属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本教训 Japanese lessons
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-宝石交易 南非最有影响力的矿业家族
1 | ||1:五年前,世界经济比较乐观。||2:2007年8月的第一周,观察人员和主要银行人员预计美国和欧洲会有2-3%的增长率。||3:但在同年8月9日事态改变。||4:法国巴黎银行宣布其在次贷投资商损失惨重。||5:同一年,欧洲央行强行注入950亿欧元(在当时约合13000亿美元)作为紧急流动资金。||6:危机已然开始。 | ||1:Five years ago, things looked rosy.||2:In the first week of August 2007 forecasts by investors and major central banks predicted growth rates of 2-3% in America and Europe.||3:But on August 9th 2007 everything changed.||4:A French bank, BNP Paribas, announced big losses on subprime-mortgage investments.||5:The same day, the European Central Bank (ECB) was forced to inject 95 billion EURO(130 billion DOLLAR at the time) of emergency liquidity.||6:The crisis had begun. | |
2 | ||1:与此同时,塔纳资本愈发重视投资日益繁荣的消费品和农产品行业。同时,也在慢慢涉足建筑材料领域、健康领域和教育界。||2:娜塔丽珍,这位家族的发言人声称,家族获得的资金会投资到这些行业中。||3:除此之外,基础设施和能源领域是作为撒哈拉沙漠南部最热门的行业,海默家族也在考量着对这两个领域进行投资。||4:据说,尼克四处打探消息,寻找可以投钱的最佳场所。 | ||1: At the moment, Tana is focused on fast-moving consumer goods and agriculture, and to a lesser extent on building materials, health and education. ||2: The new money could go into any or all of these areas, says James Teeger, a family spokesman. ||3: And the Oppenheimers may also look at infrastructure and energy, two of the hottest businesses south of the Sahara. ||4: Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash. | |
3 | 据说,尼克四处打探消息,寻找可以投钱的最佳场所。 | Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash. | |
4 | “当我自己给自己注射时我从不麻痹皮肤,”布兰德插了一句。 | ’When I inject myself I never numb, ’ Brandt chimes in. | |
5 | “我不能注射任何东西来拿掉它,”布兰德惋惜地说。 | ’I can’t inject anything to take it away, ’ Brandt says sadly. | |
6 | “我们得向劳动力中注入年轻血液,得要那些受过专业训练的人,”韦必达说他在当时这么议论过。 | "We must inject fresh blood into our workforce - people who are professionally trained, " Wei says he argued at the time. | |
7 | Geron计划在受伤1-2周内注射它的少突胶质细胞到患者损害的脊髓中。 | Geron plans to inject its oligodendrocytes into the damaged spines of patients between one and two weeks after their injury. | |
8 | HL-2A装置即将开展改造和升级,升级后的HL-2M将在中后期开展近10MW的中性束实验。 | The HL-2A system is just about to reform and upgrade. Then the upgraded HL-2M will be launched to inject near 10MW neutral beam. | |
9 | Toyoda先生试图为公司严谨的文化注入一些人性化的东西。 | Mr Toyoda is attempting to inject some humility into the company’s rigorous culture. | |
10 | 臂神经痛的定位诊断与蒙药局部注射治疗65例观察 | Locating of Arm Nerve Pain and Inject Mongolia Drug in 65 Cases | |
11 | 并且拥有许多家银行的优先股、普通股,而且还有余力挹注资金到其他银行。 | They own preferred shares in many banks, common equity in others and stand ready to inject capital in others still. | |
12 | 城市客车用天然气电喷发动机的开发 | Development of an electronic CNG inject engine in city bus | |
13 | 除非理由充分,那就不要在文中插入个人观点。 | Unless there is a good reason for its being there, do not inject opinion into a piece of writing. | |
14 | 从药物经济学看中药注射剂 | Illumination of pharmacoeconomics on Chinese herbal medicine inject | |
15 | 但是美国州法律限制了美国电力公司使用压缩二氧化碳的压力值。 | A state permit issued to American Electric Power limits the pressure it can use to inject carbon dioxide into the rock. | |
16 | 当蚊子从某人身上吸血时,它不会注入之前被叮咬过的人的血液。 | When taking blood from someone, mosquitoes do not inject blood from any previous person. | |
17 | 而观察员最新的报告应该给成员国的外交手段注入新的勇气。 | The new inspectors’ report at the very least ought to inject new mettle into their diplomacy. | |
18 | 而且,那些最毒的蛇也并不是通过针一样中空的毒牙来向猎物体内注射毒液的。 | And the poisonous ones don’t all inject venom into their prey through hollow needle like fangs. | |
19 | 发电量下降是因为发电厂赖以抽取热蒸汽的蓄水层耗竭,新建项目计划重新向蓄水层注入水以解决这一问题。 | The decline is due to from which the plants draw their steam; newer plant designs re-inject the water in order to eliminate this problem. | |
20 | 方法:用注射器于双侧大腿富含脂肪处抽吸脂肪,然后将抽出的自体脂肪颗粒注射于双侧乳房后问隙。 | Method: To extract adipose granule from bilateral thighs, afterwards, to inject the adipose granule to bilateral retromammary space. | |
21 | 改革可以给中国的经济带来“更多的动力”,并且帮助解决城镇人口老龄化带来的问题。 | Reform could inject "more dynamism" into the economy and help counter the effects of an ageing population. | |
22 | 各国政府也纷纷利用银行网罗那些准备将资金投入到收益固定、息率浮动的政府债券的投资者。 | Governments too, are using the banks to trawl for investors prepared to inject funds into fixed-income and floating-rate government bonds. | |
23 | 给平淡的上午增加活力 | Inject Some Life Into Your Morning Routine | |
24 | 根治方法:将肿瘤的蛋白的注射给病人,训练免疫系统对抗癌症。 | Radical Cure: Inject a patient with proteins from his tumor; train immune system to hunt cancer. | |
25 | 公司人员计划通过给目前的油井中注入高密度的液体和混凝土来密封其空间。 | Crews plan to drill toward the current well and then inject it with heavy fluids and concrete to seal it. | |
26 | 好消息是,因为坏消息的原因,只要北京能保证不断把现金注入银行,这个游戏就可以一直玩下去。 | The good news is, because of the bad news, Beijing can keep this game up for as long as it has the cash to inject into the banks. | |
27 | 即使是极高的价格也无助于给沉闷的大宗商品世界注入太多神秘感或魅力。 | EVEN sky-high prices have done little to inject much in the way of mystique or glamour into the dull world of commodities. | |
28 | 兼并取得,获得强强兼并加速绝望的交易巩固注入收购工资表 | recover Bottom out volatile go up Merger Acquisition A merger of equals Accelerate Desperately Swap Consolidation Inject Takeover Payroll | |
29 | 将境内企业的权益注入境外公司 | Inject the interest of a PRC company into an offshore company ? | |
30 | 接种疫苗的一种替代方法是在工厂里生产出抗体然后进行注射。 | An alternative to vaccination is to make the antibodies in a factory, and then inject them. |