属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-积少成多 Every Little Helps
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-特易购进军金融市场 会员卡制度保证其竞争优势
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-积少成多 Every Little Helps
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-特易购进军金融市场 会员卡制度保证其竞争优势
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-减肥商品 点肥成金不现实
1 | 中国代表确认,对于申请获得进入中国市场许可的外国保险公司的资格条件不适用于已在中国设立的、寻求设立分公司或支公司的外国保险公司。 | The representative of China confirmed that the qualifications for foreign insurers applying for a licence to enter China’s market would not apply to foreign insurers already established in China that were seeking authorization to establish branches or sub-branches. | |
2 | 重复保险的保险金额总和超过保险价值的,各保险人的赔偿金额的总和不得超过保险价值。除合同另有约定外,各保险人按照其保险金额与保险金额总和的比例承担赔偿责任。 | If the total amount of the sum insured by double insurance exceeds the insured value, the total amount of indemnity paid by all insurers concerned shall not exceed the insured value. Unless specified otherwise in the contract, the insurers concerned shall undertake their obligation for indemnity based on the proportions their respective amounts of the sum insured bear to the total amount of the sum insured. | |
3 | 重复保险是指投保人对同一保险标的、同一保险利益、同一保险事故分别向二个以上保险人订立保险合同的保险。 | A double insurance refers to insurance under which an applicant enters into insurance contracts with two or more insurers on the same subject matter of the insurance, the same insurable interests and the same insured event. | |
4 | ||1:若保险公司真能暗地里收集到些许潜在投保人的消费喜好也不是坏事。||2:这些线索能帮他们更准确的找出不愿投保的人,并以优惠的利率将其吸引过来。||3:碰巧乐购长期以来也正用会员忠诚卡收集客户的信息。||4:乐购在金融服务业正日益壮大,相较于传统保险公司,这种忠诚卡将会使这个英国最大的超市产业链在信息收集上更具优势。 | ||1:If only insurers could stealthily gather a few titbits about their potential policyholders’ consumption habits.||2:Such hints might help them more accurately target those customers least likely to make claims, and attract them with better rates.||3:As it happens, Tesco routinely collects such information from holders of its Clubcard loyalty card.||4:As it bulks up in financial services, that may give Britain’s largest supermarket chain an edge over traditional insurers . | |
5 | ||1:要是保险公司能够暗地搜集到潜在投保客户的相关消费偏好记录就好了。||2:这些信息也许能帮助他们更精准的锁定最不可能索赔的目标人群,然后用更实惠的保险费率吸引他们。||3:特易购就能做到这点,他们时不时会从持卡客户端搜集此类信息。||4:随着特易购在金融服务领域的业务膨胀,也许相较传统保险公司,这一全英最大的连锁超市将会因此取得明显优势。 | ||1:If only insurers could stealthily gather a few titbits about their potential policyholders’ consumption habits.||2:Such hints might help them more accurately target those customers least likely to make claims, and attract them with better rates.||3:As it happens, Tesco routinely collects such information from holders of its Clubcard loyalty card.||4:As it bulks up in financial services, that may give Britain’s largest supermarket chain an edge over traditional insurers . | |
6 | ||1:一些年轻的司机给车加满油,不开而是停在路灯边上;也有一些谨慎上路,不过时刻清醒绝不酒驾。||2:之于购置汽车,家居用品和人寿保险的消费者,保险商更乐意于收集他们的个人喜好,而不是用无礼的问卷赶走潜在客户。||3:因此他们趋向于将收集的信息划成年龄,职业,地域邮编等分类,也就是说把不乐意冒风险的和有冒险意识的客户放在一起考虑,用后者的投资弥补前者的保险金。 | ||1:SOME young drivers get tanked up and wrap their cars round lampposts; others drive carefully, and sober.||2:Insurers would love to collect more background information on the personal habits of those buying motor, household and life policies, but do not want to put off potential customers with intrusive questionnaires.||3:So they end up pooling groups of people by such basic factors as age, occupation and postcode, which means that some low-risk customers are lumped in with risky ones and subsidize their cover. | |
7 | ||1:一些年轻的司机总爱喝的酩酊大醉或把车草草停在路灯旁,而另一些司机却能谨慎而冷静。||2:保险公司永远热衷于搜集那些购买汽车,家居用品和人寿保险的人群的个人信息,但他们早已明白那些恼人的问卷会赶走潜在的顾客。||3:于是他们最终选择了收集顾客群基本信息如年龄,收入和邮编的方式。这意味着低风险客户群与高风险客户群无形中被集中来弥补其损失。 | ||1:SOME young drivers get tanked up and wrap their cars round lampposts; others drive carefully, and sober.||2:Insurers would love to collect more background information on the personal habits of those buying motor, household and life policies, but do not want to put off potential customers with intrusive questionnaires.||3:So they end up pooling groups of people by such basic factors as age, occupation and postcode, which means that some low-risk customers are lumped in with risky ones and subsidise their cover. | |
8 | 去年,美国食品药物管理局同意,微超重病人使用 Lap-Band,但是保险公司却拒绝付款。 | Last year the FDA approved the Lap-Band’s use in patients who are only slightly overweight, but insurers have refused to pay. | |
9 | 1-2月份(越南)人寿保险公司业绩报告令人惊讶 | Life insurers report surprising performance in Jan-Feb | Vietnam Business News | |
10 | 1996年以来,德国人可以在法定的医疗承保人中选择自己的承保人,这样就迫使他们提高服务的质量。 | Since 1996 Germans have been able to choose among statutory health insurers , forcing them to improve service. | |
11 | Flum医生表示,有些保险公司也会规定你参加一个需要花费1500美元或者更多的健康管理项目。 | Some insurers will also stipulate that you join a care-management program, which could cost $1, 500 or more out of pocket, Dr. Flum said. | |
12 | Mayer表示,银行和保险业者可能要减记约500亿欧元,让希腊得以重回债市筹资。 | Thomas Mayer said banks and insurers might take a haircut of 50 billion euros so that Greece could return to the debt markets. | |
13 | 保险从业人员对兑换将充满昂贵、高风险病人表示愤怒。 | Insurers fret that exchanges will be full of expensive, high-risk patients. | |
14 | 保险公司称,21岁以下的人群中,男性发生交通事故的概率是女性的2倍。 | A male driver under 21 is twice as likely to have an accident than a woman under 21, insurers say. | |
15 | 保险公司的股票投资已接近上限。 | Insurers are close to their permissible investment limits in equities. | |
16 | 保险公司的无力偿付使得所有紧急状态“备份”资金被不负责任的借贷和支出所抹去,这肯定会毁了经济。 | Insolvency in insurers removes all emergency "backups" to irresponsible lending and spending, which would surely ruin the economy. | |
17 | 保险公司刚刚被授权参与基础设施建设项目的贷款业务。 | Insurers have just been given the authority to start lending to infrastructure projects. | |
18 | 保险公司会步银行的后尘吗? | Will insurers suffer banks’ fate? | |
19 | 保险公司找到他们的圣杯–一种使局外人易于理解他们的语言了吗? | Have insurers found their holy grail: a language that makes them comprehensible to outsiders? | |
20 | 保险股也大幅走强,因根据初步估计,飓风Irene对财产造成的损害低于预估。 | Insurers also rose sharply as property damage from Hurricane Irene was less than feared, according to early estimates. | |
21 | 保险业将产生自由竞争机制,价格才会下降,保险服务质量会更好。 | When insurers compete for consumers, prices will fall and quality will improve. | |
22 | 保险业之所以能从这次打击中幸存下来,主要有两个原因。 | Insurers survived this shock with few failures for two main reasons. | |
23 | 比如,抵押保险公司,比它们的同行信用保险要稍好过一点。 | The mortgage insurers , for example, fared just a bit better than their credit insurance cousins. | |
24 | 不同的医疗保险机构有不同的要求以证明你对胃分流术这一医疗的需求。 | Different health insurers have different requirements to prove your medical need for gastric bypass surgery. | |
25 | 除了对保险业产生潜在的影响,该判决对欧盟法律的平等精神意义更为重大。 | But quite apart from the business implications for insurers , the ruling has a broader significance for E. U. equality legislation. | |
26 | 此举可能意味着两家公司将成为监管部门严格审查的目标,避免再次发生金融危机。 | That designation may mean insurers become subject to tighter scrutiny from regulators attempting to avoid another financial crisis. | |
27 | 此外,2010年保险公司的投资收益将达到6.474兆越南盾。 | Furthermore, the investment revenue of insurers could gain 6. 474 trillion dong in 2010. | |
28 | 但较小型的保险公司和业内其它领域的公司则要麽反对这个想法,要麽态度含糊不清。 | But smaller insurers and some other segments of the industry oppose the idea or have not taken a clear position. | |
29 | 当内科医生从医疗规定中解放出来,个人健康保险将会跟上。 | Once physicians are liberated under Medicare, private insurers will follow. | |
30 | 第二个泛欧盟机构将研究制定适用于银行、保险公司及证券市场的日常监管标准。 | A second pan-EU body would thrash out standards to be applied to day-to-day supervision of banks, insurers and securities markets. |