1 | 第四十九条本实施细则由国家工商行政管理局负责解释。 | Article 49 The right to interpret these Rules resides in the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. | |
2 | 第一百一十三条 本细则由国务院卫生行政部门负责解释。 | Article 113 The right to interpret these Implementation Rules resides in the health administrative department under the State Council of the PRC . | |
3 | 断定或猜想某事物的意义或意图;解释某事物 | Judge or guess that sth has the specified meaning or intention;interpret sth as sth | |
4 | 对计算机的指令、数据或字以及数据传输所预先确定的且必须遵循的各种符号的次序、结构或位置。次序必须遵循,否则计算机不能理解和解释信息。 | The predetermined mandatory order,organization or position of symbols in a computer instruction,data or word,data transmission message,etc.The order is mandatory so that the computer can understand and interpret the information. | |
5 | 对于怎样解释这个问题我不十分有把握。 | I’m not quite sure how to interpret that question. | |
6 | 而最高法院是制度设计上用来对宪法争议进行听证、解释宪法条款的机构。 | It is the Supreme Court that is institutionally designed to hear constitutional arguments and to interpret constitutional clauses. | |
7 | 发明或者实用新型专利权的保护范围以其权利要求的内容为准,说明书及附图可以用于解释权利要求。 | The extent of protection of the patent right for invention or utility model shall be determined by the terms of the claims. The description and the appended drawings may be used to interpret the claims. | |
8 | 各个级别的联邦法院都有权解释联邦宪法和联邦法律法规。 | Every level of the federal courts has the power to interpret the Federal Constitution and federal laws and regulations. | |
9 | 根据我们目前关于羊毛结构方面的知识,解释Asthury的观察结果。 | Given our current understanding of the structure of wool, interpret Asthury’s observations. | |
10 | 关键字的一种特征,用于向RMS-11指明如何解释在相应字段中的数据。关键字数据类型包括字符串、2和4字节的二进制整数以及压缩十进制数。 | A feature of a key indicating to RMS-11 how to interpret the data in the associated key field.Supported types include string, 2-and 4-byte binary integer and packed decimal | |
11 | 管理当局对公司的经营活动非常熟悉,能够对公司的经营和财务成果解释得非常明白。 | The management knows the operations well, and can interpret the corporation’s operating and financial results clearly. | |
12 | 广播员们把这理解为他们有自由随心所欲地安排节目。 | The broadcasters interpret this to mean their freedom to programme whatever they want to programme. | |
13 | 解读解读(含混、难以理解或无法辨认的东西) | To read or interpret (ambiguous,obscure,or illegible matter. | |
14 | 解决或解释;阐明 | To solve or interpret ;unravel. | |
15 | 解释用更简单的语言表达;解释或阐释 | To put into simpler terms; explain or interpret . | |
16 | 历史决定论只能劝说那些希望扩大理性对社会生活的作用的人去研究和解释历史。 | Those who desire an increase in the influence of reason in social life can only be advised by historicism to study and interpret history | |
17 | 联邦法院也解释联邦法律、机构规章及决定。 | Federal courts also interpret federal legislation and federal agency rules and decisions. | |
18 | 领会(某事物)的意义;解释 | Learn the significance of(sth);interpret | |
19 | 另外,也有一些宗教极端分子非常狭隘地诠释回教,完全不忠于回教真正追求的理想。 | At the other extreme are religious extremists who interpret religion so rigidly that they fail to be true to Islamic ideals. | |
20 | 伦理相对论者不考虑人们进行道德意义解释的心理情景,因此趋向于将相反的行为解释为相反的价值系统的符号。 | Because ethical relativists do not consider the psychological situation in which people moralize, they are inclined to interpret opposing practices as signs of opposing systems of value | |
21 | 那字母成了她响应感召的象征。由于从她身上可以得到那么多的支援--她深富同情心又极肯助人--许多人都不肯再按本意来解释那红色的字母"A"了。 | The letter was the symbol of her calling. Such helpfulness was found in her-so much power to do, and power to sympathise-that many people refused to interpret the scarlet A by its original signification. | |
22 | 能够灵活掌握双语和熟悉两种文化的人才,可以帮助他人了解世局的变化,也 | Individuals who enjoy the flexibility of bilingualism and the cultural understanding it allows will be able to interpret the world for others, and to adapt more confidently to a changing and culturally ambiguous international environment | |
23 | 你能把他在会议结尾时讲话的含义解释一下吗? | Can you interpret the import of what he remarked at the end of the meeting? | |
24 | 你能解释这一段吗? | Can you interpret the passage? | |
25 | 普通语言学家试图解释用法的标准,这种标准潜藏在那些不滥用这种自由的人们的语言行为中(杰罗尔德J·卡茨)。Interpret意思是用特殊的知识或洞察力来揭示某事潜在的意思 | Ordinary language philosophers tried to explicate the standards of usage underlying the linguistic behavior of those who do not abuse this freedom(Jerrold J.Katz.To interpret is to reveal the underlying meaning of something by the application of special knowledge or insight | |
26 | 请你帮我把它翻译一下好吗? | Will you please interpret it for me? | |
27 | 请你为我翻译好吗? | Will you interpret for me? | |
28 | 请你为我翻译一下好吗? | Would you please interpret for me?’ | |
29 | 全国人民代表大会常务委员会授权澳门特别行政区法院在审理案件时对本法关于澳门特别行政区自治范围内的条款自行解释。 | The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress shall authorize the courts of the Macao Special Administrative Region to interpret on their own, in adjudicating cases, the provisions of this Law which are within the limits of the autonomy of the Region. | |
30 | 全国人民代表大会常务委员会行使的主要职权包括:1)解释宪法并监督宪法的实施;2)制定和修改除应当由全国人民代表大会的省委以外的其他法律 | The main functions and powers exercised by the Standing Committee of the NPC are as followings: 1). to interpret the Constitution and supervise its implementation; 2). to draft and amend the laws with the exception of those which should be enacted by the NPC. |