属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-德州堕胎法为限制其它权利开先例
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生日“不”快乐 Unhappy birthday to
1 | 我们还是不要违反规定才好。 | We’d better not infringe any of the rules. | |
2 | 无论本条有何相反的规定,如果发生对买方的诉讼、索赔、诉讼行为或程序是基于以下主张,即卖方制造并销售给买方的物品侵犯了任何第三方的××国专利、或其他任何知识产权 | Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Section, Seller will defend any suit, claim, action or proceeding brought against buyer to the extent that such suit, claim, action or proceeding is based on a claim that goods manufactured and sold by Seller to buyer infringe patent, or any other intellectual property rights of any third party | |
3 | 向外输出新技术、新产品时,也要做好有关知识产权查询工作,防止技术或产品出口后被他人仿制或侵犯他人的知识产权。 | Where an item of new technology or a new product is exported, proper inquiries should also be made with respect to intellectual property so that after the technology or product is exported it may not be copied by others or infringe the intellectual property of others. | |
4 | 一切侵犯国有财产或者劳动群众集体所有的财产,侵犯公民私人所有的财产,侵犯公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,以及其他危害社会的行为,依照法律应当受刑罚处罚的,都是犯罪。 | All acts that violate property owned by the state or property collectively owned by the laboring masses; violate citizens’ privately owned property; infringe upon citizens’ rights of the person, democratic rights, and other rights; and other acts that endanger society, are crimes if according to law they should be criminally punished. | |
5 | 隐匿、毁弃或者非法开拆他人信件,侵犯公民通信自由权利,情节严重的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百四十九条的规定追究刑事责任 | Persons who infringe upon the citizens’ right to freedom of correspondence by concealing, destroying, discarding or illegally opening mail of another person, where circumstances are serious, shall be investigated for criminal liability according to the provisions of Article 149 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China | |
6 | 有本法第三十八条所列侵犯注册商标专用权行为之一的,被侵权人可以向县级以上工商行政管理部门要求处理 | Where any party has committed any of such acts to infringe the exclusive right to use a registered trademark as provided for in Article 38 of this Law, the infringee may request the administrative authority for industry and commerce at or above the county level for actions. | |
7 | 这不仅有损于我国主权、邮政经营管理权和经济利益,也将会造成我国邮政通信管理上的混乱。 | This would not only infringe upon our sovereignty, right of postal management and administration and economic interests, but also cause disorder in the administration of post and communications in our country. | |
8 | 真正说起来,国权比人权重要得多。贫弱国家、第三世界国家的国权经常被他们侵犯。 | Actually, national sovereignty is far more important than human rights, but they often infringe upon the sovereignty of poor, weak countries of the Third World. | |
9 | 知识产权侵权诉讼审判籍确定的诚信原则 | The principle of Loyalty concerning the Fixation of Judicial Records of Intellectual Property Right Infringe Lawsuit | |
10 | 中国同样认为,社会主义国家不能侵犯别国的利益、主权和领土。 | It also maintains that a socialist country should not infringe upon other countries’ interests, sovereignty or territory. | |
11 | 注意别去侵犯他人的权益。 | Be careful not to infringe upon the rights of other people. | |
12 | 大卫·诺尔表示,最高法院并未阻止“侵犯受宪法保护权利”的法律,我确实认为这是让其他州群起效仿。”他是新泽西州罗格斯法学院的教授。 | The Supreme Court is not preventing laws that “infringe constitutionally protected rights. I do think this is a bit of an invitation to other states," said David Noll. He is a professor at Rutgers Law School in New Jersey. | |
13 | ||1:奥巴马政府未否决美国贸易委员会对侵权苹果的一些旧款三星产品颁布的禁令。||2:尽管有人质疑白宫的动机,但这不会对这家韩国公司的销量有太大影响。||3:而与之截然不同的是,今年八月,奥巴马政府解除了美国贸易委员会对侵权三星产品的苹果旧款iPads 和 iPhones发布的禁令。 | ||1:The Obama administration decided not to overturn a ban imposed by America’s trade commission on some of Samsung’s older phones for infringing patents held by Apple.||2:It is unlikely to hurt the South Korean company’s sales much, though some have questioned the White House’s motives.||3:In August it did quash a ban imposed by the commission on Apple’s older iPads and iPhones that were found to infringe Samsung’s patents. | |
14 | ||1:据原告所述,被授予评定权的这些机构可能至少侵犯了美国政府三个机构中的一家的权利,因此行政机构似乎高于权力机构。||2:他们举例说,通过CFPB首领的任命和美联储利用强制性开销来规定成立官僚机构所需开销的技巧,奥巴马执政政府常常绕过参议院的审批。 | ||1:Each of the entities was given rights that may infringe on powers vested in at least one of the three traditional branches of American government, and thus to constitutional checks on power, according to the plaintiffs.||2:They cite, for example, the method the Obama administration used to circumvent Senate approval (which is explicitly required under Dodd-Frank) for the appointment of the head of the CFPB and the technique of funding the bureau through mandated payments by the Fed. | |
15 | 在民主国家,领导人必须判断人民是否能接受高强度的隔离。意大利的封锁在很大程度上是自我监督,并没有严重侵犯人民的权利。但是,如果事实证明措施漏洞更大,那么在成本可能几乎同样高昂的情况下,但是效果要差得多。 | In democracies leaders have to judge if people will tolerate China’s harsh regime of isolation and surveillance. Italy’s lockdown is largely self-policed and does not heavily infringe people’s rights. But if it proves leakier than China’s, it may be almost as expensive and a lot less effective. | |
16 | “彼得兔系列”图书不存在商标使用行为,并未侵犯商标权。 | There are not the action of using trademark in Peter Rabbit books, so Peter Rabbit books don’t infringe the rights under a mark. | |
17 | MySpace的辩解也有理有据,因为该网站的许多用户没有侵犯任何人的版权。 | MySpace has a legitimate defence that many of its users do not infringe anyone’s copyright. | |
18 | senatorronwyden通过这项议案来管制这些问题,他提出,这些会侵犯言论自由的权利。 | Senator Ron Wyden put a hold on the bill over these issues, which, he argued, could infringe on the right to free speech. | |
19 | 但必须考虑到各个国家和地方的要求,并保证你不侵犯其它公司名称的权利。 | Thought must be given to state and local requirements and making sure you don’t infringe upon the rights of someone else’s business name. | |
20 | 但我们必须意识到一个简单的事实,绝大多数生产制造商更多地是选择侵犯专利,而不是花钱获得许可。 | But the simple fact is that most manufacturers would rather infringe a patent than pay a license. | |
21 | 当互联网用户侵犯原著版权时,相似的力量也在发挥作用。 | Similar forces are at play when internet users infringe owners of copyright. | |
22 | 当时我们注意到我们的部分设计可能侵犯了丰田的混合动力专利权,就联系了丰田公司。 | We realized that some of our ideas might infringe on Toyota’s hybrid patents. We contacted them. | |
23 | 第一百三十一条受害人对于损害的发生也有过错的,可以减轻侵害人的民事责任。 | If a victim is also at fault for causing the damage, the civil liability of the infringe may be reduced. | |
24 | 对于可能侵犯其周围海域的军事活动,中国没有对美国发出强硬的外交措辞。 | It saved its toughest words for the United States, warning against military activities that might infringe on waters around China. | |
25 | 个人投资者权益侵犯的类型及防范对策 | Type of personal investor’s right infringe and its prevention countermeasures | |
26 | 建立另外一个全球P2P网络电话和视频网络,并且不侵犯现有专利,这很难做到。 | The creation of another global P2P VOIP and video network that doesn’t infringe on existing patents is no small task. | |
27 | 卢布坦的红底高跟鞋商标使用的颜色是“中国红”,但他称用相似颜色造成混淆也对其商标产生了侵犯。 | Louboutin identifies the shade it uses as "Chinese red" , but argues that any confusingly similar shade would infringe the trademark. | |
28 | 美利坚合众国政府无权侵犯一个爱好和平人民的宗教自由。 | The government of the United States had no right to infringe on the religious freedom of a peaceful people. | |
29 | 乔恩·斯图尔特:政府还有其他侵犯个人自由的事情吗? | Jon Stewart: Are there other things that infringe personal liberty in government? | |
30 | 侵犯商业秘密的惩罚性赔偿研究 | Research on Punitive Damages of Infringe upon Commercial Espionage |