属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN VDE 0380-5-1995
1 | “做哲学”的方法之起源 | The Inception of the Idea of "Doing Philosophy" | |
2 | 1987年,对罗马条约进行了自签署以来的第一次修订。同年单一欧洲法案开始实施。 | In 1987, the Treaty of Rome underwent its first revision since inception , when the single European act came into force | |
3 | 41 .中国代表表示,自 70 年代末实行改革开放政策以来,中国对其投资体制进行了一系列改革, | The representative of China stated that since the inception of the reform and opening up policy in the late 1970’s, China had carried out a series of reforms of its investment regime. " | |
4 | CPI方法体系自采用以来不断地得到完善。 | The CPI methodology has been continuously improved since its inception . | |
5 | GS系列轿车完美体现了LEXUS雷克萨斯品牌的豪华设计和细致配备。 | The GS sedans perfectly deliver the luxury design and details that have defined the Lexus brand from its inception . | |
6 | 被保险人因本身存在的缺陷或病症,而此缺陷或病症在保单有效前已存在。 | The Insured Person suffering from any pre-existing physical defect or infirmity which existed prior to inception of this policy. | |
7 | 从"一国两制"构想的提出,到这一构想在香港成功地付诸实践,经历了一个不平凡的过程。 | "From its inception to its successful implementation in Hong Kong, the concept of ""one country, two systems"" went through an extraordinary process." | |
8 | 从一开始,Pacifica系列就是TOTO卫生洁具中最具有个性和现代风格的艺术代表作品。 | From its inception , the Pacifica Collection represented one of the most distinctive and contemporary of TOTO bathroom suites. | |
9 | 对担保的终止应在书面通知买方后始适用,并且仅适用于在终止日前已经开始的交易。 | Any such termination shall be applicable only after written notice to buyer, and only to transactions having their inception prior to such date. | |
10 | 分别用挂号信发出该不可抗力的起始和终止的通知,并附上有关当局的证明或公开发布的信息,证明事实真相和所提供的材料的准确性。 | …By registered mail of the inception and cessation of the force majeure within 15 days in each case enclosing a confirmation by the proper authorities or published information attesting the reality of the facts and accuracy of the data supplied | |
11 | 改革开放20多年来,中国经济迅速发展,市场规模不断扩大。 | Over the past 20 odd years since the inception of reform and opening up policy, China has got fast economic development with its market scale constantly expanding. | |
12 | 改革开放以来,全国已建立53个国家级高技术开发区 | Since the inception of reform and opening up to the outside world, 53 State-level new and high-tech industrial development zones have been set up nationwide | |
13 | 高尔夫球推杆赛自65年前在科克被人们接受以来,在爱尔兰迅速蓬勃发展起来。 | The pitch and putt game has flourished in Ireland since its inception in Cork some 65 years ago. | |
14 | 合同约定分期支付保险费的,投保人应当于合同成立时支付首期保险费,并应当按期支付其余各期的保险费。 | If the contract stipulates that the premium is to be paid by installments, the applicant shall pay the first installment at the inception of the contract and the other installments as scheduled. | |
15 | 合圆精密科技股份有限公司,创立于1987年。专业制造各式标准尺寸的高精密轴承﹔ | From its inception , in 1987, to the present, HO YaNG Precise Technology Co., Ltd. has specialized in the manufacturing of high quality bearings. | |
16 | 计划是由他发起的. | The inception of the plan was due to him. | |
17 | 绝缘液体局部放电起始电压测定试验程序 | insulating liquids-Determination of the partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV)-Test procedure | |
18 | 绝缘油.部分放电开始电压的测定.试验方法 | Insulating liquids-Determination of the partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV)-Test methods (IEC 1294:1993)(Report) | |
19 | 抗生的破坏或防止生命开始或延续的 | Destroying life or preventing the inception or continuance of life. | |
20 | 利息支出指订立财务契约时之最低付款额与相应购入之资产之公平价值之差价,按有关契约期拨入各有关会计期间,以使未偿还结余之财务支出率得以固定。 | Interest expense, which represents the difference between the minimum payments at the inception of the finance leases and the corresponding fair value of the assets acquired, is allocated to accounting periods over the period of the relevant leases to produce a constant rate of charge on the outstanding balances. | |
21 | 纳斯达克,从建立之初就同英特尔等高技术公司结下了不解之缘。 | Since its inception , NASDAQ has formed an indissoluble Bond with high-tech companies like Intel | |
22 | 热老化对交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘中水树的影响研究 | Investigation on Influence of Thermal Aging on Water Tree Inception in XLPE Cable Insulation | |
23 | 人们并不知道美国开始使用塑料管的确切时间。 | The exact inception of the use of poly tubes in the United States is unknown | |
24 | 如果设想这个理论从诞生以来的三世纪内没有被修改过,那就是太天真了。 | It would be naive to suppose that the theory has not been modified in the three centuries since its inception | |
25 | 它几乎一开始就遵循与合子显然不同的发育模式。 | Almost from its inception it follows a developmental pattern sharply divergent from that of the zygote | |
26 | 太阳风信息技术有限公司成立于1999年,是一家专业从事互联网开发业务的企业,位于浙江台州。 | Solarwind Info. Tech. Co., Ltd is a company based/located/headquartered at Taizhou, Zhejiang, specializing in the development of Internet-related technology since its establishment/founding/inception in 1999. | |
27 | 我们党作为工人阶级的先锋队,建立时就是以中国先进生产力的代表走上历史舞台的。 | As the vanguard of the working class, our Party emerged in the historical arena as the representative of China′s advanced productive forces at its very inception . | |
28 | 无效或被撤销的婚姻,自始无效。当事人不具有夫妻的权利和义务。同居期间所得的财产,由当事人协议处理; | Void or dissolved marriage shall be invalid from its inception . Neither party concerned shall have the rights and duties of husband or wife. The property acquired during their cohabitation shall be subject to disposition by mutual agreement. | |
29 | 希望工程从它创始之日起就在中国大地上得到了广泛的支持。它给许多中国儿童带来了新的生活。 | Since its inception , the Hope Project has obtained a large degree of support throughout Chinese society. It has made a difference to the lives of many children in China. | |
30 | 亚太经合组织的诞生和发展顺应了时代潮流,是弘扬合作发展精神的成果。 | The inception and growth of APEC conform to the trend of our times and testify to the spirit of development through cooperation |