1 | 更像是德国官方的媒体为了大屠杀而随意指责犹太人。 | It is rather as if German official media were casually blaming Jews for the Holocaust . | |
2 | 后来,由于欧洲大屠杀,又有欧洲其他部份的人移居到这里。 | The subsequent Holocaust in Europe led to additional immigration from other parts of Europe. | |
3 | 集中营这个名称已成为大屠杀的代名词,因为它反映了纳粹德国为在欧洲清除犹太人所做的种种努力。 | The camp’s name has become synonymous with the Holocaust because it reflected the meticulous German effort to rid Europe of its Jews. | |
4 | 记住这个格言,我们在讨论大屠杀和其他类似话题的时候,小心谨慎地使谈话进行下去才是明智的选择。 | With that in mind, it is wise to proceed with caution when discussing analogies between the Holocaust and anything else. | |
5 | 教皇恢复一个否认大屠杀人士的身份,这种举动立刻遭到强烈抗议,批评声既来自犹太人,也来自天主教徒。 | The outcry was immediate, with both Jews and members of the Catholic hierarchy criticising the pope’s rehabilitation of a Holocaust -denier. | |
6 | 她时常对我说,‘关心他人,关心老人、儿童和大屠杀幸存者。 | She says, ’Be more attentive to other people. Be attentive to the elderly, to children, to Holocaust survivors. | |
7 | 今年初,诺贝尔和平奖获得者ElieWiesel唱了一首赞美德国的歌,因为他们记念屠杀中的受害者。 | Earlier this year, Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel sang Germany’s praises for observing remembrance for Holocaust victims. | |
8 | 今年穆斯林协会参加了大屠杀纪念日的一个活动,谨慎地放弃了曾经非常激怒犹太人的抵制态度。 | This year the MCB attended an event on Holocaust Memorial Day, discreetly reversing a boycott which had deeply offended Jews. | |
9 | 就算医生对他的健康状况开绿灯,德米扬鲁克的审判将很有可能是波澜不惊的,也不会对犹太人种族屠杀有什么重大贡献。 | Even if doctors rule him fit, Mr Demjanjuk’s trial may prove risky without being revelatory. It will not shed new light on the Holocaust . | |
10 | 卡尔滕布伦纳是大屠杀的主要凶手之一,他于1946年10月16日纽伦堡审判之后被处以绞刑。 | Kaltenbrunner was one of the main perpetrators of the holocaust and he was hanged after the Nuremberg trials on 16th October 1946. | |
11 | 库珀不同意Facebook认为网站上否认大屠杀群的存在并不具威胁性的看法。 | Cooper says he disagrees with Facebook’s view that the Holocaust denial groups on its site are not threatening. | |
12 | 六分之一的儿童认为奥斯威辛集中营是”二战“时期的一座主题公园,二十人中有一人称,(犹太人)大屠杀是战争结束时的一次庆祝活动。 | on sixth children believed A campus is theme park during world war II, one out of twenty said, holocaust is a gala for war ending. | |
13 | 六月,一白人优越主义分子在华盛顿纳粹大屠杀遇难者纪念馆开枪打死了一名黑人警卫。 | The next month a white supremacist murdered a black guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. | |
14 | 没人真的确定这样会发生什么事,但很多人认为会出现很多灾难性的问题,比如大停电或者核屠杀等等。 | No one was really sure what that would do, but many suggested catastrophic problems ranging from vast blackouts to nuclear holocaust . | |
15 | 媒体普遍报道对大屠杀持怀疑态度的伊朗总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪-内贾德曾扬言“让以色列从地图上消失”。 | Its president, the Holocaust -questioning Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is widely reported to have threatened to "wipe Israel off the map" . | |
16 | 你父亲是战后来的么你父亲是战后来的么?他有….卷入那场大屠杀么?我是说,不是指坏的那方面,我是说… | Did your father come after the war? Did he . . . was he part of the Holocaust ? I mean, not in a bad way, I mean . | |
17 | 然而他作为乌克兰大屠杀幸存者的母亲不允许他抽自己的血。 | His mother, a Holocaust survivor born in what is now Ukraine, refused to let him test her blood. | |
18 | 如果核爆炸,世界上只剩我一个男人,你会爱我吗? | Chandler: All right, there’s a nuclear holocaust , I’m the last man on Earth. Would you go out with me? | |
19 | 死于大屠杀的一个儿童的亲属在美术馆见到了那尊成人塑像,根据他的外貌与其家人相似之处,认定他就是其家族的一员。 | One of the Holocaust victim’s relatives saw the adult figure at a gallery, and identified him, based on the family resemblance. | |
20 | 所罗门说:“当一个大屠杀的幸存者来到面前,我们都会放下防备。” | Mr. Salomon said that "when a Holocaust survivor comes to you, somehow we all let our defenses down. " | |
21 | 他还批评古巴的所谓盟友-伊朗总统内贾德的反犹太主义和否认大屠杀。 | He also criticised Cuba’s supposed ally, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for his anti-Semitism and denial of the Holocaust . | |
22 | 他们曾经为犹太人大屠杀的受难者洗礼,但当幸存者抱怨时就停止了。 | They used to do baptisms for Jewish Holocaust victims, but stopped when living Jews complained. | |
23 | 他们中止学校教授大屠杀的课程,并且要求夏令营分拆男女举办活动。 | It has suspended the introduction of Holocaust studies in its schools, and has made all its summer camps single-sex. | |
24 | 他是最应该为“大屠杀”期间百万人谋杀负责的人之一。 | He was one of the men most responsible for the murder of millions of people during the Holocaust . | |
25 | 维森塔尔中心说比实际参与大屠杀更多的战犯受到了司法审判。 | The Wiesenthal Center says far fewer criminals have been brought to justice than were involved in the Holocaust . | |
26 | 我对大屠杀教育基金主席詹纳勋爵感到失望,他不同意这个观点。 | And I was disappointed that Lord Janner, chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust, did not. | |
27 | 我请拉尔夫·阿普尔鲍姆设计展厅,因为我认为,他为华盛顿的大屠杀纪念馆所做的设计是我见过的最好的。 | I asked Ralph Applebaum to do the exhibits, because I thought his work on the Holocaust Museum in Washington was the best I had ever seen. | |
28 | 我有一次收到过一封关于燔祭修正主义者网站的邮件(我只是众多被抄送者之一)。 | I once received an email (just was one of dozens of people cced on the email) telling me about some holocaust revisionist website. | |
29 | 也许这不是一部关于大屠杀的电影,而是一部让世人自嘲的人生课程。 | Maybe it is not a movie about the Holocaust but a sophisticated piece of self-mockery. | |
30 | 一个女人幻想双亲在大屠杀中身亡,她自己被穿长筒靴的纳粹党卫军爱抚。 | Another, a woman whose parents perished in the Holocaust , is aroused by the thought of SS officers in jackboots. |