属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 奥运经济学 令人沮丧的百米冲刺
1 | 球在运动场上蹦来跳去。 | The ball hopped around the playing field. | |
2 | 人们跳过栏杆上了船。 | The men hopped the rails and were on the boat. | |
3 | 他当天乘飞机去波士顿。 | He hopped up to Boston for the day | |
4 | 他当天坐飞机去了波士顿。 | He hopped up to Boston for the day. | |
5 | 他给马达增了压。 | He hopped up the motor. | |
6 | 他接着将所有金子都扔到了窗外。他使出全身力气把最后一袋抛起来,然后敏捷地跳上袋子跟着弹了出来。强盗们对他十分钦佩,“你真是个勇敢的英雄。”他们说,“愿意当我们的队长吗?” | Then by degrees he threw all the talers out, dispatching the last with all his might, then hopped nimbly upon it, and flew down with it through the window. The robbers paid him great compliments. You are a valiant hero, said they, will you be our captain. | |
7 | 他跳回床上,拨了罗伯特的电话号码。 | He hopped back into bed and dialed Robert. | |
8 | 跳(跃)过了小溪. | hopped the stream | |
9 | 卫兵跟着声音追过去时,小裁缝早就跑到另一袋金子下面,冲他们喊:“唉呀,我在这儿呢!”就这样,大拇哥把卫兵捉弄得精疲力尽,最后只好离开了。 | The sentries ran thither, but as they got there, he had already hopped into another corner under a taler, and was crying, ho, ho, here am I. And thus he made fools of them, and drove them so long round about the treasure-chamber that they were weary and went away. | |
10 | 我疲倦地走向电脑处。尼科跳上书桌,像是觉得它还没有完成任务。我开始敲击键盘,它坐在一堆没完成的稿件上,心满意足地看着。 | Wearily,I made my way to the computer.Necco hopped up on the desk, seeming to feel her job wasn’t done yet. Sitting on a pile of unfinished story ideas, she watched with apparent satisfaction as I began to type. | |
11 | 我拽过一把椅子,靠近她的头。我坐下后,杰克径直跳上我的双腿。我轻柔地拿起那妇人紧攥的拳头,用她的指节抚摸杰克的软长耳朵。 | I pulled a chair over next to her head. I sat down and Jake hopped right up into my lap. I gently took the woman’s clenched fist and let her knuckles stroke Jake’ s long soft ears. | |
12 | 小裁缝打算和家人一起再吃顿饭就出发,于是他蹦蹦跳跳来到厨房,想看看妈妈为这最后一顿饭做了些什么。 | Then the little tailor wanted to have one more meal with them, and hopped into the kitchen to see what his mother had cooked for the last time. | |
13 | 小孩跳过了一条沟。 | The boy hopped a ditch. | |
14 | 小鸟正在学飞,它扑腾着翅膀蹦跳着。 | The little bird was learning to fly. It fluttered and flapped and flopped and hopped . | |
15 | 幸而这桥也有走完的时候,孙小姐回脸,胜利地微笑,鸿渐跳下桥堍,嚷道:“没进地狱,已经罚走奈何桥了! | Fortunately, the bridge soon came to an end.Miss Sun turned and smiled triumphantly.Hung-chien hopped down from the bridge’s buttress, yelling, "I’ve already been condemned to walk the Bridge of No Return without even entering hell! | |
16 | 因吸毒而引起兴奋. | be hopped -up | |
17 | 英国流行顶层发酵啤酒,包括褐麦啤酒、黑啤酒和波特酒,特点是上面有一层明显的释放出来的二氧化碳泡沫,比起贮陈啤酒来,啤酒花味更为浓烈;按容量计酒精度4~6.5%。 | Top-fermented beers, popular in Britain, include ale, stout, and porter; they are characterized by a prominent head of released carbon dioxide, a sharper and more strongly hopped flavour than lagers, and an alcohol content of 4-6.5% by volume. | |
18 | 在那里加油后,我们又继续飞往北京。 | After refueling there we hopped off for Beijing. | |
19 | 这个男孩跳过泥坑,沿着人行道跑了。 | The boy hopped the mud puddle and ran down the walk | |
20 | 这些吸毒的年轻家伙一个个都昏昏沉沉地到处走动。 | These young characters who take dope go around all hopped up. | |
21 | 这样惘惘不甘地跳上电车,看见邻座一对青年男女喁喁情话。 | disconsolately, he hopped on a trolley car and saw a young couple sitting nearby whispering tender words to each other | |
22 | 主任责备吉姆又迟到了。 | The director hopped on Jim for being late again | |
23 | 装有加压器的发动机. | a hopped -up engine | |
24 | 装有加压器的汽车. | a hopped -up car | |
25 | ||1:除了考虑到运动员在前后两届奥运会中能够持续发挥良好(或者差劲),这些“神情沮丧”的科学家们煞费苦心地找到了其他两种具有显著性差异的结果。||2:首先,有这样一种“前苏联效应”,而且曾经以计划经济体制为指导的社会主义阵营国家正是凭借着这样的一种效应才在奥运赛场上表现得异常出色。有人猜测,这些社会主义国家强迫那些富有才华的年轻运动员们专攻竞技比赛,并给他们大量服用类固醇药物。||3:但是这样的效应随着柏林墙的倒塌也开始日渐步入下风。 | ||1: Apart from the persistence of good (or bad) performance from one Olympiadto the next, the dismal scientists hopped , skipped and jumped to two otherstatistically significant results. ||2: First, there was a“Soviet effect”, whereby the planned economies of the former communist bloc tended to outperform, presumably due to forcing talented youngsters to specialise and pumping them full of steroids . ||3: This effect began to fall with the Berlin Wall. | |
26 | ||1:这两种类型,列维-斯特劳斯说,世界缺了哪种都不行。而两种在他身上都有所体现。||2:他也像杂活工一样,不断在各种行当间跳来跳去:先是放弃了哲学,因为讨厌那些枯燥的道德训诫;后又放弃了法律,只是因为厌倦了;还一直热衷歌颂社会主义,但也是以厌倦收场。当他转向人类学的时候,似乎仍然像一个走进奇异玩意店的好奇的孩子(因为他以往抛弃种种理论就象抛下森林大火留下的焦土一样没有顾忌)。||3:但是他身体里那个富有远见的工程师这时出动了:他在法兰西学院创立了“实验室”,在这个崭新的教席上传播他的社会人类学思想,从1959年开始,直到1982年。他还拿出了四卷名为《神话学》(1964-1971)的鸿篇巨制,在书里,他跟踪了813个神话的传播轨迹,幅度跨越整个美洲大陆。||4:他既喜欢自称为新石器时代的人,也爱说自己是搞科学研究的。 | ||1: The world needed both these types, said Mr Lévi-Strauss. And he embodied both. ||2: He too hopped from subject to subject like a bricoleur, discarding philosophy for its arid moralising, giving up law out of sheer boredom, vaunting socialism until it tired him, turning to anthropology as if he was still a fascinated boy in a curio shop. (He abandoned theories like scorched earth in the forest.) ||3: But the far-sighted engineer in him set up a “laboratory” at the Collège de France, where he held the brand-new chair of social anthropology from 1959 to 1982, and produced the four huge volumes of “Mythologiques” (1964-71), in which he tracked 813 myths the length of the American continent. ||4: He happily called himself both “neolithic” and a man of science. | |
27 | 韦安德还发现,运动员在一座高速运转的跑步机上尽可能快的单脚跳跃时所迸发出的力量大约是他们在以最快速度奔跑时所迸发出来的两倍。 | Dr Weyand found that the forces generated while athletes hopped on one leg as fast as they could on a high-speed treadmill were roughly twice as high as during running at top speed. | |
28 | “(奥巴马解雇他的消息)一公布之后,瓦格纳立即钻进他的私人飞机,飞往失业者救济办公室。”——大卫·莱特曼 | "Right after the announcement, Wagoner hopped on his private jet and flew to the unemployment office. " --David Letterman | |
29 | 4个月后,奥布斯特和同样也是他拍摄伙伴的妻子登上了去保护区的飞机。 | Four months later, Obst and his wife, who was also his filmmaking partner, hopped in a bush plane and flew to the refuge’s coastal plain. | |
30 | Costas跳频雷达运动补偿中的模拟退火算法 | Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Motion Compensation of Costas Frequency-hopped Radar |