属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 嫦娥四号成功着陆月球背面 2019年初股市下
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-桌面上的天体物理学 怎样建立一个多元宇宙
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-桌面上的天体物理学 怎样构建多元宇宙
1 | 试论召唤结构与期待视野 | Literary Structure for Calling Attention and Readers’ Horizons of Anticipation | |
2 | 是的,我们也着眼于更广阔的视野--其他国家也一样--这一点要感谢上苍,因为欧洲如果是一个心胸狭隘、闭封自守的俱乐部,绝不会有今天的繁荣,也绝不会有将来的繁荣。 | Yes, we have looked also to wider horizons --as have others--and thank goodness for that, because Europe never would have prospered and never will prosper as a narrow-minded, inwardlooking club | |
3 | 斯特里特发育分期,卡内基分期 | Streeter developmental horizons | |
4 | 他也考虑到了可以减少参加主要奖项竞争的影片数量(今年有22部影片参加主要奖项的角逐),或者用主流电影来取代(鼓励艺术创新的)“地平线”单元。 | He might also consider reducing the number of films in the main competition--this year there were 22--or eliminating the Horizons section for trend-setting movies. | |
5 | 听一首曲子稍稍换一下脑子 | Listen to a tune to let one’s mind relax for a while/completely change one’s thinking/ change one’s outlook and expand horizons /undergo brainwashing; brainwash | |
6 | 为了应付课外补习的负担,学生的学校生活素质,必然会受到影响;他们无法在下课后或学校假期,享受他们感到有兴趣的事物,开拓他们的视野。 | Consequently, the quality of school life is inevitably affected as numerous students struggle to cope with the burden of additional subject learning outside the classroom, instead of enjoying their pet interests after school and during vacation in order to broaden their horizons . | |
7 | 我们的证券投资管理委托书都是根据用户需求单独制定的,您可以选择不同的投资组合,以反应不同客户不同的投资视野和需求。 | Our individually defined portfolio management mandates provide you with a choice of different investment profiles reflecting our clients′ different investment horizons and requirements. | |
8 | 雪佛兰的消费者无论在生活中,还是在行车途中,都渴望进一步拓展“视野”. | Chevrolet drivers wish to expand their horizons further, whether in their life or while they are driving. | |
9 | 因希望扩大视野、获得更多社会工作经验,我于2002年12月离开武汉大学,应聘到深圳的百胜机械设备公司当保安。 | In October, 2002, I left the university and was hired as a Security Guard by Baisheng Mechanical Equipment Corporation in Shenzhen because I hoped to broaden my horizons and get more social working experience. | |
10 | 在他们的影响下,我的眼界豁然开朗,忧虑消失了,未知变成了可知。 | Under their influence, the horizons sprung wide and fear went away and the unknown became knowable. | |
11 | 这种钙形态在湿润地区许多土壤的亚表层也有累积。 | This form has also accumulated in the subsurface horizons of many soils in humid regions | |
12 | 中美对生物医学研究与人才培训之合作:美国与中国生理学会展开合作新页 | Sino-American Collaboration in Biomedical Research & Training: American and Chinese Physiological Societies Look Towards New Horizons | |
13 | ||1:北弗里兰县的尼必尔市市长Wilfried Bockholt说,“夜愈是寂静,风车的声音就愈震耳。”||2:他随即模仿了长达5米的风车翼片在桅杆上急速旋转的声音。||3:Bockholt是“市民风电场”背后的推动力量,然而于此项目,他却是喜忧参半。||4:曾以视野广阔盛名的尼必尔,现今却挤满了高低起伏的白风车。||5:他抱怨道,“风车完全改变了这儿的地形。” | ||1:“The quieter the evening, the more you hear it,” says Wilfried Bockholt, mayor of Niebull in North Friesland.||2:He mimics the sound of a 55-metre-long rotor whirling round a windmill’s mast.||3:He is a driving force behind the “citizens’ wind park”, but he has mixed feelings.||4:A region famed for broad horizons is now jagged with white spires.||5:“They alter the landscape completely,” he laments. | |
14 | ||1:好好利用过去来破除偏见、开拓视野。||2:对历史正确认识有助于理解进步取决于面对艰难选择这个道理。||3:有时也能激发灵感。||4:50年前,阿波罗8号从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角起飞。||5:12月24日,它拍下了一幅地球照片:一颗半透明的蓝白色行星,俨然浑然一体。 | ||1:The best way to harness the past demolishes prejudice and opens horizons .||2:A proper sense of history helps you grasp that progress depends on facing up to hard choices.||3:Sometimes it can inspire, too.||4:Fifty years ago Apollo 8 took off from Cape Canaveral in Florida.||5:On December 24th it captured a photograph of Earth, a half-shrouded blue-white planet, seemingly united. | |
15 | ||1:美国的“新视野”号宇宙飞船飞越了“天涯海角”。||2:“天涯海角”是海王星轨道以外的小行星柯伊伯带的一部分,它是机器所能探测到的最远的天体。||3:它长33公里,形状似“雪人”。||4:与此同时,目光转向国内,中国也在太空中取得了首个成就:“嫦娥4号”着陆器和“玉兔2号”漫游者降落在地球看不见的月球“黑暗”一侧。 | ||1:America’s New Horizons spacecraft flew past Ultima Thule.||2:Thule, which is part of the Kuiper belt of asteroids beyond the orbit of Neptune, is the most distant object visited by a machine.||3:It proved to be 33km long and snowman-shaped.||4:Meanwhile, closer to home, China also achieved a first in space: a Chinese robot rover, Chang’E-4, landed on the “dark” side of the Moon invisible from Earth. | |
16 | 如果威福特纳博士和莱伯拉蒂博士能够观察到这些水波的黑洞边界周围的一些奇怪表现时,那么理论学家们会兴奋不已。 | If Dr Weinfurtner and Dr Liberati observe some strange behaviour around their event horizons , theorists will be thrilled. | |
17 | 如果魏因富特纳和利博拉蒂博士在视界外围观察到波的反常表现,理论学家将会为此兴奋不已。 | If Dr Weinfurtner and Dr Liberati observe some strange behaviour around their event horizons , theorists will be thrilled. | |
18 | “新视野”号从2,200,000英里之外监视木卫三。 | New Horizons spied Ganymede from 2. 2 million miles away. | |
19 | “新视野”号的红外探测仪会提供这颗卫星表面和内部成分的更多细节。 | New Horizons ’ infrared observations may provide insight into the composition of the moon’s surface and interior. | |
20 | 20世纪符号互动论的新视野探析 | New Horizons of the Theory of Symbolic Interaction in the 20th Century: a Tentative Exploration | |
21 | Shapiro说,“如果回顾器官移植领域在过去25年所发生的变化,我们的视野就会变阔。” | "If you look at what has happened in all organs over the past 25 years, we have broadened our horizons , " Shapiro says. | |
22 | 本文分析了伽达默尔的“视域融合”理论。 | This paper analyzes Gadamer’s "fusion of horizons " theory. | |
23 | 冲突与消融:认知心理学与精神分析视界融合的新式 | Conflicts and Fusions: A New Paradigm on Fusion of Horizons Between Cognitive Psychology and Psychoanalysis | |
24 | 刺激性的因素还有一大堆,如鼓励过度冒险、只重眼前利益等等。 | The incentives just line up directly, encouraging excessive risk taking, short time horizons , and so on. | |
25 | 从“视界融合”看翻译中“误读”的必然性 | On the Inevitability of "Misreading" in Translation from the Perspective of "Fusion of Horizons " | |
26 | 从此之后,其他研究者们也提出了有关视界的司空见惯的例子。 | Since then, other researchers have come up with other quotidian examples of event horizons . | |
27 | 从今天开始着力于抬高标准,拓展视野,你的生命广度也将得到提升。 | So commit to raise the bar today, stretch your horizons , and you will stretch your life. | |
28 | 但对于投资者来说,迷雾渐渐淡去,使其得以重新思考中长期发展。 | But for investors, the clearing of the fog may allow them to look again at longer-term horizons | |
29 | 但随着投资者扩大投资范畴,指数覆盖的范围也随之拓宽。 | But as investors have expanded their investing horizons , so has the range of indices broadened. | |
30 | 当智人在非洲热带草原进化时,嗜爱并勇于探索新天地的一族获得了空前的繁衍和繁荣。 | When Homo sapiens evolved on the African Savannah, the ones with a penchant for trying new horizons prospered. |