属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中东的解密者 弗瑞德·韩礼德
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯的隐形朋友 为何欧洲民粹派与激进派皆欣赏普京
1 | ||1:他同样支持以外部干预的方式使被压迫的人民摆脱暴君的统治。||2:对付阿富汗的塔利班组织,一个有苏维埃支持的政权更可取;他也谴责美国在阿富汗制造了伊斯兰恐怖主义的温床。||3:“本·拉登”,他说,“是罗纳德·里根和玛格丽特·撒切尔的私生子”。||4:他站在推翻萨达姆·侯赛因的一方,然而他认为占领军的准备糟糕鲁莽。||5:他的反对者指出他又回到了左派阵营,他则反驳道:“人道主义的未来不是位于费卢杰的偏僻街道里。” | ||1: He also favoured outside intervention to rid people of oppressors. ||2: A Soviet-backed regime was preferable to the Taliban in Afghanistan, and he blamed the United States for creating a seedbed for Islamist terror there. ||3: “Bin Laden”, he said, “is the illegitimate child of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.” ||4: He was for removing Saddam Hussein, though he thought the occupiers recklessly ill prepared. ||5: To the enemies this earned him on the left, he retorted: “The future of humanity does not lie in the back streets of Fallujah.” | |
2 | ||1:在这段时期,因为继承的缘故,她不得不经常搬迁—这类烦心事反倒丰富了她的叙述内容。||2:老姑娘和母亲总是寄居在有钱的侄子家中;孩子会成为膝下无子的亲戚的继承人。||3:一条来自东印度的披肩引出了费拉阿姨—她在二十一岁时乘船到孟加拉寻找结婚对象——和她的女儿伊莱莎的故事。||4:伊莱莎是个天性浪漫的私生女,她的先夫死于法国大革命的断头台上;后来她嫁给了奥斯汀的哥哥亨利。||5:这个轻佻娇纵的嫂子后来成了她在《曼斯菲尔德庄园》里玛丽.克劳福德小姐的原型。||6:亨利本人的军旅生涯也为她在《傲慢与偏见》中浮夸的“红制服”军人形象提供了素材。||7:而她作做海军的兄弟们则提供了海军生活的第一手材料。 | ||1: During this time the movements of family followed the flows of inheritance; a vexatious matter that drives Austen’s narratives. ||2: Old maids and mothers were often housed by rich cousins; a child might be made heir to childless relatives. ||3: An East Indian shawl introduces Aunt Phila—who at 21 sailed to Bengal in order to find a husband—and her daughter, Eliza. ||4: A romantic figure, and presumably illegitimate , Eliza first married a man who fell under the guillotine in the French Revolution, and later married Austen’s brother Henry. ||5: This coquettish cousin is fictionalised as Mary Crawford in “Mansfield Park”. ||6: Austen also drew on Henry’s militia experience for her depiction of flirtatious redcoats in “Pride and Prejudice”. ||7: Her midshipman brothers helped inform references to the navy. | |
3 | ||1:曾一度,俄罗斯的盟友主要为左翼分子。||2:现在部分地区仍有亲俄共产主义者,希腊就是其一。||3:而如今克里姆林宫的密友多属于民粹派。||4:乌克兰危机激起他们的亲俄情绪,且当一大帮混杂的激进分子受邀担保有关克里米亚重返俄罗斯的公投一事时,这种亲俄情绪达到高潮。||5:这些所谓的“观察家”有来自法国民族阵线、“为了更好的匈牙利运动”、比利时弗拉芒利益党、奥地利自由党和意大利北党的,还有希腊与德国的左翼分子及一伙各式各样的奇葩。||6:他们宣言,被多数西方政府谴责为非法的选举早已为典范。 | ||1:There was a time when Russia’s friends were principally on the left.||2:There are still some pro-Moscow communists, for instance in Greece.||3:But these days the Kremlin’s chums are most visible on the populist right.||4:The crisis in Ukraine has brought out their pro-Russian sympathies, most overtly when a motley group of radicals was invited to vouch for Crimea’s referendum on rejoining Russia.||5:The “observers” included members of the National Front, Jobbik, the Vlaams Belang in Belgium, Austria’s Freedom Party (FPO) and Italy’s Northern League, as well as leftists from Greece and Germany and an assortment of eccentrics.||6:They declared that the ballot, denounced by most Western governments as illegitimate , had been exemplary. | |
4 | (一)以盗窃、利诱、胁迫或者其他不正当手段获取权利人的商业秘密的; | obtaining an obligee’s business secrets by stealing, luring, coercion or any other illegitimate means; | |
5 | AlbertEinstein(Redniss指出他跟一个学生生了一个私生子)持不一样的观点。 | Albert Einstein (who Redniss points out had earlier fathered an illegitimate child with a former student) had a different view. | |
6 | 阿尔贝二世亲王与多位女模特和女演员有过暧昧关系,还承认有两个私生子。 | Albert himself has been linked with a succession of models and actresses, and has admitted to fathering two illegitimate children. | |
7 | 阿拉伯国家仍然对叙利亚政府举动保持不祥的沉默,但法国现在已经宣布阿萨德的统治非法。 | Arab countries remain ominously silent about the Syrian government’s actions but France has now declared Mr Assad’s rule illegitimate . | |
8 | 长期以来,“互动世界报”就像一个生长在贵族家庭的私生子。 | Le Monde Interactif grew up feeling like the illegitimate offspring of a noble family. | |
9 | 沉寂中的呐喊--“伪满”时期滞留在东北的女作家研究 | Clamour in the Still--Research on the female writers detained in Northeast China during the "Illegitimate Manchu Regime" period | |
10 | 此外,通过独立审计,欧盟和IMF的“援助”贷款也可以被宣布为违规。 | Moreover, the "rescue" loans by the EU and the IMF may be declared illegitimate by an independent audit. | |
11 | 电子商务中的不正当竞争表现形式及对策分析 | The Forms of Illegitimate Competition in E-Commerce and Its Countermeasures | |
12 | 对整治衡器行业不正当竞争行为的对策思考 | The counterplan considers of renovating illegitimate competition behavior of weighing instrument trade | |
13 | 俄方称其入侵格鲁吉亚是出于“人道主义的立场”,这份托辞被欧盟报告斥为“不合逻辑的”。 | The EU report dismisses as illegitimate Russia’s justification that it acted on "humanitarian grounds" in invading Georgia. | |
14 | 法国政府宣布他的统治“不合法”。 | The French government has declared his rule "illegitimate " . | |
15 | 泛华集团管理层表示,潜在投资者经常分不清非法支付给代理人的款项和合法的激励费用。 | CNinsure’s management says potential investors often confuse illegitimate payments to agents with legitimate incentive payments. | |
16 | 该协会希望遏制IMEI号码的非法交易,从而加大非法手机制造商获取这些号码的难度。 | It hopes to discourage illegal trade in the numbers and thus make it harder for illegitimate manufacturers to get their hands on them. | |
17 | 坏种,讨厌鬼,私生子 | bastard n. ruthless, insensitive person, illegitimate child | |
18 | 据维基百科记载,詹姆斯五世至少有九个私生子,当他成为其中三个孩子的父亲时,自己还是十几岁的少年。 | According to Wikipedia James V had at least nine illegitimate children and three of those he fathered while still a teenager. | |
19 | 据一个统计表明,香港商人们已经是50多万非婚生子女的生父。 | By one count Hong Kong businessmen have fathered more than a half million illegitimate children. | |
20 | 论非法包装的负面作用及其治理 | On Negative Effects and Administration of Illegitimate Package | |
21 | 美国称穆加贝的就职是非法的。 | The United States has called Mr. Mugabe’s inauguration illegitimate . | |
22 | 目前针对离岸金融中心的攻击至少在两方面存在不合理性。 | There are at least two ways in which the current attack on offshore financial centres is illegitimate . | |
23 | 那个道德高尚,威严的主教有四个私生子。 | The virtuous , dignified bishop has four illegitimate children . | |
24 | 那些认为内贾德非法赢得大选的人就倾向于反对他所有的政令。 | Those who view Mr Ahmadinejad’s presidency as illegitimate tend to abjure all his policies. | |
25 | 年仅36岁,他形容自己是执政联合政府的「非法私生子」。 | Aged just 36, he describes himself as "an illegitimate child" of the ruling coalition. | |
26 | 乔布斯高中时期的女友克里斯-安(Chris-Ann)给他生了一个私生女,名叫丽莎(Lisa)。 | His high school girlfriend, Chris-Ann, gave him an illegitimate daughter Lisa. | |
27 | 去年十二月至今年三月,厄瓜多总共拖欠32亿美元外债,厄瓜多政府声称这笔债务是「不合理的和非法的」。 | In December and March it defaulted on bonds totalling $3. 2 billion, which it argued were "illegitimate and illegal" . | |
28 | 确信的是他发明了一个设备用来帮助国王阻止更多非法私生子的出生。 | It is believed that he invented the device to help the king to prevent the birth of more illegitimate children. 20 | |
29 | 入侵检测系统依赖于大量的数据检测以区别合法和非法的行为。 | Intrusion detection systems rely on a wide variety of observable data to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate activities. | |
30 | 沙特一直没有在巴格达建立大使馆,此举意味这它认为什叶领导下的新次序是非法的。 | Saudi Arabia has yet to open an embassy in Baghdad, which has been taken to mean that it deems Iraq’s new Shia-led order to be illegitimate . |