1 | 对由于天灾、暴动、骚乱、战争或银行本身不能控制的任何其他原因、任何罢工或停工而使银行营业中断所产生的后果,银行不承担责任或对其负责。 | Banks assume no liability or responsibility for consequences arising out of the interruption of their business by Acts of God, riots, civil commotions, insurrections, wars, or any other causes beyond their control or by strikes or lockouts. | |
2 | 多发性硬化:一种脑和脊髓的疾病,发病机制为一种致病因子逐渐地、局部地侵袭神经纤维髓鞘,导致神经冲动暂时中断或传导紊乱。 | Multiple sclerosis (MS): Disease of the brain and spinal cord in which gradual, patchy destruction of the myelin sheath of nerve fibres causes interruption or disordered transmission of nerve impulses. | |
3 | 高效抗逆转录病毒治疗间断过程中中药对CD4+T淋巴细胞和病毒载量的影响 | Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine on CD4+T Cell Counts and HIV Viral Loads during Structured Treatment Interruption in Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy | |
4 | 汉语母子对话中打断现象之研究 | Interruption in Mandarin Mother-child Conversation | |
5 | 基于Windows平台的数控系统中断技术研究 | The Study of Processing Interruption of NC System Based on Windows | |
6 | 计算机系统中采用的检查点和再启动技术,使得在错误或中断事件中,从最后一个检查点开始继续处理,而不是从计算机正在运行的起始点开始。 | The checkpoints and restart procedures which make it possible, in the event of an error or interruption , to continue processing from the last checkpoint rather than from the beginning of the computer run | |
7 | 计算机在运算过程中被中断时,计算机保存现场信息的一种能力。因此,一旦中断结束,计算机就可继续进行运算。 | The ability to permit interruption of the operation of a computer in such a fashion that the values of the variables at the time of interruption are not altered;thus permitting computation to continue when the interruption stops. | |
8 | 继续演奏(或演唱)某一音符 | Sustain a note,ie continue to play or sing it without interruption | |
9 | 建国以后中国经济市场化进程的中断 | On the Interruption of China’s Economical Market Progress since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China | |
10 | 接上线(中断后的联系) | Pick/take up the thread(s),ie continue after an interruption | |
11 | 卡德鲁斯显然很不高兴被人打断讲话,所以他对那女人不予理睬,只是对教士说,“一个人想把别人的老婆夺为己有,还能称为对他朋友忠实吗? | Caderousse made no reply to these words, though evidently irritated and annoyed by the interruption , but, addressing the abb, said, "Can a man be faithful to another whose wife he covets and desires for himself? | |
12 | 看台上一阵混战之后,警察很快的控制住了人群,比赛继续进行,不再有过中断。 | After a scuffle in the stands,the police soon had the crowd well in hand and the match continued without further interruption . | |
13 | 客户通知维修代理和ABC指定的ABC机构以后,ABC将对影响维修中产品的使用或传送工作的、由于ABC或其分包人的错误所造成的中断或干扰负一定责任。此责任最大限度是以月服务费为基础,根据维修中断或干扰的时间向客户提供适当比例的补偿。 | After said notice from Customer to the servicing agency and to the ABC office designated by ABC, ABC shall be liable for any interruption or interference affecting the use or transmission through the Product maintained to the extent of a pro rata allowance based on the monthly service fee for the time such interruption or interference is attributable to the fault of ABC or its subContractor. | |
14 | 空勤人员间断飞行的时间超过国务院民用航空主管部门规定时限的,应当经过检查和考核;乘务员以外的空勤人员还应当经过带飞。 | Flight personnel who have exceeded the time limit of interruption in flight prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall be subject to inspection and examination; with the exception of cabin attendants, flight personnel shall also go through instruction flight. | |
15 | 框剪结构剪力墙中断条件的数值分析 | Numerical Analysis of the Shear Wall Interruption Conditions in the Frame-Shear Wall Structures | |
16 | 论文物保护与文脉的传承与中断-兼与《旅游学刊》笔谈中某些观点商榷 | On the Protection of Historical Relics and the Inheritance and Interruption of Cultural Vein-A Discussion with Tourism Tribune | |
17 | 卖方在任何时候都不对视听或数据信号的任何损失、业务中断或者任何种类或性质的特殊、间接或结果性损害负责。 | In no event shall seller be liable for any loss of audio, video or data signals, interruption of business, or special, indirect or consequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever. | |
18 | 尼姆为被打扰而感到生气。他抓起电话,没好气地应了声:“什么事?” | Annoyed at the interruption , Nim picked up the telephone and answered curtly, "Yes?" | |
19 | 平均停电持续时间 | system average interruption duration,缩写SAID | |
20 | 平均停电频率 | system average interruption frequency,缩写SAIF | |
21 | 请原谅我打断一下。 | Please excuse me for interruption | |
22 | 请原谅我打扰了你。 | Please pardon me for interruption you. | |
23 | 如果在等电话,那就选一个靠近过道、出口附近的座位,尽可能地不要影响到别人。 | If you are expecting a call, get an aisle seat near an exit to minimize the interruption . | |
24 | 如利润损失、业务中断、计划或有关您的信息处理系统的其它数据或其它方面的损失等。即使我们明确说明了可能会出现哪些损失,但是这并不表明我们会承担任何相应责任。 | including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption , loss of programs or other data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. | |
25 | 诗与歌总是诱人相信爱情永恒不变,没有什么中断。 | Poetry and song seduce one into thinking love continues without interruption | |
26 | 说服教育中对无效认知方式的干预 | The Interruption to no-result Cognitive Style in Convincing Education | |
27 | 他对任何打扰都感到不耐烦。 | He was impatient of any interruption | |
28 | 他心神不宁,早上出了这些事情,再加上都宾又来罗唣了半日,带累他没有好好地睡觉。 | He was disturbed in spirit, and his rest destroyed by dobbin’s interruption and the occurrences of the morning | |
29 | 我起初讲得很顺利,可是受到干扰后就结巴起来了. | My speech went quite well until I was put off my stroke by the interruption . | |
30 | 我起初讲得很顺利,可是受到干扰后就结巴起来了。 | My speech went quite well until I was put off my stroke by the interruption . |