1 | 她是私生女. | She’s illegitimate . | |
2 | 没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,并由有关主管部门责令该机构停业, | its illegitimate income shall be confiscated, it shall be fined for a sum that is between one and five times that of the illegitimate income, and the relevant authorities shall order this organ to suspend its business and | |
3 | 没收违法所得,并可根据情节处以违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款; | forfeit the illegitimate income, and may impose a penalty that is not less than one time but not more than three times of its illegitimate income, depending on the seriousness of the act; | |
4 | 确立我国非婚生子女认领制度的立法研究 | The Legislative Researches about Establishing China’s Illegitimate Children of the Claimed System | |
5 | 然而私生子能从他们父母那里继承遗产。 | Children who are illegitimate can nevertheless inherit from their parents. | |
6 | 认领后子女监护人之决定 | A Study on Custody of the Illegitimate Child after Recognition | |
7 | 私生的. | of illegitimate descent | |
8 | 私生子. | an illegitimate child | |
9 | 私生子不合法的孩子;私生子 | An illegitimate child;a bastard. | |
10 | 私生子私生子的身份或状态;无合法身份 | The condition of being of illegitimate birth;illegitimacy. | |
11 | 私生子已发过誓要独身的传教士的私生子女 | The illegitimate son of an ecclesiastic who has taken a vow of celibacy. | |
12 | 他们决定生一个孩子,于是结了婚,这样就不致于使我是私生子。 | They decided to have a baby and married so I should not be an illegitimate | |
13 | 通过某个合法连接进入另一个计算机系统所进行的非法存取。 | The illegitimate access to another computer system via another’s legitimate connection. | |
14 | 为谋取不正当利益,给予国家工作人员以财物的,是行贿罪 | An act of giving state functionaries articles of property in order to seek illegitimate gain shall be considered a crime of offering bribes. | |
15 | 为谋取不正当利益,给予国家机关、国有公司、企业、事业单位、人民团体以财物的 | To seek illegitimate gain, whoever gives articles of property to state organs, state-owned companies, enterprises, institutions, and people’s organizations | |
16 | 违反本条例的规定,未经批准擅自设立中外合作办学机构,或者以不正当手段骗取中外合作办学许可证的, | Where anyone, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, establishes a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school without approval, or defrauds a permit for Chinese-foreign cooperation in running the school by illegitimate means, | |
17 | 我国《反不正当竞争法》立法模式及类型化问题 | The Legislative Mode and the Typifying Matter of Our Country’s 《Opposing Illegitimate Contest Statute》 | |
18 | 无婚姻关系双亲所生的;私生子的 | Born of unwed parents;illegitimate . | |
19 | 西方的一些国家拿什么人权、什么社会主义制度不合理不合法等做幌子,实际上是要损害我们的国权。 | Some Western countries, on the pretext that China has an unsatisfactory human rights record and an irrational and illegitimate socialist system, attempt to jeopardise our national sovereignty. | |
20 | 也许她是个私生女。 | Perhaps she was an illegitimate daughter | |
21 | 也有一个说法:"没有私生子,只有私生的父母。" | It has said: "There are no illegitimate children-only illegitimate parents." | |
22 | 以合法形式掩盖非法目的的。 | Those that performed under the guise of legitimate acts conceal illegitimate purposes. | |
23 | 因被勒索给予国家工作人员以财物,没有获得不正当利益的,不是行贿 | Whoever gives articles of property to state functionaries due to extortion but receives no illegitimate gain shall not be considered as committing the crime of offering bribes. | |
24 | 有的公墓单位为牟取暴利,把骨灰存放格位混同一般产品,以增值为诱饵,欺骗群众竞相购买,大肆进行传销和炒买炒卖等不正当营销活动,损害了群众的利益,引发出一些不安定因素。 | Some units operating cemeteries, for the purpose of seeking illegitimate profits, confuse cells for the storage of ashes with general commodities, use appreciation as bait, deceive the masses into scrambling for the cells by purchase, unscrupulously conduct illegal marketing activities of pyramid sales and speculation, which have infringed on the interests of the masses and produced some factors of insecurity. | |
25 | 有下列情形之一,操纵证券交易价格,获取不正当利益或者转嫁风险,情节严重的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚金 | Whoever rigs securities trading prices and obtains illegitimate benefits or shifts the risk in any of the following ways shall be sentenced to not more than five years in prison or criminal detention, provided the circumstances are serious. He or she shall be fined, additionally or exclusively, a sum not less than 100 percent and not more than 500 percent as high as his or her illegal proceeds | |
26 | 这不应该理解为,不大搞模型而只考察数据就是无效劳动。 | This should not be interpreted in the sense that looking at date without much modeling is an illegitimate activity | |
27 | 这个机构非法动用公款。 | The agency made illegitimate use of public funds. | |
28 | 作者在这个句子中用了不符合语法的结构。 | In this sentence the writer uses an illegitimate construction. | |
29 | ||1: West在21岁时与年长她26岁的H.G.Wells生下了一个非婚子之后便成为了他的第二任妻子。第二任丈夫Henry Andrews是早年罹患痴呆症并在婚姻生活中频繁出轨的银行家。 ||2: Thompson历经三次婚姻,同样育有一子,是与第二任丈夫,荣获诺贝尔文学奖的Sinclair Lewis所生。 ||3:两位儿子不满他们的母亲专注工作而导致自己孤寂残缺的童年,在首次婚姻中,妻室尚在却与年轻女子重婚,并追寻着不切实际的梦想,当最终幻灭之时,又央求母亲终身的经济援助。 | ||1: When she was 21 West had an illegitimate son with H.G. Wells, 26 years her senior and then on his second wife, before marrying Henry Andrews, a banker, who was frequently unfaithful and suffered early from a form of dementia. ||2: Thompson was married three times and also had a son, with Sinclair Lewis, her second husband and winner of the Nobel prize in literature. ||3: Resentful of their mothers after lonely childhoods, both sons married young before abandoning their first wives, pursued unrealistic ambitions, and, when they proved unsuccessful, demanded lifelong financial assistance. | |
30 | ||1:“同族的英国人”是由尼古拉斯·詹金斯创办的,他是位于加州斯坦福大学的教授。||2:创建这个网站的灵感来源于詹金斯教授对自己身世的追溯和对20世纪诗人奥登本经的调查研究。||3:现在这个网站在英国已有近3万访问量。||4:进入网站的访客使用清晰的信息图表和交互工具来追踪人们之间的关系。||5:船队队长、银行家、诗人、画家、律师以及政治家都包括在其中。||6:有别于以往的家谱,这项项目包括重婚者、同性恋以及私生子。 | ||1: “KindredBritain” is a website launched by Nicholas Jenkins, an English professor atStanfordUniversityinCalifornia. ||2: The project grew out of Professor Jenkins’s research into both his own background and that of W.H. Auden, a 20th-century poet. ||3: The website now holds entries on nearly 30,000 Britons. ||4: Visitors to the website trace relations between different people using clear infographics and interactive tools. ||5: Admirals, bankers, poets, painters, lawyers and politicians are all in the mix. ||6: Unlike traditional family trees, these include bigamists, same-sex couples and illegitimate children. |