1 | (七)被请求引渡人在请求国曾经遭受或者可能遭受酷刑或者其他残忍、不人道或者有辱人格的待遇或者处罚的; | (7)the person sought has been or will probably be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or humiliation treatment or punishment in the Requesting State ; | |
2 | 被迫投降的耻辱. | the humiliation of having to surrender | |
3 | 被迫投降之耻辱 | The humiliation of having to surrender | |
4 | 从1900年八国联军占领北京,中华民族蒙受巨大屈辱,国家濒临灭亡边缘 | from 1900 when the Eight-Power Allied Forces occupied beijing, subjecting the Chinese nation to great humiliation and bringing the country to the verge of subjugation, | |
5 | 从一九零零年八国联军占领北京,中华民族蒙受巨大屈辱,国家濒临灭亡边缘, | Earth-shaking changes have taken place in China over the past century from 1900 when the Eight-Power Allied Forces occupied Beijing, subjecting the Chinese nation to great humiliation and bringing the country to the verge of subjugation, | |
6 | 从中庸之俭到进取之俭-兼析社会主义荣辱观中的节俭思想 | From Mediocre Frugality to Enterprising Frugality-Also on Frugal Thought in Socialist honor-humiliation Outlook | |
7 | 但光彩照人的飞蓬遭魏王曹操、曹丕父子两代的霸占并倍受将官的欺凌 | The beautiful Zheng was taken away from Wei forcefully by the King of the Wei State, Cao Cao, and was subjected to endless bullying and humiliation by the Cao Cao and his son. | |
8 | 但是若要和他们生个孩子,咳!那是屈辱而可憎的!就是这样! | But to let them breed a child on you! Ugh! Humiliation and abomination. So that was that! | |
9 | 当站在我身旁的人听到远处传来的笛声,而我听不到;当站在我身旁的人听到牧羊人的歌声,而我却仍然听不到,这对我来说是多大的羞辱啊! | But what a humiliation for me when someone standing next to me heard a flute in the distance and I heard nothing, or someone standing next to me heard a shepherd singing and again I heard nothing. | |
10 | 第三十条澳门居民的人格尊严不受侵犯。禁止用任何方法对居民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害。 | Article 30 The human dignity of Macao residents shall be inviolable. Humiliation , slander and false accusation against residents in any form shall be prohibited. | |
11 | 对于他所受到的侮辱的回忆使他痛苦得不能忍受。 | The remembrance of his humiliation was almost too painful to bear. | |
12 | 诽谤、中伤、诋毁通过制造恶意或不真实的话语导致他人羞辱或声败名裂 | To cause humiliation or disgrace to by making malicious and false statements. | |
13 | 国耻永远不能忘。 | National humiliation sticks in our mind. | |
14 | 极大的痛苦、侮辱、羞耻等;造成这类感觉的经历. | (experience that causes)intense bitterness,humiliation ,shame,etc | |
15 | 她不能逃跑!她应该坚持到底,任凭这些姑娘百般怨恨,自己万般屈辱和伤心都得忍着,逃跑只能给人家更多攻击的口实。 | She couldn’t run away! She would have to see it through, bear all the malice of the girls and her own humiliation and heartbreak. To run away would only give them more ammunition | |
16 | 她生性难以驾驭,高傲自负,无法忍受丈夫对人人都温文尔雅,假仁假意。 | Of wild and overweening temper, she could not bear the humiliation of her husband’s soft, half-appealing kindness to everyone | |
17 | 她徒劳地四处求职,但却找不到一个她敢迈进去的大门。每次情况总是老样子:她低三下四地请求,人家三言两语把她打发走。 | It would be the same thing all over. The old humiliation of her plea, rewarded by curt denial. | |
18 | 她心里的委屈,在脸上是一点儿也看不出来的。 | You never could suppose from her countenance what pangs of humiliation she might be enduring inwardly | |
19 | 近代中国虽屡遭列强欺凌,国势衰败,但经过全民族的百年抗争,又以巨人的姿态重新站立起来。 | In modern tines, the frequent bullying and humiliation by imperialist powers once weakened China.However, after a hundred year’s struggle of the entire Chinese nation, China has stood up again as a giant | |
20 | 举行了宗教仪式,以极端虔诚谦卑的心情跪伏在地上,问上帝忏悔我的罪行,接受他对我公正的惩罚,求他通过耶稣基督可怜我,饶恕我。 | Setting it apart to religious exercise, prostrating my self on the ground with the most serious humiliation , confessing my sins to god, acknowledging his righteous judgments upon me, and praying to him to have mercy on me, through Jesus Christ | |
21 | 具有殴打、侮辱情节的,从重处罚 | In circumstances where beating or humiliation are involved, a heavier punishment is to be given. | |
22 | 麦克唐纳很有才干,他深知向一位无论在才能上和经验上,都已经是欧洲独一无二的侦探求援,并不有辱身分。 | Mac Donald had talent enough for his profession to enable him to perceive that there was no humiliation in seeking the assistance of one who already stood alone in Europe, both in his gifts and in his experience | |
23 | 没有理由相信西方人没有日本人那样自尊和较少感到羞辱。 | There is no reason to believe that Westerners have less pride or feelless humiliation than do Japanese | |
24 | 美国在这场遥远的战争中所遭受的耻辱被看成是美国在领导战后世界中倒行逆施而应得的一场公正的教训。 | America’s humiliation in that distant enterprise was seen as an object lesson in the immorality of America’s postwar world leadership | |
25 | 莫雷尔当时的想法是对的,因为他想到了拒绝,屈辱地回家来了。 | And Morrel was right, for he returned home crushed by the humiliation of a refusal | |
26 | 那是一次不光彩的经历。 | It is an experience of humiliation | |
27 | 难堪的屈辱咄咄逼人,一阵阵刺着他的心。 | He was suffering an excruciating humiliation which mocked him in its very intensity | |
28 | 念方块字的人,都能感受的到这古老大地百年来所忍受的耻辱。 | Those who were Chinese-educated could well feel the century-long humiliation suffered by their ancestral country. | |
29 | 帕受羞辱是一种强大的推动力。 | Fear of humiliation is a powerful motivator | |
30 | 朋友们,终有一天,人们再也不能忍受被抛进屈辱的深渊,经受冷酷的、无了期的绝望。 | There comes a time my friends when people get tired of being plunged across the abyss of humiliation , when they experience the bleakness of nagging despair |