属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-唯命是从 Only obeying orders
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-游击战的历史 以弱胜强之道
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-游击战的历史 以弱胜强之道
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴基斯坦的军事力量 失去驾驶权的司机
1 | 24岁时,他跟随项梁在苏州起义,响应陈胜,吴广。 | At 24, he joined his uncle Xiang Liang in an armed uprising in today’s Suzhou in response to the insurgency led by two peasant leaders, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang | |
2 | 不仅部落间仍存在你死我活的仇杀,东北部各邦还正为凶暴的反叛运动所困扰--这些运动寻求的是脱离印度其它部分而独立。 | Not only do deadly rivalries still exist among the tribes, but the north-eastern states are plagued by virulent insurgency movements who seek independence from the rest of India. | |
3 | 反暴动,反叛乱用来反对或有力压制叛乱的政治和军事策略或行动 | Political and military strategy or action intended to oppose and forcefully suppress insurgency . | |
4 | 叛乱; 叛变; 造反 | rebellion ; revolt ; insurgency ; uprising | |
5 | 伊拉克临时政府的当务之急是力争平息严重的叛乱,恢复经济,政府无暇顾及也没有多余的资金投入文化领域。 | With the interim government struggling to quell a deadly insurgency and to rebuild the economy, there is little time and money to be spared for culture. | |
6 | 作为一个大陆国家,一个好斗的智利,对其他国家进行破坏和支持激进派叛乱活动的能力要比古巴大得多。 | As a continental country, a militant Chile had a capacity to undermine other nations and support radical insurgency that was far greater than Cuba’s | |
7 | ||1:今年,利比亚武装力量风起云涌,近来淡出帷幕。革命之火燃遍穆阿迈尔?卡扎菲生命历程中每一个中转站。||2:多年前,卡扎菲生于苏尔特荒野沙漠的贝多因帐篷内;尔今,又是在苏尔特,卡扎菲葬身于阻击手枪林弹雨之中。||3:在米苏拉塔,卡扎菲拜访家庭教师学习历史。在班加西军事院校时,卡扎菲开始策划起义;在的黎波里巴布阿齐耶耶区时,他的军营一半被炸,七零八散;然而,这位穆斯林领袖又在此安营扎寨,还宣誓除非战死沙场,否则绝不撤退。 | ||1: AS THE rebel insurgency flowed and ebbed across Libya this year, it passed through most of the staging posts in Muammar Qaddafi’s life. ||2: Sirte, where he was born in a Bedouin tent in the sand-wastes and died amid the crackle of sniper fire。 ||3: Misrata, where he went to a private tutor to learn history; Benghazi, where at military college he began to plot revolution; and Tripoli, where in the sprawling half-bombed barracks at Bab el-Aziziya he pitched his tent again, the Brother-Leader, insisting he would never leave until he had fired the last bullet he possessed. | |
8 | ||1:然而随后读者就发现,他是被萨达姆处决的无数伊拉克人之一,而原因一直不明不白。他是在美国推倒萨达姆独裁政权仅仅几年前被处死的。||2:萨西尔将军给人的感觉是一名比较老实、正直的军人,但偶尔也会显示出残忍和不够聪明的一面。随着伊拉克政体的败落,像许多其他伊拉克人一样,他也加入了宗教。||3:他的家庭现已破落不堪,可尽管他的家人完全有理由为萨达姆的死而欢庆,然而对于在该书行将付梓之时仍旧愈演愈烈的反美暴乱事件,他们中大多数人却持赞同态度,有的甚至予以了积极支持。 | ||1: Only later does the reader discover that he was one of countless Iraqis executed by Saddam, for reasons that never become clear, in his case only a few years before the Americans toppled the dictator. ||2: General Sachet emerges as a fundamentally honest and upright, though occasionally ruthless and intellectually limited, soldier who turns to religion, like so many other Iraqis, as the regime putrefies. ||3: His family is battered. Though its members have every cause to celebrate Saddam’s demise, most of them sympathise with—and some of them actively support—the anti-American insurgency that was still rife as this book went to print. | |
9 | Boot先生没有推断在21世纪镇压叛乱是徒劳之举。 | Mr Boot does not conclude that counter-insurgency in the 21st century is a losing game. | |
10 | 平定叛乱需要耐心,克制和良好的战略公关 | Fighting an insurgency requires patience, restraint and a good public-relations strategy | |
11 | 他想要接近于重组一支训练有素的军队,为巴基斯坦西面广阔的部落地带与印度的反动起义战争定下筹码。 | In charge of army training, he was closely involved in efforts to retool an army trained for set-piece battles with India for counter-insurgency in the country’s wild tribal west. | |
12 | “我们在战场上杀敌从来没有像现在这样局势占优”,反暴乱专家约翰纳格说。 | "We have never been better at taking bad people off the battlefield, " says John Nagl, an American counter-insurgency expert. | |
13 | 2001年美军入侵之后,武装伊斯兰的一个由希克马蒂亚尔领导的派别加入了叛乱。 | After the US invasion in 2001, a faction of Hizb-e-Islami led by Hekmatyar joined the insurgency . | |
14 | Marja的行动虽然进行不顺利,但是平叛需要大把时间和大批军队,而且最好还要是当地的军队。 | The operation in Marja went badly, but putting down an insurgency needs time and lots of troops, preferably local ones. | |
15 | 阿富汗叛乱不在朝夕之间,我们的抗击亦不能一蹴而就。 | The insurgency in Afghanistan didn’t just happen overnight and we won’t defeat it overnight. | |
16 | 奥巴马支持卡尔扎伊接受塔利班叛乱分子的部分条件的尝试。 | Barack Obama backed Mr Karzai’s efforts to reconcile some elements of the Taliban insurgency . | |
17 | 巴基斯坦情报官员则更煞有介事地指责印度正在俾路支斯坦策划一场民族主义叛乱。 | More plausibly, Pakistani intelligence officials accuse India of fanning a burgeoning nationalist insurgency in Baluchistan. | |
18 | 巴勒斯坦强烈反对他的军事间谍服务指导阿富汗叛乱 | Pakistan strongly denied suggestions that its military spy service has guided the Afghan insurgency . | |
19 | 伴随着起义的发生,国民警卫队也被拉到这个地区从而卷入到更为致命的冲突中。 | Hand in hand with the insurgency , the militias have dragged the region into ever more deadly conflict. | |
20 | 保护和感化平民是反暴乱领域的时尚。 | Protecting and influencing civilians is all the rage in counter-insurgency circles. | |
21 | 爆炸袭击是日渐式微的反叛力量绝望的表现。 | The bangs were an act of desperation by a fading insurgency . | |
22 | 北约官员担心,强制根除罂粟,会使心怀不满的农民只会给叛乱助力。 | NATO officials worry that antagonising farmers with forced eradication will only strengthen the insurgency . | |
23 | 被日本占领后,要求独立的呼声越来越高,外加共产主义的叛乱。 | Following the Japanese occupation, the popular support for independence grew, coupled with a communist insurgency . | |
24 | 彼时,刚撰写了一部打破常规的新戡乱手册的彼得雷乌斯将军正受到责难。 | General Petraeus, who had just written a mould-breaking new manual on counter-insurgency , was put in charge. | |
25 | 表面胜利之后的几年,美国依然被阿富汗永无休止的暴乱拖入僵局。 | Years after apparent victory, America is still bogged down by an apparently endless insurgency in Afghanistan. | |
26 | 不过,他说巴基斯坦联合政府在打击塔利班暴乱活动中将继续执行自己的战略。 | But he said his coalition government will continue to pursue its own strategy in countering the Taliban insurgency . | |
27 | 超乎也门之上的问题是:这种情况可能会催生出更多对生活绝望的人从而在此状态下助长更多的叛乱。 | That matters beyond Yemen: It could prompt an exodus of desperate people and help feed an insurgency that thrives in a vacuum. | |
28 | 此次紧急公关计划被视为——当然也的确应该被作为——一项重大的打击叛军的行动。 | The emergency PR campaign was treated as a major counter-insurgency operation, which, of course, it was. | |
29 | 但是,并没有任何证据表明被禁止参选的全部候选人与炸弹袭击者或者任何反叛组织有已知联系。 | But none of the banned candidates has any known link to the bombers or any current insurgency . | |
30 | 但是棉兰老岛运动却是另一种坚持,比叛乱范围更广。 | But a greater distraction from the campaign in Mindanao is the persistence of another, far broader insurgency . |