1 | 红灯表示需要更换灯泡,参见O(灯泡更换) | RED light indicates lamp replacement required. Ref. O (LAMP REPLACEMENT) | |
2 | 后备存储文件中记录的第一个字,它给管理软件指出记录的长度,使软件能把物理存储块划分成逻辑记录。 | The first word of a record in a backing store file which indicates the length of the record to the housekeeping software and enables the software to unpack logical records from physical blocks or buckets | |
3 | 加号(过量等级)说明钢瓶可以过量灌装10% | The + symbol (Plus Rating)indicates that the cylinder qualifies for 10% overfill. | |
4 | 今天的投票结果表明美国的外交政策发生了变化。 | The vote today indicates a change in the foreign policy of the USA. | |
5 | 近来的研究证实,这些图书被运送到了罗马,在那里被书商们瓜分了。 | Recent research indicates that the books were sent to Rome and dispersed by booksellers there | |
6 | 经验表明,当探索事实的诉讼双方面对面直接交锋时,就越是有可能发现事实真相。 | Experience indicates that the truth is more likely to be found when the searchers are closing in from both sides | |
7 | 据一些研究报告显示,在全球网页总数中,英文占68.4%,日文占5.9%,中文占3.9%,朝语占1.3%。 | Some research indicates that among all the web pages in the world, English-language content accounts for about 68.4 percent, japanese 5.9 percent, Chinese 3.9 percent and Korean 1.3 percent | |
8 | 可是如果说本书对另一个美国作了某些阐明的话,那便是,这种被遗弃感正是悲观主义的根源,而失败主义又转而加重了被遗弃的处境。 | Yet if this book indicates anything about the other America, it is that this sense of exclusion is the source of a pessimism, a defeatism that intensifies the exclusion | |
9 | 兰格维茨在发表于《英国医学杂志》的报 | "Doctors do not risk being swamped by their patients’ complaints if they listen until a patient indicates that his or her list of complaints is complete," Langewitz said in a report in the British Medical Journal | |
10 | 量词在特定的上下文中用于某些语言的词汇或词素,如在计数时,指明一个物品所属的语义类别。例如,hon在日语中用来计数细长物体(如木棍或铅笔) | A word or morpheme used in some languages in certain contexts,such as counting,that indicates the semantic class to which an item belongs.For example,hon is used in Japanese in counting long,slender objects such as sticks or pencils. | |
11 | 林业现状说明,林业发展与维护生态安全的要求极不适应。 | The status quo of China’s forestry indicates that forestry development does not meet the requirement for maintaining ecological security | |
12 | 路标标示正确的前进路线。 | The signpost indicates the right way to go. | |
13 | 梅兰芳善演旦角,其名声中外流传。梅兰芳作为刻划妇女印象的宗师这一事实表明本世纪京剧的内涵已有很大的发展,变得相当丰富 | Mei was an exponent of the female roles and his fame spread all over China and beyond. His supreme position as an interpreter of female roles indicates that the content of the Peking Opera widened considerably this century, | |
14 | 美国人以不拘礼节而著称,可是新到美国的来访者却会认为这是美国人对人不礼貌,特别是在商业系统。 | Although American informality is well known, many new visitors think that it indicates a "lack of respect". This is especially true in the business world | |
15 | 钠光谱中的这条线以及其它线的双重性指出预期价电子可用的状态数是双重的。 | The doublet nature of this and other lines in the Na spectrum indicates a doubling of the expected number of states available to the valence electron | |
16 | 男人的体力)。不过,它多指与人类的相似性 | manlike physical strength;often,however,it merely indicates resemblance to a human being | |
17 | 南韩国家防灾机构指出,在五天滂沱大雨带来洪水后,南韩至少有五人已经丧生,另有八人失踪,洪水并淹没八千间房屋与大片农田。 | The national anti-disaster institution of South Korea indicates that the floods brought by the pouring rainstorms in five days have caused at least 5 deaths, and 8 people are missing. The floods have also drowned 8,000 houses and vast farmland | |
18 | 牌子上的箭头指示该走哪条路。 | The arrow on the sign indicates the right way to go. | |
19 | 气压高度表用以指示海平面或另外某个被选定高度以上的高度。 | A barometric altimeter indicates height above sea level or some other selected elevation | |
20 | 取景器照相机上的光学或者电子设备,用以显示出现在镜头里的东西 | A device on a camera that indicates ,either optically or electronically,what will appear in the field of view of the lens. | |
21 | 商检证书上标明有些滚筒生锈了。 | The certificate indicates that some of the rollers are rusted. | |
22 | 身体发烧表明有病。 | Fever indicates sickness. | |
23 | 实践证明,步子放大些有利。 | Our experience indicates that it should be beneficial to go a little faster. | |
24 | 实验工作证明,当海水蒸发时,海水中约有14%的溴化物与石盐同时沉淀。 | Experimental work indicates that about 14% of the bromide in sea water precipitates with the halite as sea water evaporates | |
25 | 束缚是指位于这些能级中某一能级上的粒子将总是受到力心的约束。 | Bound indicates that a particle in one of these levels will remain attached to the force center | |
26 | 说真的我们这每个人都觉得您“太出色”了,而您的资历表明您如果能到一家可以尽展您聪明才智的公司去任职,将会更加愉快。 | Frankly it is the feeling of everyone here that you are "overqualified", and your experience indicates you would be much happier with a company that could make full use of your talents | |
27 | 虽然经常刷牙对于牙齿健康很重要,但研究人员指出,某些人可能具有发生牙科疾病的遗传倾向。 | While regular brushing and flossing remain essential to good dental health, the research indicates that some people may have a genetic tendency to dental problems | |
28 | 他的犹豫表明不愿意。 | His hesitation indicates unwillingness. | |
29 | 他疾病的变化有必要使用猛一些的药。 | The change in his illness indicates the use of stronger drugs. | |
30 | 铁锈色或深紫红色鼻液表示血液来自下呼吸道。 | A rust or prune juice in nasal discharge colour indicates blood originating from lower respiratory tract |