属类:文学表达-外国名著-THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 蔚来汽车IPO首日走势巨震 联合利华取消上市
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反犹太主义 莫怕莫怕
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元区 那种再次下沉的感觉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
1 | 陷于战争边缘的国家. | A country hovering on the brink of war | |
2 | 雄鹰在山谷中飞翔。 | An eagle was hovering over the valley. | |
3 | 许多鲑鱼游来游去. | Many salmon were hovering . | |
4 | 许多鹰在空中盘旋。 | Many eagles were hovering about(around) | |
5 | 一只老鹰在其猎物上空盘旋。 | A hawk was hovering over its prey. | |
6 | 一只鸟在它的巢上空盘旋。 | A bird was hovering over its nest. | |
7 | 一只盘旋的军舰鸟给老人指明了海豚追逐飞鱼的地方。但是鱼群游得太快、也太远了。 | A hovering man-of-war bird showed him where dolphin were chasing some flying fish, but the school was moving too fast and too far away. | |
8 | 鹰在头顶上盘旋。 | The hawk is hovering overhead | |
9 | 有个陌生的男子在我们家附近徘徊。 | A strange man is hovering around our house. | |
10 | 有经验的采集者偶而能凭借气味找到成熟的块菌,或者在早晨和黄昏时候看到成群的小黄蝇在块菌丛生处盘旋,但通常还要依靠经过训练的猪或狗的帮助来寻找。 | Experienced gatherers occasionally detect mature truffles by scent or by the morning and evening presence of hovering columns of small yellow flies, but more often with the help of trained pigs or dogs. | |
11 | 有一架直升飞机在头顶上盘旋. | There was a helicopter hovering overhead. | |
12 | 在浪尖盘旋的海鸥 | Gulls hovering over the waves. | |
13 | 在猎物头顶上盘旋的一只鹰 | A hawk hovering above/over its prey | |
14 | 在演讲台边徘徊 | hovering around the speaker’s podium. | |
15 | 在这场追逐中,宛如蜻蜒之戏舞于睡莲之旁,或如仲夏之夜向明月吐诉衷曲,抒发出一缕缕摄人心魄的细细幽情。 | And this chase, which was like the hovering of a dragon-fly round some water-lily, or the wooing of a moonbeam by the June night, had in it a most magical sweet passion. | |
16 | 直升机在草地上空盘旋。 | The helicopter is hovering over the lawn | |
17 | 只有一个管理员在梅第奇的维纳斯像附近蹀躞着。 | There was only a custos hovering about the Medicean Venus | |
18 | 自从处长警告我以后,我一直担心被解雇。 | The fear of dismissal has been hovering over me ever since the director’s warning. | |
19 | ||1:8月份,美国工人平均小时收入的增长速度加快,比去年同期增长2.9%。||2:失业率稳定在3.9%。||3:到目前为止,失业率一直徘徊在略低于或高于4%的水平;上次出现这种情况是在2000年。||4:这些因素都让美联储在本月晚些时候考虑加息时有充足的时间消化。 | ||1:The pace of growth in the average hourly earnings of American workers quickened in August, rising by 2.9% from the same month last year.||2:The unemployment rate held steady at 3.9%.||3:It has been hovering just below or above 4% all year so far; the last time that happened was in 2000.||4:All of which gives the Federal Reserve plenty to digest when it considers lifting interest rates later this month. | |
20 | ||1:去年皮尤全球民意调查的一份研究表示,仅有7%的英国人对犹太人有偏见。||2:这样的人数比例高于法国,且远比意大利和希腊低,意大利和希腊的偏见人群比例分别是24%和47%。||3:JPR的Daniel Staetsky指出,英国的这一数据已经相当稳定了——十年间一直在7%与9%之间波动。||4:相比于其他欧洲国家,英国人对穆斯林的偏见水平较高。 | ||1:Research last year from the Pew Global Attitudes survey suggests that just 7% of Britons harbour unfavourable views of Jews.||2:That is a little less than in France and much lower than in Italy or Greece, where the rates are 24% and 47% respectively.||3:The figure in Britain has been fairly stable—hovering between 7% and 9%—for a decade, points out Daniel Staetsky of JPR.||4:Levels of prejudice against Muslims are higher in Britain, as in other European countries. | |
21 | ||1:这是一个错觉。||2:最近几个星期,欧元区国家已经再一次开始吸水。||3:他们所有GDP第二季度原地踏步:意大利彻底掉回衰退时期水平,法国GDP持平,即使是强大的德国也出人意料在出口方面大幅下降(另见文章)。||4:第三季度的状况看起来相当不乐观,部分原因是因为欧元区会受到西方国家对俄罗斯制裁的阻力。||5:同时,通货膨胀率降低幅度太小,只有0.4%左右,远低于欧洲中央银行的2%目标,引起了人们的恐慌,人们担心欧元区作为一个整体会成为根深蒂固通货紧缩的牺牲品。||6:德国公债利息在1%以下徘徊,这是另一个价格下降的征兆。||7:欧元区与英美完全相反,英美的经济正在持续增长。 | ||1:It was an illusion.||2:In recent weeks the countries of the euro zone have begun to take in water once again.||3:Their collective GDP stagnated in the second quarter: Italy fell back into outright recession, French GDP was flat and even mighty Germany saw an unexpectedly large fall in output (see article).||4:The third quarter looks pretty unhealthy, partly because the euro zone will suffer an extra drag from Western sanctions on Russia.||5:Meanwhile, inflation has fallen perilously low, to around 0.4%, far below the near-2% target of the European Central Bank, raising fears that the zone as a whole could fall prey to entrenched deflation.||6:German bond yields are hovering below 1%, another harbinger of falling prices.||7:The euro zone stands (or wobbles) in stark contrast with America and Britain, whose economies are enjoying sustained growth. | |
22 | 4月24日,行星资源公司(Planetary Resources)在西雅图的航天博物馆(Museum of Flight)启动了一项计划——在小行星上采矿并将矿物带回地球。对这项计划,人们一直都在疑惑:现实能否战胜艺术? | CAN reality trump art? That was the question hovering over the launch on April 24th, at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, of a plan by a firm called Planetary Resources to mine metals from asteroids and bring them back to Earth. | |
23 | 4月24日,行星资源公司在西雅图的航天博物馆启动了一项计划—在小行星上采矿并将矿物带回地球。对这项计划,人们一直都在疑惑:现实能否战胜艺术? | CAN reality trump art? That was the question hovering over the launch on April 24th, at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, of a plan by a firm called Planetary Resources to mine metals from asteroids and bring them back to Earth. | |
24 | “捕食者”是一架可以实现远程控制的无人驾驶飞机,它长期在距离这座房子两英里左右的高空上盘旋悬停而没有被发觉。 | a remotely controlled, unmanned plane that had been hovering , undetected, two miles or so above the house. | |
25 | 2010年,天体物理学家们发现了一对儿东东,正悬浮在我们银河系盘面的两端。 | In 2010 astrophysicists found a pair of, well, blobs hovering above and below the plane of our Milky Way galaxy. | |
26 | 3月期美元Libor徘徊在0.50%上下,是今年年初水平的两倍。 | Three-month US dollar Libor is hovering at about 50bp, twice its level at the start of the year. | |
27 | 按键,可以通过手指的悬空点按,或者其他简单的动作来完成。 | A hovering finger or a simple movement will be able to press virtual buttons. | |
28 | 把你的鼠标停在圈中任何一个村民身上,你就可以了解到这个村庄面临着什么问题以及你能如何提供帮助。 | Hovering your mouse over one of the villages in the circles gives you a description of what issues face that village and how you can help. | |
29 | 尝试将鼠标在这些图标上盘旋,或者询问系统它们所执行的操作。 | Try hovering the mouse over them, or otherwise asking the system what they do. | |
30 | 此外,通胀的幽灵正在徘徊,而房地产是一个理想的投资保值选择;因此才有了香港房市的天价。 | Besides, the spectre of inflation is hovering , and bricks and mortar serve as an ideal hedge; hence Hong Kong’s own sky-high prices. |