1 | 国际声援非洲和阿拉伯人民对帝国主义和反动派进行斗争会议的国家筹备委员会 | National Preparatory Committee of the International Solidarity Conference with the Struggle of the African and Arab people against Imperialism and Reaction | |
2 | 国内国外的各种不可调和的矛盾,就像一座火山,每天都在威胁美国帝国主义,美国帝国主义就是坐在这座火山上。 | irreconcilable domestic and international contradictions, like a volcano, menace U.S. imperialism every day. U.S. imperialism is sitting on this volcano | |
3 | 国王的臣民反对他的帝制。 | The king’s subjects protested against his imperialism . | |
4 | 经过北伐、土地革命、抗日战争和解放战争,推翻了帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义三座大山, | Through the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, we overthrew the three big mountains of imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism . | |
5 | 旧中国在帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治下,生产力的发展一直是非常缓慢的。 | Under the rule of imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, the productive forces of the old China grew very slowly | |
6 | 林则徐1839年禁烟,从而引发鸦片战争。尽管林则徐是统治阶级的代表,但他是反对英帝国主义的民族英雄。 | Who(Commissioner Lin Zexu)had stamped out the opium trade in 1839, thereby bringing China into military conflict with Britain.-Although a .representative of the ruling classes, Lin was a heroic nationalist symbol in the struggle against British imperialism . | |
7 | 论奥林匹克主义的帝国主义色彩 | Comments on the Characteristics of Imperialism Regarding Olympism | |
8 | 罗马帝国对革新运输方法上的无能也是惊人的。 | The incapacity of the Roman imperialism for novelty in methods of transport again is amazing | |
9 | 马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移 | The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin’s concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries. | |
10 | 美帝国主义比较其他帝国主义国家,在很长的时期内,更加注重精神侵略方面的活动,由宗教事业而推广到“慈善”事业和文化事业。 | For a very long period, U.S. imperialism laid greater stress than other imperialist countries on activities in the sphere of spiritual aggression, extending from religious to "philanthropic" and cultural undertakings | |
11 | 墨索里尼也是如此,日本帝国主义也是如此。 | So was Mussolini, so was Japanese imperialism | |
12 | 你们看,艾奇逊自己招认了,最近数年的这一场使得几百万中国人丧失生命的大血战,是美国帝国主义有计划地组织成功的。 | You see, hasn’t Acheson himself confessed that the great, sanguinary war of the last few years, which cost the lives of millions of Chinese, was planned and organized by U.S. imperialism ? | |
13 | 评《三位女性的文本与帝国主义的批判》译本-兼论西方文论的翻译标准 | A Comparative Study of the Translations of Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of Imperialism | |
14 | 其他共和国现在公开抱怨新俄罗斯帝国主义,同时以前的那些头儿们也假惺惺地为违反“人权”一掬同情之泪。 | Leaders of other republics mutter openly now about a new Russian imperialism ,while former chieftains shed crocodile tears over the violation of"human rights" | |
15 | 全世界人民要团结起来,互相帮助,在各个地方砍断美帝国主义的手。 | The people of the world should unite and help each other to chop off the tentacles of U.S. imperialism wherever they reach | |
16 | 日本帝国主义还在继续侵略,它的目的是要灭亡中国。 | Japanese imperialism is continuing its aggression with the purpose of subjugating China | |
17 | 日本帝国主义是我们第一个大好的反面教员。 | Japanese imperialism was our first top-flight teacher by negative example | |
18 | 日俄战争后,日本取代了沙皇俄国在中国东三省南部的支配地位 | As a result of the war tsarist Russia was defeated and supplanted by Japanese imperialism in the dominant role in China’s Northeast | |
19 | 如果美帝国主义不推迟新的侵略战争,他说,我要打! | supposing U.S. imperialism does not put off its new war of aggression and says: "I’ll fight!" | |
20 | 上海等处的失业问题即吃饭问题,完全是帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义和国民党反动政府的残酷无情的压迫和剥削的结果。 | In places like Shanghai, the problem of unemployment, or of feeding the population, arose solely because of cruel, heartless oppression and exploitation by imperialism , feudalism, bureaucrat-capitalism and the reactionary Kuomintang government | |
21 | 世界人民强烈抗议帝国主义、殖民主义和霸权主义。 | The people of the world are crying out against imperialism , colonialism and hegemonism | |
22 | 是因为蒋介石背叛革命,投降帝国主义,成了压迫和剥削中国人的反革命首领。 | Because Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution, surrendered to imperialism and became the chieftain of the counter-revolution which oppressed and exploited the Chinese | |
23 | 是政治理念,还是山寨逻辑-《走向“最后关头”-中国民族国家构建中的日本因素(1931-1937)》析评 | Political Ideality or Bandit Logic-Comments on Facing Japan: Chinese Political and Japanese Imperialism (1931-1937) | |
24 | 所有的广告短语和陈旧词句都是出于各民族对使用帝国主义的理想而创造出来的 | All the slogans and shiBBoleths coined out of the ideals of the peoples for the uses of imperialism | |
25 | 他们的反帝斗争正在蓬勃开展。 | Their struggle against imperialism is developing vigorously. | |
26 | 他们要继续斗争,直到把他们国家中一切帝国主义痕迹消除干净。 | They will carry on the struggle till their land is rid of the last vestige of imperialism . | |
27 | 他们一起歌唱在共同的反帝斗争中结成的友谊。 | Together they sang of the friendship formed in their common struggles against imperialism | |
28 | 探讨诸如帝国主义与民族主义、现代与传统、统治与剥削等背反的二元性,如何在第一次世界大战后的期间交互作用。 | To explore how such antinomies as imperialism and nationalism, modernity and tradition, and governmentality and exploitation interacted in the post-World War I period. | |
29 | 提起美国帝国主义,人们似乎觉得它是强大得不得了的,中国的反动派正在拿美国的“强大”来吓唬中国人民。 | Speaking of U.S. imperialism , people seem to feel that it is terrifically strong. Chinese reactionaries are using the "strength" of the United States to frighten the Chinese people | |
30 | 同列宁把帝国主义看做“泥足巨人”一样,毛泽东把帝国主义和一切反动派看做纸老虎,都是从它们的本质说的。 | Just as Lenin considered imperialism a "colossus with feet of clay", so Comrade Mao Tse-tung regards imperialism and all reactionaries as paper tigers; Both have dealt with the essence of the matter |