1 | 但是在阿富汗北约发现光靠军事力量无法压垮叛乱,发展与国家建设同样重要。 | But in Afghanistan NATO found that might alone cannot crush an insurgency ; development and state-building are as important. | |
2 | 但他对北高加索地区日益严重的伊斯兰叛乱活动采取了强硬的态度,他承诺将“铲除匪患。” | But he took a tough line on the worsening Islamist insurgency in the north Caucasus, promising to "exterminate the bandits" . | |
3 | 毒品经济和叛乱局势是互为促进的。 | Yet the opium economy and the insurgency are mutually reinforcing; | |
4 | 对拜妲和许多伊拉克自杀式炸弹袭击者而言,激烈的叛乱活动都属于自己家里的事。 | For Baida, as for many Iraqi suicide bombers, violent insurgency was the family business. | |
5 | 而且,只要它还享受边界上安全的庇荫,塔利班政权就永远不会彻底被击败。 | And, so long as it enjoys safe havens across the border, the insurgency will never be wholly defeated. | |
6 | 二十多年来,由于叛乱克什米尔地区一直处于分裂状态;而其东北部部分地区则分裂了更长时间。 | Kashmir has been riven by insurgency for more than two decades; parts of the north-east for even longer. | |
7 | 反叛乱可能会伤及无辜,并且也不能从空中或者从獒装甲车内进行打击。 | Counter-insurgency is about engaging local populations, and that cannot be done from the air or from inside a Mastiff armoured vehicle. | |
8 | 反印叛乱已延续了17年,平均每天夺去三人的生命。 | An insurgency against Indian rule has dragged on for 17 years and still claims an average of three lives each day. | |
9 | 否则,最近几年没有的逊尼派反抗力量将重新抬头。 | Otherwise the simmering Sunni insurgency will regain the momentum it has lost in the past few years. | |
10 | 该法令在1960年通过,目的是为了打击镇压共产主义反对派的叛乱,该时期即被称作“紧急状态”。 | The law was introduced in 1960 to help combat an insurgency by communist rebels, a period known as the "emergency" . | |
11 | 故事的大部分情节都熟悉得令人沮丧:印度如何施暴政、非法操纵选举、激起抗议,之后,自1989年起发生暴动。 | Much of the story is depressingly familiar: how Indian misrule and a rigged election provoked protests and then, from 1989, insurgency . | |
12 | 关键的是支持暴动的背景:在自杀者之中有一种信念,他们觉得他们的同伴会把他们视为英雄。 | What counts is a background of support for the idea of insurgency : a sense among self-annihilators that their peers will see them as heroes. | |
13 | 国民军令人咋舌地纵容了圣战游击队——一股远比今日的塔利班强大的叛乱力量——三年。 | For three years it did a surprisingly good job of containing the mujahideen, an insurgency far more powerful than today’s Taliban. | |
14 | 今天仍有超过100000万外国军队留在这个依旧饱受叛乱和其他暴力事件困扰的阿富汗。 | Today over 100, 000 foreign troops remain in Afghanistan, which continues to be plagued by insurgency and other violence. | |
15 | 就拿过去的几周来说,叛乱活动复苏,一系列血腥的自杀式袭击事件在巴格达市中心上演。 | Just take these past weeks. The insurgency has revived, culminating in a series of audacious and bloody attacks in the heart of Baghdad. | |
16 | 据说拥有了大量伊朗钱财资助,阿卜杜拉在全国上下包括叛乱频仍的南部地区举行竞选集会。 | Allegedly flush with Iranian money, Mr Abdullah has held rallies across Afghanistan, including the insurgency -ridden south. | |
17 | 据推测,他所指的是该地区仍然蓄势待发的共产党叛军。 | Presumably, he meant the communist insurgency still simmering in the border area. | |
18 | 觉醒运动被认为平息了叛乱并给安坝和巴格达带来了稳定。 | The Awakening is largely credited with quelling the insurgency and bringing stability to Anbar and Baghdad. | |
19 | 军方官员表示双方的特种部队将会联合进行模拟打击分裂与恐怖活动的场景演练。 | Army officers said the special forces of both the countries will take part in simulated insurgency and terror strike scenario. | |
20 | 陆军-海军陆战队联军最新的反叛乱手册说,中心目标不是消灭敌人而是保护平民。 | The recent joint army and marines counter-insurgency manual says the central aim is not to destroy the enemy but to protect civilians. | |
21 | 毛派分子的暴乱越来越妨碍印度东部矿产资源丰富的森林的商业开发。 | Increasingly, the insurgency is hampering efforts to open up east India’s mineral-rich forests to business. | |
22 | 没人期望阿富汗的和平会在那个时候实现,也没人指望塔利班政权在那时会被根除。 | Nobody expects that Afghanistan will be wholly at peace by then, nor that the Taliban insurgency will have been routed. | |
23 | 美国国防部长盖茨说,过去,美军曾经获得过并且失去过反叛乱的能力,但这个时候,他们必须维持这种能力。 | Secretary Gates said in the past, counter-insurgency capabilities have been gained and lost, but this time they must be maintained. | |
24 | 美国及其盟军在阿富汗面对的是一个复杂难解的、受到诸多因素推动的叛乱状态。 | America and its allies face a complicated insurgency in Afghanistan, driven by many factors. | |
25 | 美国士兵灵活地变通战术以彻底击败叛乱分子的骚动,这可能击垮他们。 | American soldiers were flexible enough to change tactics in order to defeat an insurgency that threatened to overwhelm them; | |
26 | 美国在喀布尔的指挥官说,他需要这些部队长期驻守阿富汗,打击日益增多的反叛活动。 | The American commander in Kabul said he will need the troops for the long term to fight the growing insurgency . | |
27 | 南部的塔利班叛乱不会很快消失,但阿富汗军队或许能够困住他们。 | The Taliban insurgency in the south is not about to go away, but Afghanistan’s army can probably keep it at bay. | |
28 | 尼泊尔的毛派叛乱于2006年终止,因此,军队可以抽身回到旺奇国家公园保护那里的犀牛。 | The end of Nepal’s Maoist insurgency in 2006 allowed army guard posts back into Chitwan National Park, where most of the rhinos live. | |
29 | 尼日利亚政府不能平息尼日尔三角洲的暴乱,使得石油公司很难在当地作业。 | The Nigerian government has been unable to quell the insurgency in the Niger delta, making it difficult for oil firms to operate there. | |
30 | 您与您皇室家族的其他成员是逊尼派教徒,所以你们极端害怕什叶派极端主义以及伊朗支援的什叶派反叛活动。 | You and the rest of the royal family are Sunnis, and you’re scared to death of Shiite extremism and an Iranian-backed Shiite insurgency . |