属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-睡眠与月相 精神失常?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-墨西哥崛起 或成中国未来主要竞争对手(1)
1 | 什么使阴历扎根于人类社会当中仍是一个迷。 | What use an ingrained lunar calendar is to a human being remains to be determined. | |
2 | 我们注定无法脱离大自然,有时候我们会忘记这一点。” | Being in nature is ingrained in our DNA, and we sometimes forget that." | |
3 | ||由于深陷国内各种问题以及改革不力的窘境,墨西哥也有可能错失眼前的机遇。||但是种种迹象表明,其潜力已被开发。若一切顺利,五角大楼等等关于墨西哥的消极预言可能也终将和遭误解的玛雅日历那般不靠谱。 | ||A vast country with deeply ingrained problems and unreformed corners, Mexico could yet squander the opportunities that are coming its way.|| But there are signs that it is beginning to realise its potential. With luck, the dire predictions made by the Pentagon and others may turn out to be as reliable as a misread Mayan calendar. | |
4 | “当女性看到红色,便会出发某些深层次的反应,可能是生物学上所固有的,”埃利奥特解释道。 | "When women see red it triggers something deep and probably biologically ingrained , " explains Elliot. | |
5 | “鞋子是社会阶级的衡量标准,”,Fisher说,“而今天我们仍有藏有这种思维的根深蒂固的影子。” | "Shoes were a measure of class, " saysFisher, "and we still have a bit of that mind-set ingrained in us. " | |
6 | 《汽车族》杂志(MotorTrend)资深编辑马特•斯通(MattStone)表示,许多美国人对别克有一种根深蒂固的抵触情绪。 | According to Matt Stone, senior editor at Motor Trend magazine, many Americans have an ingrained resistance to Buick. | |
7 | Zobel说最初害怕告诉别人自己的病情来源于作为一个女性企业家心中根深蒂固的不安全感。 | Zobel says her initial fear about telling people came down to a deeply ingrained insecurity as a woman entrepreneur. | |
8 | 报界自我审查机制根深蒂固,打破它尚需时日。 | Self-censorship has become ingrained , and overcoming that will take a while. | |
9 | 变化之迅速有点像个人计算诞生之初,但现在计算机已牢牢融合到生活的每一方面中。 | Suddenly, it feels like the early days of personal computing, albeit computers are now deeply ingrained in nearly every aspect of life. | |
10 | 长久以来一直被视为下层阶级的吉普赛人,在东欧老家一直是偏见和暴力的牺牲品。 | An ingrained underclass, Roma are the victims of prejudice, often violent, at home in eastern Europe. | |
11 | 处女膜修复或可为权宜之计,但终究无法弥合几个世纪根深蒂固的传统意识形态与现代社会观念间的格格不入。 | And while hymen repair may be a quick fix, it can’t reconcile centuries of ingrained tradition with the attitudes of modern society. | |
12 | 创伤或者反复暴露在无法控制的压力下会产生一种根深蒂固的无助的感觉。 | Trauma or repeated exposure to uncontrolled stressors can produce an ingrained sense of helplessness. | |
13 | 但弗里德曼深信,理性与劝说的力量,总能战胜理论上的疑虑。 | But Friedman’s ingrained belief in the power of reason and persuasion always got the better of any such theoretical misgivings. | |
14 | 但日本的问题是如此的根深蒂固,以至于民主党至今也无法有所施展。 | But Japan’s problems are so ingrained that the DPJ has so far been unable to do much. | |
15 | 但是,释放这些根深蒂固的“不得不”--也称之为“个人宗教”,并不是一件容易的事情。 | But releasing these ingrained "have tos, " also called your "personal religion, " is not easy. | |
16 | 但是如果这种限制性信念根深蒂固,成为一种模式,一种习惯,那改起来有点难。 | When it comes to ingrained limiting beliefs, patterns, or habits, these can be a bit harder to change. | |
17 | 但是一些评论家们认为在这个体系中贪污根深蒂固太严重了,不可能通过规章制度来解决。 | But some critics say graft is too deeply ingrained in the system and can’t be solved with regulations. | |
18 | 但是应对这种政策蕴含就要挑战这些深入人心的文化态度。 | But tackling the policy implications is dependent on challenging these deeply ingrained cultural attitudes. | |
19 | 但是这种性格已经过分扎根于新闻集团:它并不会因为默多克只做董事长而消失。 | But feistiness is ingrained in News Corporation: it will not disappear if the chairman-boss becomes a mere chairman. | |
20 | 但这几乎没有触及促使贫穷地方之所以一直贫穷的那些根深蒂固的文化及行为问题,更不用说去解决了。 | But it barely seemed to grasp, let alone fix, the ingrained cultural and behavioural problems that help to keep some poor places poor. | |
21 | 德国的那个案例,是该国企业领域根深蒂固的腐败问题的缩影。 | The German case is symbolic of the deeply ingrained corruption in that country’s corporate sector. | |
22 | 对表扬的需要是我个性中根深蒂固的一部分。是否能彻底改掉令我我怀疑,不过我想能做得更好。 | The need for praise is such an ingrained part of my personality that I doubt I’d be able to change completely, but I can do better. | |
23 | 对不列颠帝国旧日地位的怀恋早已根深蒂固,难以割舍。 | The nostalgia for the status of Britain’s imperial past is deeply ingrained . | |
24 | 对于许多人来说,鸟巢是游览北京时的重要景点。 | Ingrained in the minds of many, it remains one of the top sights to see when visiting Beijing. | |
25 | 好女孩凯瑟琳要做的,不过就是找一个机会,打破自己关于老套约会的根深蒂固(但是过时了的)的模式。 | All good-girl Catherine needed to do was take a chance and break out of her ingrained (but outdated) patterns concerning dating stereotypes. | |
26 | 还有一些人持不同观点,他们把吉普赛问题主要归咎于贫穷、弱势和歧视。 | Those who see the problem chiefly as a result of ingrained poverty, disadvantage and discrimination take a different stance. | |
27 | 或者你也可以把它看作是人们(包括记者)所带有的那种推测过去行情仍将持续的彻底性趋向的表现。 | Or you could see it as evidence that people (including journalists) have an ingrained tendency to assume that past trends will continue. | |
28 | 计算机算法已经深深地根植于我们的金融系统中,以至于股票市场的运作无法离开它们。 | Algorithms have become so ingrained in ourfinancial system that the markets could not operate without them. | |
29 | 既存在无意识地、根深蒂固的自我限制,又存在有意识地、选择性自我限制。 | There are unconsciously ingrained self-limitations. And there are consciously chosen self-limitations. | |
30 | 既得利益、地方盗贼统治和贿赂在希腊政治格局中根深蒂固。 | The Greek political landscape is ingrained with vested interests, endemic kleptocracy and bribery. |