1 | 在这方面,应特别考虑自发展中国家成员、特别是最不发达国家成员进口产品的进口商 | In this regard, special consideration should be given to those importers importing products originating in developing country Members and, in particular, the least-developed country Members | |
2 | 在浙江大学获得国际贸易学士学位后,我直接进入杭州服装进出口公司做了三年的进口部职员。 | After attaining a BA in International Trade in Zhejiang University, I directly worked with Hangzhou Garments importing and exporting company as an importing staff for three years. | |
3 | 增值税和消费税均适用于进口货物的实体。 | Both the VAT and the Consumption Tax were applicable to entities importing goods | |
4 | 这个国家正在引进各行各业的技术人员。 | The country is importing a broad range of skilled personnel. | |
5 | 政府对引进科学设备非常感兴趣。 | The government has an interest in importing scientific equipment | |
6 | 政府有兴趣进口科学设备。 | The government had an interest in importing scientific equipment. | |
7 | 植物检疫证书或被有关输入缔约方当局接受的相应的电子证书应采用与本公约附件样本中相同的措辞。 | Phytosanitary certificates, or their electronic equivalent where accepted by the importing contracting party concerned, shall be as worded in the models set out in the Annex to this Convention. | |
8 | 只有两三位法国画家在国外还享有点名气。法国的女装新款现在要借助于从英国请进来的时装设计师。 | Only two or three French painters are known outside France. French haute couture is importing British designers to its aid. | |
9 | 专利权被授予后,除法律另有规定的以外,专利权人有权阻止他人未经专利权人许可,为上两款所述用途进口其专利产品或者进口依照其专利方法直接获得的产品。 | After the grant of the patent right, except as otherwise provided for in the law, the patentee has the right to prevent any other person from importing , without its or his authorization, the patented product, or the product directly obtained by its or his patented process, for the uses mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs. | |
10 | 专利权人享有独占的权利,即任何第三人未经专利权人许可,不得制造、使用、发出销售要约、直接销售、或以上述目的进口含有专利或专利方法的产品。 | The patent confers on its proprietor the right to prevent third parties from manufacturing, using, offering for sale, selling or importing for such purposes, without his consent, a product that is the object of the patent or the process |