1 | “很好,”基督山用一种局外人的口吻说,“悉听尊便,子爵,因为您的行为当然得您自己作主,而且跟您也最利害相关,但如果我是您,我对于这些奇遇就一个字都不说出去,您的身世简直就是一篇传奇式的故事。 | "Well," said Monte Cristo in an indifferent tone, "you will do as you please, count, for you are the master of your own actions, and are the person most concerned in the matter, but if I were you, I would not divulge a word of these adventures | |
2 | “这间前厅里的大理石像太普通了,”基督山说。 | "These are but indifferent marbles in this ante-chamber," said Monte Cristo | |
3 | “这些我都是在马赛听说的,”教士竭力装出满不在乎的样子回答说,“老唐太斯死后,又过了这么多年,所以有关他临终时的详细情形我却探听不到。 | "I learned so much at Marseilles," replied the abb, making a strong effort to appear indifferent ; "but from the length of time that has elapsed since the death of the elder Dants, I was unable to obtain any particulars of his end | |
4 | “珠宝商开始吃起饭来,卡康脱女人则继续向他献小殷勤,象个小心的主妇一样。 | The jeweller began eating his supper, and the woman, who was ordinarily so querulous and indifferent to all who approached her, was suddenly transformed into the most smiling and attentive hostess | |
5 | 巴巴拉受了感动,很后悔她不该显出漠不关心的样子来。 | barbara was touched, and sorry to have appeared indifferent | |
6 | 把困难和危险置之度外 | Be indifferent to hardships and dangers | |
7 | 把征途上的危险置之度外的探险家. | Explorers indifferent to the dangers of their journey | |
8 | 不顾个人的幸福 | Be indifferent about one’s welfare | |
9 | 不关心别人的痛苦 | Indifferent to the pain of others | |
10 | 不过,在失去耐心和自私心里作祟下,一些司机可能突然完全失控而变得鲁莽,只顾自己的方便,无视交通规则和他人的安全。 | A usually rational person can be transformed suddenly into a demon behind a driving wheel once his impatience and selfishness gets the better of him, he becomes recklessly indifferent to the traffic rules and safety of others just to get his own way | |
11 | 存在主义一种强调在怀有敌意或冷漠的世界中个人经历的独特性和孤立性的哲学,它认为人的存在是不可解释的,并强调选择的自由和对自己行为的结果负责 | A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe,regards human existence as unexplainable,and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one’s acts. | |
12 | 大多数的学生对政治集会不关心。 | The majority of students were indifferent to the political meeting. | |
13 | 大多数的学生对政治集会漠不关心。 | The majority of students were indifferent to the political meeting. | |
14 | 但是那种力量依然聚集在外面,冷冷冰冰,对什么都不闻不问,似乎它在与这个干草色的飞蛾作对。 | Yet the power was there all the same, massed outside indifferent , impersonal, not attending to anything in particular. Somehow it was opposed to the little hay-coloured moth. | |
15 | 淡漠的漠不关心或不热情的,尤指对宗教事务 | Indifferent or lukewarm especially in matters of religion. | |
16 | 当远处一切归于沉寂,拉特克利夫第一次开口招呼她,那口气是漫不经心,带着嘲弄意味。 | When all in the distance was silent, Ratcliffe for the first time addressed her, and it was in that cold, sarcastic, indifferent tone | |
17 | 动物在自己的后代一旦能够生活自理时,就不再给予照顾,可是人类,因为幼年时期太长,很难做到这一点。 | Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look after themselves, but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find this difficult. | |
18 | 杜新箨照例不多开口,只是冷眼微笑,却也对于范博文的几次警语点头赞许。 | Tu-Hsin-to remained reticent and looked on with an indifferent smile, though he nodded his appreciation of Fan Po-wen’s witticism | |
19 | 对别人遭受的痛苦漠然处之 | Indifferent to the sufferings of others. | |
20 | 对你的去留我毫不关心。 | It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay. | |
21 | 对群众的生活不能漠不关心。 | We must not be indifferent to the lives of the masses. | |
22 | 对学习不热心 | Be indifferent to one’s study | |
23 | 对赞扬一切的人,不可多信;对谴责一切的人,少信;对一切漠不关心的人,最不可信。--拉瓦特 | Trust him little who praises all, him less who censures all, and him least who is indifferent about all.-- Johann Kaspar Lavater | |
24 | 反应中不活跃的化学成分 | An indifferent chemical in a reaction. | |
25 | 芳汀并不罗嗦,她恐怕说得太激烈,反而把事情搞坏,得不到别人的好感,因此她只谈一些不相干的话。 | Fantine did not murmur,she feared that she had injured by her too passionate lamentations the confidence which she was desirous of inspiring, and she began to talk of indifferent things | |
26 | 封她来说,他是谁,根本是无关紧要的事。 | It was utterly indifferent to her who he was. | |
27 | 霍尔先生天生是个饮食有度,不爱奢侈的人。 | Mr. Hall was naturally an abstemious man indifferent to luxury | |
28 | 基督山表面显得虽然漠不关心,实际上对这一段谈话却一字不漏地记在心上,他那具有洞察力的目光甚至已经在那位秘书困惑的态度上读到了一种含而不露的秘密。 | Monte Cristo, although apparently indifferent , had not lost one word of this conversation, and his penetrating eye had even read a hidden secret in the embarrassed manner of the secretary | |
29 | 俭朴的或想发财的人,被说成是爱财的人;不谨慎的,或不吝啬的或奢侈的人,被说成是漠视货币的人。 | A frugal man, or a man eager to be rich, is said to love money; and a careless, a generous, or a profuse man, is said to be indifferent about it | |
30 | 她的想法既愉快又天真。有很长一段时间,她一心只顾着布置纽约的住房,对一幢楼里同住十户人家,大家却形同陌路,互不关心,感到十分奇怪。 | Her thoughts were merry and innocent enough. For a long while she concerned herself over the arrangement of New York flats, and wondered at ten families living in one building and all remaining strange and indifferent to each other. |