1 | "三讲"集中教育和"三个代表"学习教育活动卓有成效。 | "Good results have been produced in the intensive education in the need to stress study, political awareness and integrity and in the study of the ""Three Represents""." | |
2 | (三)外延扩张与内涵扩张:土地使用政策与竞争力 | Iii.The Extensive and Intensive Expansion, the Land Use and the Competitiveness | |
3 | 澳洲及纽西兰麻醉科医学院深切治疗科院士 | Fellow, Faculty of Intensive Care, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists [FFICANZCA] | |
4 | 把教育训练摆到战略位置,深入开展科技练兵,加强军队院校建设. | It should attach strategic importance to education and training, carry on intensive science-and-technology-related military training and strengthen the building of military academies and schools | |
5 | 把开发新技术、新产品、新产业同开拓市场结合起来,把发展技术密集型产业和劳动密集型产业结合起来。 | combine the efforts to develop new technologies, products and industries with the efforts to open up markets and integrate the development of technology-intensive with labor-intensive industries. | |
6 | 本厂承接各类深加工、精加工产品,欢迎来料加工。 | The factory undertakes intensive and fine processing work. You are welcome to place orders for processing your own materials. | |
7 | 本市外商投资企业项目符合下列条件之一者,可享受技术密集型和知识密集型项目优惠待遇 | Foreign-invested enterprise that enjoy preferential treatments for technology-intensive and/or knowledge-intensive projects shall meet one of the following requirements. | |
8 | 不得不在有限区间做工作的地方。这些工作既紧张,又要求精度高,如手术室、仪表装配车问等地方 | Where work has to be carried on in a confined space, the task being of a high precision and intensive character, such as in operating theatres, instrument assembly shops and the like. | |
9 | 不过,由于它的零售价是每公斤68美元(564元人民币),购买者为这个劳动密集的工作付出了代价。 | Since it retails at $US68 (564 RMB)per kg, however, purchasers pay the price for this labour-intensive task | |
10 | 从粗放经济转变为集约经济 | Shift form the extensive economy to intensive economy | |
11 | 粗放型经济转变为集约型经济 | Transform the extensive economic mode into intensive one;into an intensive one | |
12 | 大量的阅读、写作与讨论使我迅速地吸收并掌握了新的词汇与修辞技巧。 | Intensive reading, writing, and discussion forced me to absorb and master new vocabulary and rhetorical tactics at a rapid pace | |
13 | 大专学府或民间教育机构应开设专业华语(例如:科技华语、商业华语、法律华语等)密集课程或者翻译课程。 | For example, universities or private organisations should design intensive courses on Chinese language for specialised fields, such as Chinese for science and technology, Chinese for business, Chinese for legal practice, and so on | |
14 | 对某事进行深入的研究 | Make an intensive study of sth | |
15 | 对于很多地方说来,生产的规模大了,经营的部门多了,劳动的范围向自然界的广度和深度扩张了,工作做得精致了,劳动力就会感到不足。 | For many places the labour shortage becomes: evident as production grows in scale, the number of undertakings increases, the efforts to remake nature become more extensive and intensive and the work is done more thoroughly | |
16 | 而考虑到中国在劳动力价格上的比较优势,未来中国又是国外制造业,特别是劳动密集型企业的“新生地”。 | Given the relative superiority of China’s labor price, China will become the place of rebirth of overseas manufacturing industries, particularly labor-intensive enterprises, in the future | |
17 | 该病人需要加强护理 | This patient requires intensive care | |
18 | 该病症还有其它病因,如手术后感染。抗生素对该病效用不大。通过加高强度的支持疗法,多数患者于7~10天内痊愈,但有10~15%的患者死亡。许多患者会于八个月后复发,惟症状较轻。 | The syndrome also has other causes, including postsurgical infection. Antibiotics are not effective. With intensive supportive therapy, most patients recover in 7-10 days, but 10-15% die. Many patients have a milder recurrence within eight months. | |
19 | 高强度的现代舞培训班成效卓著--令老师惊喜,对"学员"来说,则如虎添翼。 | Together with intensive modern dance training, the results surprised both the teachers and the students. | |
20 | 高强度体育锻炼(期间) | Period of intensive physical training | |
21 | 高通货膨胀率和高利率使维持长期的、资金密集的项目所遇到的困难更大了。 | High inflation and interest rates have made it more difficult to finance long-term capital-intensive projects | |
22 | 更具体地说,他们提出,美国是否真正出口资本密集型商品来换取劳动密集型商品。 | More specifically, they asked whether or not the United States really exported capital-intensive goods in exchange for labor-intensive goods | |
23 | 关于亚太经社会区域跨国公司对高污染工业的环境管理问题专家组会议 | Expert Group Meeting on Environmental Management of Transnational Corporations in Pollution-Intensive Industries in the ESCAP Region | |
24 | 广开就业门路,积极发展劳动密集型产业。 | We should open up more avenues for employment and develop labor-intensive industries. | |
25 | 广开就业门路,积极发展劳动密集型产业。对提供新就业岗位和吸纳下岗失业人员再就业的企业给予政策支持。 | We should open up more avenues for employment and develop labor-intensive industries. We should give policy support to enterprises that increase jobs or reemploy laid-off workers. | |
26 | 红外线固化:红外线固化用强烈的红外线辐射能,照射油墨,使之快速干燥。是加速干燥法之一。 | Infra-red curing: A method of accelerating the drying of printing ink by intensive exposure to infra-red radiation. | |
27 | 机械化集约农业是高效率的典型。 | intensive mechanized agriculture is typically regarded as being efficient | |
28 | 积极引导外商特别是跨国公司投资高新技术产业,促进外商投资兴办资金技术密集型项目和设立更多的先进技术型项目。 | Positive guidance will be offered to foreign businesses especially transnational corporations to invest in high and new technological industry, capital-and technology-intensive industries, build more projects with state-of-the-art technology. | |
29 | 积数年对英语的勤奋学习,我能毫无困难地用英语讲课,并能与美国学生轻松相处。 | With years of intensive English training, I have no difficulty conducting classes in English and feel quite comfortable working with American students. | |
30 | 集训营运动员进行高强度集中训练的地方,特别是进行赛季前训练 | A place where athletes engage in intensive training,especially preseason training. |