1 | 2. 如保险标的 50%以上的保险金额来自一大中型城市,则位于该城市的保险公司可被允许出具统括保单,无论该投保人的法人或核算单位是否位于该城市内。 | 2. If over 50 per cent of the insurance amount of the subject-matter insured was from a larger or medium sized city, then insurers in that city were allowed to issue a master policy, no matter whether the insurance applicant’s legal person or accounting unit was located in the city." | |
2 | 313 .工作组成员欢迎中国承诺允许保险公司在符合逐步取消地域限制的情况下设立内部分支机构。一些成员指出,中国根据 GATS 第 16 条和第 17 条在减让表中列出了作为限制条件的外国保险公司申请在中国提供服务方面必须满足的资格条件。 | 313.Members of the Working Party welcomed China’s commitment to permit internal branching for insurance firms consistent with the phase-out of geographic restrictions. Some members noted that China had scheduled certain qualifications as limitations under GATS Articles XVI and XVII that foreign insurers had to meet to apply for a licence to provide services in China. | |
3 | 把承包商从任何责任方那里获得免除其责任的权力转让给承包商的保险人。 | Assignment to the Contractor’s insurers (in cases where the insurers have discharged the Contractor’s loss or liability)of the Contractor’s right to obtain relief against any other party liable. | |
4 | 保险方应将工程实施过程中发生的任何有关的变动通知给承保人,并确保保险条件与本条的规定一致。 | The insuring Party shall keep the insurers informed of any relevant changes to the execution of the Works and ensure that insurance is maintained in accordance with this Clause. | |
5 | 保险商不准备为他的收入损失作补偿,因此,他只好就此作罢。 | The insurers weren’t prepared to compensate him for loss of earnings, so he had to leave it at that | |
6 | 不过一段期间保户会偶尔想起富兰克林所说的空沙包很难站的直挺,并了解寻找一个可靠稳定的保险公司的重要性 | Periodically, however, buyers remember Ben Franklin’s observation that it is hard for an empty sack to stand upright and recognize their need to buy promises only from insurers that have enduring financial strength. | |
7 | 初论我国寿险公司业务与资本的匹配 | A Preliminary Discussion on the Matching between Life Insurance Business and Its Capital of Chinese Life Insurers | |
8 | 大家应该对保险公司的盈余数字时时抱持怀疑的态度,(当然也包含我们公司本身,事实证明确是如此) | You should be very suspicious of any earnings figures reported by insurers (including our own, as we have unfortunately proved to you in the past). | |
9 | 当承包商作为保险方时,他应按照雇主批准的承保人及条件办理保险。 | Wherever the Employer is the insuring Party, each insurance shall be effected with insurers and in terms approved by the Employer. | |
10 | 当雇主作为保险方时,他应按照专用条件后所附详细说明的承保人及条件办理保险。 | Wherever the Employer is the insuring Party, each insurance shall be effected with insurers and in terms consistent with the details annexed to the Particular Conditions. | |
11 | 第二百二十五条 被保险人对同一保险标的就同一保险事故向几个保险人重复订立合同,而使该保险标的的保险金额总和超过保险标的的价值的,除合同有约定外,被保险人可以向任何保险人提出赔偿请求。被保险人获得的赔偿金额总和不得超过保险标的的受损价值。 | Article 225 Where the insured concludes contracts with several insurers for the same subject matter insured and against the same risk, and the insured amount of the said subject matter insured thereby exceeds the insured value, then, unless otherwise agreed in the contract, the insured may demand indemnification from any of the insurers and the aggregate amount to be indemnified shall not exceed the loss value of the subject matter insured. | |
12 | 第四十条 重复保险的投保人应当将重复保险的有关情况通知各保险人。 | Article 40 In the event of double insurance, the applicant shall notify all the insurers concerned of relevant information with respect to such double insurance. | |
13 | 讽刺的是虽然这个法案大大地影响到保险公司长期的获利与价值 | We also commented on the irony of a statute that substantially increased 1987 reported earnings for insurers even as it materially reduced both their long-term earnings potential and their business value. | |
14 | 各保险人按照其承保的保险金额同保险金额总和的比例承担赔偿责任。 | The liability of each insurer shall be in proportion to that which the amount he insured bears to the total of the amounts insured by all insurers . | |
15 | 共同担保由两个或更多的承保人联合给予保险 | Insurance held jointly by two or more insurers . | |
16 | 过去十年来的记录显示,有许多显赫一时的保险公司报告给股东亮丽的盈余数字最后证明只不过是一场空 | The record of the last decade shows that a great many of our best-known insurers have reported earnings to shareholders that later proved to be wildly erroneous. | |
17 | 韩国法下保险人代位求偿权行使范围 | On Scope of Subrogation by Insurers under Korean Commercial Code | |
18 | 联合(共同)保险:由若干承保人分担风险,或受保险人和承保人分担风险的保险方式。 | Coinsurance: Insurance where a number of insurers share the risk or where insured and insurer share the risk. | |
19 | 另一些州则允许因保险人迟迟未能对投保书采取行动而对他提起侵权之诉。 | Others have allowed tort suits against insurers for negligent delay in acting on an application | |
20 | 配合许多保险同业遵循的进出策略 | Many other insurers follow an in-and-out approach. | |
21 | 任何未保险或未能从承保人处收回的款额,应由承包商和(或)雇主根据上述义务、职责或责任相应负担。 | Any amounts not insured or not recovered from the insurers shall be borne by the Contractor and/or the Employer in accordance with these obligations, liabilities or responsibilities. | |
22 | 如国家重点建设项目(即国家发展计划委员会每年列名和公布的项目)的投资者符合以下要求之一,则投资者可向位于投资者法人所在地相同地点的保险公司购买统括保单。 | If investors on the state key construction projects (i.e., projects that were so listed and annually announced by the State Development and Planning Commission)met either of the following requirements, they could purchase a master policy from insurers that were located in the same place as the investors’ legal persons were located." | |
23 | 所以当保险市场价格大幅滑落,他发现我们的保费比起其它同业贵了许多时 | And, just as naturally, when the insurance market softened dramatically in 1987 he found prices at other insurers lower than we were willing to offer. | |
24 | 为防范损失或损害,对于所办理的每份保险单应规定按照修复损失或损害所需的货币种类进行补偿。从承保人处得到的赔偿金应用于修复和弥补上述损失或损害。 | Each policy insuring against loss or damage shall provide for payments to be made in the currencies required to rectify the loss or damage. Payments received from insurers shall be used for the rectification of the loss or damage. | |
25 | 我国寿险公司资本结构的影响因素 | An Empirical Study on the Determinants of the Capital Structure of Chinese Life Insurers | |
26 | 一些成员指出,中国根据GATS第16条和第17条在减让表中列出了作为限制条件的外国保险公司申请在中国提供服务方面必须满足的资格条件。 | Some members noted that China had scheduled certain qualifications as limitations under GATS Articles XVI and XVII that foreign insurers had to meet to apply for a licence to provide services in China | |
27 | 银行对于任何单据中有关的货物描述、数量、重量、质量、状况、包装、交货、价值或存在与否,对于货物的发货人、承运人、运输行、收货人或保险人或其它任何人的诚信、行为及;或疏忽、清偿能力、执行能力或信誉也概不负责。 | Banks assume no any liability or responsibility for the description, quantity, weight, quality, condition, packing, delivery, value or existence of the goods represented by any document(s), or for the good faith or acts and/or omissions, solvency, performance or standing of the consignors, the carriers, the forwarders, the consignees or the insurers of the goods, or any other person whomsoever. | |
28 | 银行也不对任何单据所表示的货物的描述、数量、重量、质量、状况、包装、交货、价值或存在、或对货物的发运人、承运人、运输代理、收货人或保险人或其他任何人的诚信或作为及/或不作为、清偿力、业绩或信誉承担责任或对其负责。 | Nor do they assume any liability or responsibility for the description, quantity, weight, quality, condition, packing, delivery, value or existence of the goods represented by any document(s), or for the good faith or acts and/or omissions, solvency, performance or standing of the consignors of the carriers, the forwarders, the consignees or the insurers of the goods, or any other person whomsoever. | |
29 | 应以合同双方联合的名义投保,联合的合同双方均有权从承保人处得到支付,仅为修复损失或损害的目的,该支付的款额由合同双方共同占有或在各方间进行分配, | shall be in the joint names of the Parties, who shall be jointly entitled to receive payments from the insurers , payments being held or allocated between the Parties for the sole purpose of rectifying the loss or damage, | |
30 | 由英国最大的医疗保险公司之一,私人病友计划公司(PPP),推出的国际保健计划提供了种类繁多的方案供您任意选择。 | The International Health Plan from Private Patients Plan (PPP), one of the UK’s leading medical insurers , offers a new range of options from which to choose. |