (After the war, the Communist authorities executed as “fascists” Polish soldiers who had helped the Jews.) | |
29 | ||1:这理由很有力却不公平。||2:很多人都对历史胡说八道,但作者不是其中之一。||3:他既没有挑战大屠杀在20世纪历史中的中心地位,也没有无视苏联在希特勒的铁蹄下所受的苦难,以及摧毁第三帝国的士兵们的英勇。||4:作者提出了的观点亟需声援,尤其是在俄罗斯这样一个国家,大众舆论和官方仍然对斯大林的战时领导心怀仰慕。||5:苏联的种族屠杀要早于纳粹德国。||6:斯大林对屠杀是没有直接责任,但他和纳粹的结盟为希特勒在东方屠杀犹太人铺平了道路。 | ||1:That argument is powerful but unfair.||2:Many people say stupid things about history.||3:Mr Snyder is not one.||4:He does not challenge the Holocaust ’s central place in 20th-century history.||5:Nor does he overlook Soviet suffering at the hands of Hitler or the heroism of the soldiers who destroyed the Third Reich.||6:But he makes a point that needs reinforcement, not least in Russia where public opinion and officialdom both retain a soft spot for Stalin’s wartime leadership. | |
30 | “头脑正常的人不会进行那样的大屠杀,”他说。 | "No one in his right mind would choose to have that sort of holocaust , " he says. |