1 | "是的,我知道希特勒遗产继承的全部故事,"佩特·劳巴尔对该报说道,这是他首次对此问题的公开表态,"但我不想为此做任何事…… | "Yes I know the whole story about Hitler’s inheritance ," Peter Raubal told the newspaper in what it said were his first public comments on the issue,"But I don’t want to have anything to do with it.. | |
2 | (二)投资人死亡或者被宣告死亡,无继承人或者继承人决定放弃继承; | (ii)The sole proprietor is deceased or is declared deceased, and there is no heir or the heir has renounced his inheritance ; | |
3 | (指钱、财产等)作为遗产送给或留给某人 | (from sb)(of money,property,etc)be given or left to sb as an inheritance | |
4 | “当时我就几乎肯定,那笔遗产并没有被布琪亚那一族人或他的本族人得去那依旧是一笔无主之财,象《一千零一夜》故事里的宝藏一样,仍在大地的怀抱里,由一个魔鬼看守着。 | I was then almost assured that the inheritance had neither profited the Borgias nor the family, but had remained unpossessed like the treasures of the Arabian Nights, which slept in the bosom of the earth under the eyes of the genie | |
5 | “近期进行了一项针对完美音高--指人能准确感觉每个音符的能力--的研究,它清楚地表明这一能力是由单个基因遗传下来的。 | There has been a recent study on perfect pitch, the ability to know the absolute pitch of a musical note, that strongly suggests that is acquired through the inheritance of a single gene. | |
6 | “说出来,你就会得到,哪怕是我承继财产的一半。” | Speak, and it shall be granted to you, even to the half of my inheritance . | |
7 | “我爹留给我一笔遗产,”粗哑的假噪音响了起来,在那里荡漾。 | "I had an inheritance from my father," the artificially hardened voice rose harshly and hung there | |
8 | “我警醒”还意味着我对名字叫做波兰的伟大共同遗产感到负有责任。 | "I watch"also means: I feel responsible for this great common inheritance whose name is poland | |
9 | 保护个人合法继承权。继承法规定了遗产包括的范围,继承人的范围和当继承权受到侵害时起诉的权利。 | Protection of the legal inheritance rights of individuals. The law defines the coverage of a estate, the persons who may inherit, and the right to file a suit if one’s inheritance rights are violated. | |
10 | 剥夺的遗产;剥夺继承权 | To exclude from inheritance or the right to inherit. | |
11 | 不允许进行下列操作:为现有类别添加新的强制属性;从现有类别删除强制属性;为没有向回链接属性的特殊类别"Top"添加可选属性,向回链接属性指的是直接或通过继承。例如:添加或删除附属类别。 | Adding a new mandatory attribute to an existing class, deleting a mandatory attribute from an existing class, or adding an optional attribute to the special class Top that is not a back link attribute (directly or through inheritance , for example, by adding or deleting an auxiliary class)is not allowed. | |
12 | 财产的取得、管理、享有、处置和继承 | acquisition, administration, enjoyment, disposition and inheritance of property | |
13 | 旦当了兵,你怎么来安置我呢?我--一个无依无靠的孤儿,没有财产,只有一间快塌了的小屋和一些破烂的渔网,这点可怜的遗产还是我父亲传给我母亲,我母亲又传给我的呢。 | Once a soldier, what would you do with me, a poor orphan, forlorn, without fortune, with nothing but a half-ruined hut and a few ragged nets, the miserable inheritance left by my father to my mother, and by my mother to me? | |
14 | 但是,由于人的性格只是部分地取决于基因遗传,如果被克隆的孩子不能培养出与原先的一样的兴趣,肯定会发生冲突。 | But because personality is only partly the result of genetic inheritance , conflict would be sure to arise if the cloned child failed to develop the same interests as the original | |
15 | 对那些因银钱和遗产问题而分裂的家庭,他说:“你们瞧瞧德福宜山区的人吧,那是一片非常荒凉的地方,五十年也听不到一次黄莺的歌声。 | To families divided by questions of money and inheritance he said: "Look at the mountaineers of Devolny, a country so wild that the nightingale is not heard there once in fifty years | |
16 | 给予部分遗产或嫁妆 | To provide with a share,an inheritance ,or a dowry. | |
17 | 共同继承财产的共同继承或共同继承权 | Joint inheritance or heirship of property. | |
18 | 寡头政体的关键不是父子相传,而是死人加于活人身上的一种世界观,一种生活方式的延续。 | The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance , but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life, imposed by the dead upon the living | |
19 | 哈里没有把继承的钱财拿到证券市场去冒险,而是决定谨慎行事,购买政府公债。 | Instead of risking his inheritance in the stock market,Harry decided to play sari and invest it government bonds. | |
20 | 忽视我们在学术上的遗产就等于是去再发明那只--通常是欠圆的--轮子。 | To slight our academic inheritance is to reinvent the wheel--usually out of round | |
21 | 记录家族遗传特性及疾病的图表用于人类遗传学分析孟德尔遗传学说的某些遗传特征尤其是家族病的个人家系表 | A chart of an individual’s ancestors used in human genetics to analyze Mendelian inheritance of certain traits,especially of familial diseases. | |
22 | 继承开始后,继承人放弃继承的,应当在遗产处理前,作出放弃继承的表示。没有表示的,视为接受继承。 | A successor who, after the opening of succession, disclaims inheritance should make known his decision before the disposition of the estate. In the absence of such an indication, he is deemed to have accepted the inheritance. | |
23 | 继承权;继承物 | Right to inheritance ;heirdom. | |
24 | 继承权纠纷提起诉讼的期限为二年,自继承人知道或者应当知道其权利被侵犯之日起计算。但是,自继承开始之日起超过二十年的,不得再提起诉讼。 | The time limit for institution of legal proceedings pertaining to disputes over the right to inheritance is two years, counting from the day the successor became or should have become aware of the violation of his right to inheritance. No legal proceedings, however, may be instituted after the expiration of a period of 20 years from the day succession began. | |
25 | 继承权男女平等。 | Males and females are equal in their right to inheritance . | |
26 | 继承权男女平等。继承法明确规定继承权男女平等。死者的配偶、父母和子女是第一顺序继承人,他们有权得到合理份额的遗产。 | Equal inheritance right for males and females. The law states very clearly that males and females are equal in their right to inheritance. The decedent’s spouse, parents and children are successors first in order, and are entitled to a fair share. | |
27 | 继承权属于侄子。 | The inheritance fell to the nephew | |
28 | 继承人放弃继承的,对被继承人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务可以不负偿还责任。 | The successor who disclaims inheritance assumes no responsibility for the payment of taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law. | |
29 | 继承是指财产所有人去世时将财产转移给其他人。有关继承的概念和法律原则的存在取决于对个人或团体财产权的承认。 | Inheritance refers to the devolution of property on the death of its owner to other persons. The existence of the concept and of legal rules about it depends on the recognition of individual or group property rights. | |
30 | 继承通过继承实现的财产转移 | Transference of property by inheritance . |