属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 301655-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 301656-2000
1 | 在局部地区,偶尔供电中断的情况会继续发生。 | Occasional interruption to service in limited areas will continue. | |
2 | 在任何情况下,卖方均不就利润损失、失去用途、业务中断、或者任何种类的间接、特殊或结果性的损失承担赔偿责任。 | In no event shall Seller be liable for any loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business, or indirect, special or consequential damages of any kind. | |
3 | 在组装过程中,要备好拉链、定位带与附件,用来防止工序中断。 | Trimmings such as zips and stay tapes are included to prevent any interruption during assembly. | |
4 | 这一干扰刚结束,战士们又回到各自的位置,准备再一次大显身手… | The warriors, as soon as this interruption had ceased, resumed their places, and again prepared to exhibit their skill… | |
5 | 这种打扰真讨厌. | This interruption is very annoying. | |
6 | 制粉系统断煤对机炉协调控制的影响及对策 | The Influence and Countermeasure of Coal Interruption in Pulverizing System Toward the Coordination Control of Turbine and Boiler | |
7 | 中耳术后面神经断离以神经移植片修补-病例报告 | Facial Nerve Interruption after Middle Ear Surgery Repaired with Nerve Graft-Case Report | |
8 | 专用综合业务网(PISN).规范、功能模式和信息流.呼叫优先中断和呼叫优先中断保护补充业务 | (Private Integrated Services Network (PISN)-Specification, functional model and information flows-Call priority interruption and call priority interruption protection supplementary services (ISO/IEC 15991 (1998), modified)(Endorsement of the English | |
9 | 专用综合业务网(PISN).内部交换信令协议.呼叫优先中断和呼叫优先中断保护补充业务 | (Private Integrated Services Network (PISN)-Inter-exchange signalling protocol-Call priority interruption and call priority interruption protection supplementary services (ISO/IEC 15992 (1998), modified)(Endorsement of the English version EN 301656 V | |
10 | 左侧肺动脉中断合并心房中隔缺损及右侧主动脉弓:以磁振血管造影诊断之病例报告 | Interruption of Left Pulmonary Artery with Atrial Septal Defect and Right Side Aortic Arch: A Case Report Diagnosed with MRA |