属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
1 | “那么,这的确是一个荒唐的城市喽,”小钱德勒怯生生地坚持道,“我的意思是,同伦敦或都柏林相比的话,是否如此?” | "Then it is an immoral city," said little chandler, with timid insistence , "I mean, compared with London or Dublin?" | |
2 | 巴顿将军之活泼领导与严明纪律,使第二军的士气迅速恢复过来。 | General Patton’s buoyant leadership and strict insistence upon discipline rapidly rejuvenated the II Corps | |
3 | 不过,他所坚持的带有神秘主义色彩的性爱一如他主张性爱应从属于更大范围的关怀思虑以及性爱要求纯粹出自本能的全身心投入等观点,使他在反对压制性爱主张的斗争中只能算弗洛伊德学派的同盟者,而不是真正的弗洛伊德追随者。 | However, his insistence on the mystical meaning of sex, as well as his subordination of sex to a larger concern, the need for full spontaneous being, makes him an ally in the battle against repressive attitudes toward sex rather than a strict Freudian. | |
4 | 纯粹主义被理解为对语言的纯洁性或规范的一种不必要且令人不愉快的坚持(H.W.福勒) | By purism is to be understood a needless and irritating insistence on purity or correctness of speech(H.W.Fowler) | |
5 | 此外,罗斯福的保守的思想,还表现在他坚持连续性,深恶那些鼓吹不自然的改革的人。 | Roosevelt’s conservatism, moreover, was manifested in his insistence upon continuity and his abhorrence of men who advocated unnatural change | |
6 | 从陈白沙主静路径及特点看道家思想影响 | The Taoist Influences on Chen Baisha Viewed from His Insistence on the Path of Meditation and Its Characteristics | |
7 | 但过后她发现到儒家所注重的责任感、礼貌规矩和高尚品格之背后,有着人类不可缺少的创意和求变。 | However, as soon as she recognised that behind the Confucian insistence on responsibility, civility and decency is the primacy of creativity and transformation as an integral part of one’s commitment to learning to be human. | |
8 | 但是她每次往后退缩都在克莱的温情坚持下失败了;她所有想表白的企图都被轻轻地阻止了。 | But all withdrawals were overcome by Clare’s gentle insistence ; all attempts at revelation were lightly thwarted. | |
9 | 对仪式的热衷或拘泥;仪式主义 | Fondness for or insistence on ritual | |
10 | 鸿渐经不起辛楣苦劝,勉强喝了两口,说:“辛楣兄,我只在哲学系混了一年,看了几本指定参考书。 | At Hsin-mei’s insistence Hung-chien reluctantly took a couple of swallows, saying, "Hsin-mei, I just muddled my way through a year in the philosophy department by reading a few assigned reference books | |
11 | 坚持行为准则标志着宗教狂热的降温(艾尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特海德) | Insistence upon rules of conduct marks the ebb of religious fervor(Alfred North Whitehead) | |
12 | 她执意要他说清楚他的起零用钱都花在哪里,这使他惊呆了。 | He was dumbfounded at her insistence that he explain where every penny of his allowance had gone | |
13 | 尽管少数民族的居民人口在英国不足10%,尽管英国坚持在欧盟内保持国与国之间的边境控制(这一点常被引用,以证明英国人的狭隘封闭性),但英国仍是世界上最容易入境的国家之一 | Though ethnic minorities make up less than 10% of the resident population, Britain is one of the easiest countries to enter, despite its insistence (often quoted as evidence of insularity)on maintaining border controls within the EU | |
14 | 力主急切的请求;坚决的主张或要求 | Urgent solicitation;insistence . | |
15 | 联邦、州、各地政府立即行动回应要求降价的呼声,有助于任务的完成。 | It can be helped by insistence that the federal,the state,and the local government act forthwith on the demands that their costs should be drastically reduced. | |
16 | 其实,透视他这个人的本质,便可看出这种指控是荒谬的。他憎恨因循守旧,坚持做人要做满腔热忱的人……这些便是他本质的流露。 | The charge is absurd, as insight into the essential core of the man---his hatred of conformism, insistence on singular passional being---reveals. | |
17 | 其实造成军事上的灾难的原因之一恰恰是希特勒坚持要坚守“一城一地”“至死”,就像在斯大林格勒那样。 | It was Hitler’s insistence that "a district or town" must be held "unto death," as at stalingrad, Which had helped bring about military disaster | |
18 | 强调死记硬背,无形中影响了对新现象、新问题的大胆设想、求证。 | The insistence on rote learning robbed the initiative to make bold hypotheses about new situations and new problems. | |
19 | 强调要严格服从 | insistence on [ upon ] strict obedience | |
20 | 然而,该法院同意政府的坚决主张,排除“不诚实地”这一措辞,并在“破坏或削弱”中增加“妨碍”一词, | However, the court agreed with the Government′s insistence on excluding ″dishonestly″ and adding the term ″impede″ to the phrase ″subvert or undermine,″ | |
21 | 上课的难处还不是难在上面所说玛拉玛在学知识上的一丝不苟,而是难在她回答问题时非用支离破碎的英语不可。 | What made the lessons difficult was not Malama’s intellectual intransigence, which was pronounced, but her insistence upon answering all questions in broken English | |
22 | 苏东剧变后西方学者对计划经济理论的坚守 | The Western Scholar’ Insistence to the Planned Economy Theory after the East Soviet Great Change | |
23 | 孙小姐不要坐,但经不起汽车的颠簸和大家的劝告,便坐了。 | Miss Sun wouldn’t sit at first, but unable to take the jolting of the bus and at the insistence of her companions, she sat down | |
24 | 他的顽固使我生气。 | His insistence irritated me. | |
25 | 他坚持绝对服从是对的。 | His insistence upon strict obedience is correct. | |
26 | 他坚持要爬进去,并将我的一杆0.22;410短枪带在身边。 | He would, at his insistence , go in with my shortbarreled 0.22/410 | |
27 | 他斤斤计较文字的精确性,有时到了小题大作的程度。 | His insistence upon precision of language is apt to seem fussy | |
28 | 他们一致坚持她应上大学。 | They were united in their insistence that she should go to college. | |
29 | 它首先考虑到,美国的所有因素和组成部分是唇齿相依的--这正是对古老但永远重要的美国拓荒者精神的肯定。 | It is the insistence , as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States-a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer | |
30 | 同意,让步通常是因为他人的坚持而同意;让步 | To give one’s consent,often at the insistence of another;concede. |