1 | ??煽动者,挑动者 | Tell me instantly he arrives. | |
2 | [他后来写道]我叫史密斯将军通知约德尔,除非他们立即停止一切的借口和拖延。我将封锁整个盟军战线,用武力阻止德国难民继续进入我们的防线。 | I told General Smith [he later recounted] to inform Jodl that unless they instantly ceased all pretense and delay I would close the entire allied front and would, by force, prevent any more German refugees from entering our lines | |
3 | “好极了,派里尼老板,”弗兰兹说,“但我们必须立刻用晚餐,从明天起给我们雇一辆马车。” | "Very good, signor Pastrini," said Franz; "but we must have some supper instantly , and a carriage for tomorrow and the following days." | |
4 | 阿兰-杰克逊演唱的热门乡村歌曲《(当世界停止转动时)你在何处》,是一首深深打动人心的关于美国人在恐怖袭击发生后如何应对的歌曲,它立刻就在全美国引起了共鸣。 | Alan Jackson’s huge country hit "Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)?", a deeply moving ballad about how Americans reacted to the terrorist strikes, instantly touched a chord across the country | |
5 | 艾舍斯特把鼻子凑过去,心头激起了种种迷惘的渴望,可是他又看见梅恨仰起焦急的脸注视着行人,立刻就冷了半截。 | Ashurst put his nose to them, and there stirred within him vague longings, chilled instantly by a vision of Megan’s anxious face lifted to the faces of the passers-by | |
6 | 按下立即激活通过“Effects(效果)”菜单选定的展示效果 | Press to instantly invoke the presentation effect assigned through the "effects" menu | |
7 | 宝玉听了,登时发作起痴狂病来 | This instantly threw Baoyu into one of his frenzies. | |
8 | 爆竹声音一响,马车便立刻散开行列,隐入邻近的横街小巷里去了。 | At the sound of the fireworks the carriages instantly broke ranks, and retired by the adjacent streets | |
9 | 苯胺的去除速率特别快,基本上在瞬间完成, | The aniline is removed very fast, almost instantly . | |
10 | 此时听到维尔福人的这个建议,他立刻眨了几下眼睛。 | At Madame de Villefort’s proposition he instantly winked his eyes | |
11 | 但埃蒙斯观察到发生闪燃时,热烟层瞬即下落。 | But Emmons observed that at flashover, the hot smoky layer instantly drops down | |
12 | 但是他只接受了一次小报的采访,事后很快就后悔了,除此之外,这位31岁的保镖一直是个谜,就像那灾难的最后几秒钟被锁在他大脑里无法取出一样。 | But apart from one tabloid interview that he instantly regretted, the 31-year-old bodyguard remained as enigmatic as the last fateful seconds locked irretrievably inside his head | |
13 | 当皇帝从厄尔巴岛回来的时候,我的哥哥立刻就去参了军,在滑铁卢受了轻伤,随军退到了卢瓦尔。” | When the emperor returned from the Island of Elba, my brother instantly joined the army, was slightly wounded at waterloo, and retired with the army beyond the Loire." | |
14 | 当时犯了一个错误,就是没有把布恩立刻逮捕起来,使他得到了可能和他那当勤务兵的印度朋友互相串供的几分钟的时间,不过,这个错误很快就得到纠正。 | One mistake had been made in not arresting Boone instantly , as he was allowed some few minutes during which he might have communicated with his friend the lascar, but this fault was soon remedied | |
15 | 当他的同伴发现他在私下创作立体派绘画时,达利立即变成校园人物,从西班牙一个知识青年先锋派艺术团体的一名普通成员一跃而为它的先导。 | When his peers discovered him secretly at work on the cubist paintings, he instantly became of a campus personality, vaulting5 from standard membership to a leader of an avantgarde group of young Spanish intellectuals | |
16 | 动态电压恢复器(DVR)对线路电压的跌落迅速作出响应,并通过储能装置(如蓄电池)恢复电压波形的失去部分。 | A dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)instantly reacts to drop in line voltage and restores missing portion of waveform from an energy storage device (eg.battery). | |
17 | 顿时,一股如释重负的暖流涌遍全身--站在门外的,原来是个苍白衰老的妇人,头发稀稀疏疏,满脸皱纹累累。 | Instantly a warm wave of relief flowed through him.A colourless, crushed-looking woman, with wispy hair and a lined face, was standing outside | |
18 | 范妮的目光落在克劳福特身上,表情非常严肃--甚至带有申斥意味,但是不久一和他的目光相遇,她立刻把目光收回。 | Franny’s eyes were turned on Crawford for a moment with an expression more than grave, even reproachful; but on catching more than grave, even reproachful; but on catching his were instantly drawn | |
19 | 赶快到托洛尼亚那儿,在他那儿当场点出四千毕阿士特,将款子交与来人。 | Run to Torlonia, draw from him instantly four thousand piastres, and give them to the bearer | |
20 | 公爵虽说是一个朝臣,听了这话也不免感到脸红。王后也立刻意识到自己失言。 | The Duke, though a courtier, colored slightly on hearing this, and the Queen, was instantly sensible of her error | |
21 | 公然的白人至上主义者戴维·杜克迫不及待地叫嚣泰勒的大屠杀表明白人受到无法无天的黑人的威胁,而联邦政府却不予保护。 | avowed white supremacist David Duke instantly screamed that Taylor’s carnage proves that whites are under assault from lawless blacks and the federal government won’t protect them | |
22 | 过了一会儿,四个骑兵在树林边上出现了,其中的三个似乎在寻找那亡命者,第四个则拖着一个俘虏来的土匪的脖子。 | Instantly afterwards four carbineers, on horseback, appeared on the edge of the wood; three of them appeared to be looking for the fugitive, while the fourth dragged a brigand prisoner by the neck | |
23 | 和任何人,在任何地方,即时通讯 | whit anyone, anywhere, instantly .. | |
24 | 几乎与此同时在一阵震天响的呼喊声中,七八匹马在三十万看客喊声的鼓舞之下,象闪电般地掠了过去。 | Almost instantly , in the midst of a tremendous and general outcry, seven or eight horses, excited by the shouts of three hundred thousand spectators, passed by like lightning | |
25 | 加工和销售费用的激增,造成了如下荒唐现象:农产品抬价会立即引起食品零售价的上涨,但是即使前者的价格猛跌,零售价照样可以上升。 | zooming costs of processing and distribution have created a strange paradox. Higher farm prices instantly bring increases at the grocery checkout, but retail food prices can also go on rising while farm prices drop sharply | |
26 | 贾瑞如听纶音佛语一般,忙往后退. | He drew back instantly as if obeying an Imperial decree or a mandate from Buddha. | |
27 | 她当即感到很窘,只觉得脸上一阵发烧。 | She was instantly embarrassed and could feel her face heating up. | |
28 | 她当即感到她是世界上最大的笨蛋,真是荒唐至极,不可思议。 | She instantly felt that she was the greatest simpleton in the world, the most unaccountable and absurd! | |
29 | 她的脸上立刻现出彻底否认的表情。 | Her face instantly set in blank denial | |
30 | 她的头脑中还有另一些东西,它们使她产生一种强烈的要求,想跟帕茜谈谈她的父亲,但话到嘴边又缩了回去。 | There were still other things in her head which she felt a strong impulse instantly checked, to say to pansy about her father |