属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-入侵物种 繁衍与湮灭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艺术与中东 卡塔尔的艺术女王
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-入侵物种 繁衍与湮灭
1 | 新的美国国土安全法案如果在近期内被国会讨论通过,美国的飞行员将被允许在驾驶舱内携带手枪,而美国的各个机场也将在一年时间内配备用以监视旅客行李的安全系统。 | Pilots would be allowed to carry weapons in cockpits and airports would get a year’s reprieve from screening all air travelers’ baggage under the homeland security bill nearing a final vote in Congress | |
2 | 新中国成立时,齐白石又画了《祖国万岁》 | After the founding of the People’s Republic of China he painted the picture Long Live My Homeland . | |
3 | 许多年以后,对故乡的记忆渐渐淡薄了。 | Memories of the homeland faded away after many years. | |
4 | 一个日本海外殖民地的原乡都市风格型塑过程-日据时期台中市的“京都”风格型塑 | Creating an Overseas Homeland : Tai-Chung’s Kyotonization during the Japanese Colonial Time | |
5 | 一个社会,两种解读-评曾玲《越洋再建家园》及刘宏《战后新加坡华人社会的嬗变》 | One Society, Two Understandings-Reviews on Crossing Ocean to Rebuild Homeland Written by Zeng Ling and the Evolution of Postwar Overseas Chinese Society in Singapore Written by Liu Hong | |
6 | 移居国外放弃在自己国家居住 | To give up residence in one’s homeland . | |
7 | 由于以上原因,布什提出了20年来最大幅度的增加国防经费和将关系到本国安全的预算经费加倍。 | For that reason the President proposed the largest increase in defence spending in two decades and a doubling of the budget for homeland security. | |
8 | 原生性认同、祖籍地联系与跨国网络的建构:二战后新马客家人与潮州人社群之比较研究 | Primordial Ties, Homeland Linkages, and the Construction of Transnational Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Hakka and Teochewese Communities in Post-War Singapore and Malaysia | |
9 | 原住民观点的乡土神学 | Homeland Theology from an Indigenous Perspective | |
10 | 这回“家”的路,还好远、好远…… | It is a Far Way to go Back to my Homeland | |
11 | 这件作品是中国女运动员比赛中,不断取得优异成绩,为祖国人民争光的事例为创作背景和根据的。 | The sculpture conveys the strenuous effort made by Chinese athletes in global sports competitions in order to bring honor to their homeland . | |
12 | 这些男男女女为了迫求在本国被剥夺的宗教和政治自由纷纷而来。 | Men and women came in order to enjoy the religious and political freedom denied them in their homeland | |
13 | 直到他生命的终结,尽管困难重重,总的来讲,他依然热爱他的故乡,酷爱他的艺术和生活。 | To the end of his life he remained passionate about his homeland , his art and life in general-despite the hardships. | |
14 | 中国古代所说的爱国指的是爱祖国-不要因古今词义的变化而发生误解:兼答叶文宪教授 | "Patriotism" in Ancient China Meant Loving Homeland : Don’t Mistake This Word for Its Meaning’s Change Today-An Answer to Prof. Ye Wenxian | |
15 | 中外档案职业比较研究-以职业主体为视角 | Comparative Studies of Archival Profession between Our Homeland and the Foreign Countries-From the Visual Angle of the Professional Main Part | |
16 | 忠心的对自己的祖国,政府或主权无限忠诚的 | Steadfast in allegiance to one’s homeland ,government,or sovereign. | |
17 | 着力构建人生的精神家园-诠释孔子的“君子谋道不谋食”的现代价值 | Focus and Establishment of the Spiritual Homeland of Human Life: Interpreting Confucius’s "The Good Man Always Thinks of the Morality Instead of Material Substance" in Regard to Contemporary Worth | |
18 | 自然情怀与家园之梦―于坚诗文生态意识阐释 | Love of Nature and Dream of Homeland : An Interpretation of Yu Jian’s Works from an Ecological Perspective | |
19 | 作为鲁迅“思想故乡”的《新青年》 | New Youth as the "Spiritual Homeland " of Lu Xun | |
20 | ||1:20世纪90年代早期,种族隔离制度行将就木,尤金·特雷布兰奇先生力图强行让这种制度死灰复燃。||2:1993年,他的喽罗们撞毁一辆装甲车,穿过约翰内斯堡一道玻璃外墙,来到附近一幢大楼,那里,政府正在同非洲国民大会分开进行交涉。||3:驱散代表后,尤金·特雷布兰奇先生手下的这些打手烧烤去了。||4:他们一离开,谈判旋即恢复。||5:翌年三月,在100多名手下的簇拥下,他闯入了博茨瓦纳,一个名义上的独立的“家园”,由推行种族隔离制度的政府为安置无业的黑人设立的垃圾场。||6:他们开着皮卡车,随意枪杀步行的黑人,当黑人警察向他们开枪,予以还击时,他们看上去着实吃惊不小。||7:三个着黄卡其布短衫的暴徒被击毙,剩余的作鸟兽散。||8:对于白人来说,形势发生逆转。||9:尤金·特雷布兰奇先生的支持者投放炸弹来扰乱投票,造成20人死亡。||10:但是成百万的黑人进行投票选举已势在必行。 | ||1:In the early 1990s, when apartheid was dying, Mr Terre’Blanche tried violently to revive it.||2:In 1993 his men crashed an armoured car through the glass fa?ade of a building near Johannesburg where the government was now openly negotiating with the ANC.||3:Having driven out the delegates, Mr Terre’Blanche’s bully boys held a barbecue.||4:But when they left, the talks resumed.||5:In March the next year, with about 100 of his followers, he invaded Bophuthatswana, a nominally independent “homeland ” created by the apartheid government as a dumping-ground for jobless blacks.||6:They drove around in their bakkies (pick-up trucks), killing black pedestrians at random, and seemed genuinely surprised when black policemen shot back at them.||7:After three khaki-shorted AWB thugs were killed, the rest fled in disarray.||8:And that was that for the white counter-revolution.||9:Some of Mr Terre’Blanche’s supporters set off bombs to disrupt the poll, killing around 20 people.||10:But that was nowhere near enough to stop millions of blacks from turning out to vote. | |
21 | ||1:如果不顾它们的恶名,阿根廷蚂蚁可以说是很好的旅行家。||2:人类的商业活动将它们带到了世界各大洲,南极洲除外。||3:并且当它们到达时,它们就会繁衍。||4:目前,至少15个国家受到外来物种的入侵,这种入侵是以牺牲本土物种为代价的。||5:这种侵略性及适应性使得它们成为世界上最著名同时也是最令人深恶痛绝的入侵物种。 | ||1:DESPITE their name, Argentine ants are a well-travelled lot.||2:Human commerce has allowed them to hitch rides from their homeland to every continent on the planet, with the exception of Antarctica.||3:And when they arrive, they often thrive.||4:At least 15 countries now host colonies, which frequently prosper at the expense of native species.||5:This flexibility, combined with an aggressive temperament, makes them one of the world’s best-known and most-hated invasive species. | |
22 | ||1:土耳其的自我辩白浪漫而大胆。||2:被问到他亲自监督的哈图沙狮身人面像的归还时,居纳伊解释说,它去了乔鲁姆的一家博物馆,那里才是它真正的家。||3:他又补充道:“我虔诚地认为世界上的每个古物都应该回到它的故乡。||4:即使这些文物是石头做的,它们和人一样有灵魂,动物、植物、历史遗迹也是如此,转移历史遗迹破坏了世界的稳定,是对历史的亵渎。” | ||1: Turkish self-justification is as romantic as it is defiant. ||2: Asked about the return of the sphinx of Hattusa, which he personally oversaw, Mr Gunay explained that it went to a museum in Corum, “the very homeland of the sphinx”. ||3: He added, “I wholeheartedly believe that each and every antiquity in any part of the world should eventually go back to its homeland . ||4: Even if these objects are made of stone, just as people have souls, so do animals, plants and monuments. Taking a monument away destabilises the world and is disrespectful to history.” | |
23 | ||1:要想使QMA不仅仅是一个富家女的玩物,Sheikha Mayassa若只是将国外的一些花哨玩意儿搬进卡塔尔是远远不够的。||2:她必须更具创造性,并在对被提供至眼前的成百上千展会举办计划进行挑选时更加注意。||3:像去年MIA举办的德国巴洛克作品展就是没有任何意义的。||4:而现在Mathaf所举办的蔡国强作品展则是别出心裁的,它对中国和波斯湾各国之间的古代渊源进行了探索。 | ||1:In order for the QMA to be more than a rich girl’s plaything, Sheikha Mayassa will have to do better than put expensive foreign baubles on display in her homeland .||2:She needs to be far more innovative and focused in choosing between the hundreds of exhibitions the QMA gets offered.||3:Last year’s showing at the MIA of German Baroque from Dresden made no sense.||4:Cai Guo-Qiang’s evocative exploration, now at Mathaf, of the ancient links between China and the Gulf is new and original. | |
24 | ||1:这种理论可信。因为它们是从很小的群体(或者可能是单一个体)发展起来的,新西兰的阿根廷蚂蚁之间的基因非常相似(蚁巢以外的侵扰也同样具有该特点)。||2:这也许是它们成功的原因之一:蚂蚁研究者假定,关系紧密的个体昆虫不能够把同巢穴的同伴同其它聚居区的成员区分开来,这导致来自不同巢穴的蚂蚁就像亲戚一样相互合作。这使得这一领域的学者不再谈及成百的个体侵扰,而是谈及单一的、跨越全国的"超级群体"。 | ||1: It is a plausible theory. Because they grew from a small number of founder colonies, or possibly even a single one, New Zealand’s Argentine ants are genetically similar to one another (the same is true of most infestations outside the ants’ homeland ). ||2: That may be one reason for their success: ant researchers hypothesise that, being so closely related, the individual insects are unable to distinguish their nest mates from members of other colonies, which causes ants from different nests to co-operate as if they were kin, and has led students of the field to speak not of hundreds of individual infestations, but of a single, country-spanning "super-colony". | |
25 | (美国国土安全部说他们没有统计究竟有多少人签证到期滞留不归) | (The Department of Homeland Security said it did not keep statistics on how many Chinese overstay their visas. ) | |
26 | “这并不光彩”,国土安全委员会主席,众议员纽约州共和党议员彼得.金认为。 | "It’s disgraceful, " said Representative Peter King (R-NY) who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee. | |
27 | 11世纪期间,也许是由于穆斯林入侵的缘故,他们背井离乡,再也没有回来。 | They left their homeland sometime during the 11th century, probably as a result of Muslim invasions, and have never returned. | |
28 | Deadline报道,《国土安全》制片人HenryBromell在周一因心脏病发去世,享年66岁。 | Homeland producer Henry Bromell died Monday of a heart attack, Deadline reports. He was 66. | |
29 | FBI(联邦调查局)与国土安全部于昨晚向各执法机关发布了警告。 | The FBI and Department of Homeland Security released the warning to law-enforcement agencies late last night. | |
30 | 按照海关当局的规定,国土安全部应该监查是什么出入美国的网络空间。 | Under Customs authority, the Department of Homeland Security could inspect what enters and exits the United States in cyberspace. |