1 | 他为了讽刺旧官们的腐败,画了《不倒翁》和题有"看你横行到几时"的螃蟹。 | To criticize the corruption and tyranny of the Kuomintang government, he drew a tumbler and a crab inscribed with the sentence "See how long can you run wild." | |
2 | 题字,某些字母可以读作罗马数字,表示特定的日期 | An inscribed phrase in which certain letters can be read as Roman numerals indicating a specific date. | |
3 | 题字题字,某些字母可以读作罗马数字,表示特定的日期, | An inscribed phrase in which certain letters can be read as Roman numerals indicating a specific date. | |
4 | 天仙地仙太俗 真人惟我髯苏-启功先生题画诗浅议 | All of the Celestial Beings and the Telluric Immortal Were Vulgar, Real Person Was Only Whiskery Su-On the Poems Inscribed on Painting Written by Mr. Qi Gong | |
5 | 透视片须写明透视日期及申请人姓名,这些须在透视过程中自动印在透视片上,如果没有这样做,这必须用白色墨水英文书写。 | The film should be identified by the date taken and the full name of the applicant. This should be automatically inscribed during the photographic process if possible. If not, it should be written in English in white ink. | |
6 | 团结统一,深深印在中国人的民族意识中。 | Solidarity and unity are deeply inscribed in the hearts of the Chinese people as part of their national identity | |
7 | 望山一号楚墓新识签牌集释 | The Annotation of Newly-recognized Inscribed Label Tablets from No.1 Chu Tomb in Wangshan Hill | |
8 | 我认不出刻在柱子上的是什么. | I can’t decipher what is inscribed on the pillar. | |
9 | 我仔细察看了一枝钢笔,那看上去确实不假,金笔帽下方整齐地刻有“美国制造”字样。 | I examined one of the pens closely. It certainly looked genuine. At the base of the gold cap, the words ’made in the U.S.A.’ had been neatly inscribed . | |
10 | 武威汉代医简的行草书法 | The Art of Calligraphy as Seen in the Han Dynasty Wooden Slips Inscribed with Medical Prescriptions Unearthed at Wuwei | |
11 | 夏商以前的陶纹刻符与商代的甲骨文有相似之处。据信,陶符文字的释读仅仅是一个时间问题。 | The symbols inscribed on pottery earlier than the Shang Dynasty bear resemblance to the Shang oracles. It is believed that the decoding of these earlier forms is only a matter of time. | |
12 | 许多礼器是铸有铭文(书法中称金文),记载着奴隶主贵族的各种特权、祭祀、战功以及命令或赏赐等,让后代永远保存。 | Many of the vessels were inscribed with words describing the slave owner’s power, orders, battle achievements, awards and sacrificial rites so his descendants could know about his life. | |
13 | 训示:“除了真主(安拉)之外,再无其它的主,且穆罕默德是真主的使者(先知)”是成为穆斯林的先决条件。 | The saying, “There is no true god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet)of God,” inscribed over an entrance. | |
14 | 一枚上书“越人以城邑反蛮”,记载了当时的民族关系 | Another one is inscribed with the words "people of the State of Yue have built city walls to resist the attacks of barbarians", showing the ethnic relations at the time | |
15 | 一种并联机构最大内切工作空间的几何求解 | Geometric Description of the Maximum Inscribed Workspace for a DELTA Parallel Robot | |
16 | 因为在那块后来丢失的雕像底座上刻着这个名字,但是学者们对此表示怀疑,因为这可能不是真正的“米洛的维纳斯”的底座,这就使亚历山德罗斯是否是雕像的作者产生置疑。 | This name was inscribed on the block of stone on the pedestal that was later lost, but this is doubted from scholars because it may not have been the corrected block with the Venus de Milo, so this had erased the attribution to Alexandros | |
17 | 又有乾隆御书36处,均为三字一景,意思是居康熙之下。 | Another 36 were named and inscribed by Emperor Qianlong who, to show deference to his grandfather Kangxi, used three-character phrases only | |
18 | 与道人竟过一大石牌坊,上书四字,乃是"太虚幻境" | He passed with the Taoist through a large stone archway on which was inscribed : Illusory Land of Great Void. | |
19 | 寓意画通常与诗歌或警句刻在一起给人道德教育的具有隐喻的图画 | An allegorical picture usually inscribed with a verse or motto presenting a moral lesson. | |
20 | 园林匾额楹联 | inscribed tablet in garden | |
21 | 再谈洛阳唐朝景教经幢的几个问题 | Rediscussion on Some Questions about the Stone Pillar Inscribed with Nestorian Scripture during the Tang Dynasty in Luoyang | |
22 | 在那信封上有这样一行字:“我在那晚作的梦。” | On the envelope we find this line inscribed , "The Dream I had that Night." | |
23 | 在这硬币上面,同样用清晰的小字,刻着这三句口号;硬币的另一面,便是老大哥的头像。 | There, too, in tiny clear lettering, the same slogans were inscribed , and on the other face of the coin the head of Big Brother | |
24 | 哲学视域中战国楚竹书《周易》的文献价值 | Documentary Value of Zhouyi Inscribed on the Bamboo Slips of Chu by Philosophical Vision | |
25 | 这些文字都是用刀刻上去的 | The words were inscribed with knives. | |
26 | 枕上的诗情-论古代瓷枕诗词 | On Poetry Inscribed on Porcelain Pillows in Ancient China | |
27 | 正殿大门的重檐中间,是叶剑英元帅亲笔手书的“心昭日月”巨匾。 | Hung between the eaves of the double-tier roof of the main hall is a horizontal board inscribed by Marshal Ye Jianying of contemporary China with the four characters of Xin’Zhao’Ri’Yue or Conscience Clear as the Sun and the Moon | |
28 | 只有秘鲁、肯尼亚和几内亚登记要在第二天发言。 | Only Peru, Kenya and guinea were inscribed as speakers for the next day | |
29 | 装在舰船尾部的舰船名牌. | The plate on the stern of a ship inscribed with the ship’s name. | |
30 | 最后她终于想到了写字,用一只蹄子把她的名字--很短的一个名字--划在沙地上。 | At length she bethought herself of writing, and inscribed her name-it was a short one-with her hoof on the sand |