1 | 公司变更类型的,应当按照拟变更的公司类型的设立条件 | A company which changes its form shall, in accordance with the establishment requirements of the company form of the company to which the company intends to change | |
2 | 公司打算提起要求获得损害赔偿金的诉讼。 | The company intends to sue for damages. | |
3 | 及说明他打算在该通知书送达日期起计的30天届满后,终止该船舶的注册 | stating that he intends , after the end of the period of 30 days beginning with the date of service of the notice, to close the ship’s registration | |
4 | 集团计划进一步发挥此系列产品的效益,除积极寻找新客户外,并研究发展有关产品的经销批发业务。 | The Group intends to further capitalise on the resilience of these products by actively seeking new customers and the opportunities to engage in the distribution of these products. | |
5 | 甲、乙任何一方如向第三者转让其全部或部分出资额,须经另一方同意,并报审批机关批准. | In case any party to the joint venture intends to assign all or part of his investment subscribed to a third party. Consent shall be obtained from the other party to the joint venture, and approval from the examination and approval authority is required. | |
6 | 她打算明年到中国旅行。 | She intends to take a trip to China next year. | |
7 | 她打算以教书为业。 | She intends to make teaching her profession. | |
8 | 她想以教书为职业。 | She intends to make teaching her profession. | |
9 | 今后,中国还将有选择地逐步参与非传统安全领域的多边联合军事演习。 | China intends to selectively and gradually participate in more multilateral joint military exercises in the non-traditional fields of security in the future | |
10 | 进出境运输工具从一个设立海关的地点驶往另一个设立海关的地点的,应当符合海关监管要求,办理海关手续;未办结海关手续的,不得改驶境外。 | Before any inbound or outbound means of transport intends to move from one Customs point to another, requirements for Customs control shall be met, Customs formalities shall be followed and any deviation to foreign territory before it is cleared by the Customs is prohibited. | |
11 | 经批准设立的外国公司分支机构,在中国境内从事业务活动,必须遵守中国的法律,不得损害中国的社会公共利益,其合法权益受中国法律保护。 | A branch of a foreign company who intends to engage in business activities within Chinese territory must be established with approval and must abide by the laws of China and may not harm the social and public interests of China. Its legitimate rights and interests are protected by the laws of China. | |
12 | 就船舶而委任的代表人(并非该船舶的船东)如打算不再作为代表人,须以书面将他的打算通知该船舶的船东或转管租约承租人 | A representative person appointed in relation to a ship (not being the owner of the ship)who intends to cease acting as the representative person shall give notice in writing of his intention to the owner or demise charter of the ship | |
13 | 买方决定并书面通知卖方,系统适宜开始买方拟用系统进行的操作;系统已经开始买方拟用系统进行的操作。 | Upon determination by buyer, and written notification to Seller, that the System, is suitable to commence the operations for which buyer intends to use it; or that the System has commenced the operations for which buyer intends to use it. | |
14 | 美加地区除了位于洛杉矶的国际统一企业公司,负责美加地区食品行销,并计划于中美洲设立速食面厂,进一步打入美洲市场。 | In the United States and Canada, aside from President Global Corp. located in Los Angeles that handles marketing in the United States and Canada, Uni-President intends to establish an instant noodle factory in Central America to ease its way to into the US. | |
15 | 谋裁奌殂进輚叇仦鐀裶l倈乿裘l嬉仹毘蠾が戁兿衑扌謖亮裘l圈祇e"索偿行")履行偿付时,开证行应及时给偿付行发出对此类索偿予以偿付的适当指示或授权。 | If an Issuing Bank intends that the reimbursement to which a paying, accepting or negotiating bank is entitled, shall be obtained by such bank (the"Claiming Bank"), claiming on another party (the"Reimbursing Bank"), it shall provide such Reimbursing Bank in good time with the proper instructions or authorisation to honour such reimbursement claims. | |
16 | 那个胆小鬼想要求助于法律来处治我。 | The coward intends to call in the law against me | |
17 | 那老人说他打算工作到死。 | The old man says that he intends to die in harness. | |
18 | 你介意被称为坏学生吗?就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。 | Do you mind being called a bad student?. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become)a model student. | |
19 | 拟通过由中国进出口银行安排的出口信贷向中国五金矿产进出口总公司(以下缩写为"五矿"),购买一条热镀锌生产线在线设备及相关镀锌技术 | Intends to purchase an on-line equipment of hot dip galvanizing production line and galvanizing technology from China National Metals & Minerals Import & Export Corporation (hereinafter abbreviated as MINMETALS), with an export credit arrangement provided by the Export-Import Bank of China | |
20 | 欧娜打算每隔两小时休息片刻。 | Erna intends to take short rests every two hours. | |
21 | 然而,不容易售出的投资或管理部门旨在长期拥有的投资不能算是短期投资,而是长期投资。 | However, investments which are not readily marketable, or which management intends to hold on a long-term basis, are not classified as short-term investments, but long-term investments. | |
22 | 让我们问她要我们做什么。 | Let’s ask her what she intends us to do. | |
23 | 如果买方已收到货物,但打算行使合同或本公约规定的任何权利,把货物退回,他必须按情况采取合理措施,以保全货物。 | If the buyer has received the goods and intends to exercise any right under the contract or this Convention to reject them, he must take such steps to preserve them as are reasonable in the circumstances. | |
24 | 如果某人想行恶却没有这么做,则会为其记下善行。如果他做了,将为其记下恶行,或者真主将拭去它。}2 | And if someone intends to do a bad deed but does not do it, a good deed will be recorded for him. And if he does do it, a bad deed will be recorded against him or God will wipe it out.}2 | |
25 | 如果某人想要行善却做不到,仍会为其记上善行。而如果做到了,将为其记录(奖赏)十到七百或更多次(善行奖赏)。 | If someone intends to do a good deed but does not do it, a good deed will be recorded for him. And if he does do it, (a reward of)ten to seven hundred or many more times (the reward of the good deed), will be recorded for him. | |
26 | 如果我们以模式化的观点来看这两个人(正如霍尔西所希望的),我们猜想即便是在美法关系最热的时候,他俩谁也不是法兰西的崇拜者。 | If we view these men in stereotypical terms (as Horsey intends ), we guess that neither is a great admirer of France even at the best of times | |
27 | 如一方拟进行革新,则应努力考虑其他参加方就任何潜在问题表明的意见。 | When a Party intends to innovate, it shall endeavour to take into account the views expressed by other Parties regarding any potential problems | |
28 | 商业模式:企业如何营利。 | Business model: outline how the company intends to become profitable. | |
29 | 设立出版物连锁经营企业或者其他连锁经营企业从事出版物连锁经营业务 | Whichever entity or individual intends to establish an enterprise engaging in chained operation of publications or any enterprise engaging in other chained operation that intends to engage in chained operation of publications | |
30 | 设立出版物零售、出租企业或者其他单位、个人从事出版物零售、出租业务,应当具备下列条件 | Whichever entity or individual intends to establish a publication retailing or leasing enterprise or any other entity or individual who applies to engage in the publication retailing or leasing business, shall meet the following conditions |