属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-美国新任国务卿克里大话外交政策
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国同性婚姻合法化 卡梅伦"爱不应被法律分开&
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-全球一线城市房价暴涨 究竟是什么在操控着房价?
1 | 阿拉伯式花饰一种复杂的装饰性的设计,由花、叶及几何图案缠绕在一起 | A complex,ornate design of intertwined floral,foliate,and geometric figures. | |
2 | 传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁的因素相互交织,恐怖主义危害上升。 | The elements of traditional and non-traditional threats to security are intertwined , and the scourge of terrorism is more acutely felt. | |
3 | 传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁的因素相互交织,恐怖主义危害上升。霸权主义和强权政治有新的表现。 | The elements of traditional and non-traditional threats to security are intertwined , and the scourge of terrorism is more acutely felt. Hegemonism and power politics have new manifestations. | |
4 | 传统与非传统威胁相互交织,国际安全面临严峻挑战。 | The intertwined traditional and non-traditional threats pose severe challenges to international security. | |
5 | 疯狂与悲壮的交错盘结-路翎笔下人物浅析 | Insanity and Solemnity Intertwined and Interlocked | |
6 | 宫前有数株榕树,盘根错节,枝繁叶茂,为游人休憩佳处。 | Before the palace are some giant banyan trees whose entangled foliage and intertwined roots provide a good resting place for visitors | |
7 | 欢乐和悲伤既转瞬即过,又常交织在一起,而爱却有力量超越两者,爱是能永存的! | For while both joy and sorrow are fleeting, and often intertwined , lovehasthe power to overcome both. And love can last forever. | |
8 | 胶原蛋白是高等动物中含量最丰富的蛋白质,含有三个α一螺旋,它们缠结在超螺旋结构中。 | Collagen, the most abundant protein in higher animals, contains three a-helices, which are intertwined in a superhelix. | |
9 | 两种希腊调式奠定了西方音乐的基础。西洋音乐的发展与基督教的发展密不可分。 | Two of these Greek modes supplied the foundation for the music of the Western world. The development of Western music was intertwined with the growth of the Christian church. | |
10 | 其次,延续了两千多年的春节其基本精神是跟华人的传统文化与价值观分不开的。 | Secondly, the fundamental spirit of the more than 2000-year-old Chinese New Year is closely intertwined with the traditional culture and values of the Chinese. | |
11 | 奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格 | A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations. | |
12 | 疏篱树枝或柳条编成的可移动的纺织物,可以暂时作篱笆使用 | A portable framework made of intertwined branches or wattle and used for temporary fencing. | |
13 | 他的手指勾着她的手指 | His fingers intertwined with hers | |
14 | 他们把手指勾在一起 | They intertwined their fingers | |
15 | 他们并肩长大了起来,就象两棵在地下根须纠缠,空中丫枝交错,花香同时升上天空的树一样。 | they had grown together like two trees whose roots are mingled, whose branches intertwined , and whose intermingled perfume rises to the heavens | |
16 | 他用手指勾着她的手指 | He intertwined his fingers with hers | |
17 | 物理学定律和概念的定义是相互盘绕难以分开的。 | The definitions of concepts and the laws of physics are inextricably intertwined | |
18 | 许多长蛇般扭动的绿色闪光与它们纠缠在一起,而这一切的背后则是一片宽阔的微弱的光。 | With these were intertwined undulating snakes of green, and behind these was a broad mass of lesser light | |
19 | 医疗伦理和商业伦理是相互联系的。 | Medical ethics and business ethics are often intertwined . | |
20 | 由缠结的葡萄藤和花构成的奇特图案。形容在外表或印象上不平常或吸引人的 | a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers.Something exotic is unusual and intriguing in appearance or effect | |
21 | 有一道缠绕着常春藤的栅栏。 | There was a fence intertwined with ivy. | |
22 | 原子核大小的影响与核力的影响纠缠在一起。 | Nuclear size effects are intertwined with nuclear force effects | |
23 | 在中美商约的基础上,美国的独占资本和蒋介石的官僚买办资本紧紧地结合在一起,控制着全国的经济生活。 | On the basis of this treaty, U.S. monopoly capital and Chiang Kai-shek’s bureaucrat-comprador capital have become tightly intertwined and control the economic life of the whole country | |
24 | 这两种心愿在他的精神上已紧密结合成为一种心愿了。 | These two thoughts were so closely intertwined in his mind that they formed but a single one there | |
25 | ||1:田纳西州的彩色图案是一些公司如沃尔玛之类的供应商,他最近计划推出首套庆祝同性恋人担任户主系列贴纸。||2:该公司总裁布伦达·塞勒斯表示,这套组合贴纸是应一个大型零售商客户要求推出的,但尚未对外出售。它包括两个父亲形象,两个母亲形象,各种各样的孩子和宠物。||3:包装是彩虹色的,上面有两对互相交错的同性男女占星符号,作为一个最终暗示。 | ||1:Chroma Graphics of Tennessee, a supplier to such firms as Walmart, recently designed its first kits to celebrate households headed by same-sex couples.||2:The pick-and-mix kits—designed at the request of a large retail customer, but not yet on sale—include two father-figures, two mother-figures and an assortment of children and pets, says Brenda Sellers, the firm’s president.||3:The packaging is in rainbow colours, bearing intertwined pairs of two male and two female astrological symbols as a final clue. | |
26 | ||1:我之所以在这里,是因为美国人的生活同我们从未到过的世界其它地方的人们的生活已经前所未有地交织在一起。||2:在外交、发展、经济安全和环境安全这些全球性的挑战上,那些我们从未谋面的其它国家的人们对美国成或败的感受与我们同等强烈。 | ||1:I’m here because our lives as Americans are more intertwined than ever before with the lives of people in parts of the world we’ve never visited.||2:In the global challenges of diplomacy, development, economic security, and environmental security, you will feel our success or failure just as strongly as those people in those other countries that you’ll never meet. | |
27 | ||1:新法(预计2015年实施)规定,不强迫任何宗教组织和牧师给同性伴侣举行婚礼。届时会为那些有兴趣的宗教组织和牧师提供正式的“自由选择”流程。||2:2010年的《平等法》将会修订。||3:英国国教会的教会法与当地法律关系紧密,通常还肩负为公民举办婚礼的义务。但在它的要求下,英国国教会不会为同性伴侣举办婚礼,除非教会法和法律改变。 | ||1:The new law (which should be on the statute books in 2015) will state that no religious organisation or minister can be compelled to marry same-sex couples. There will be a formal “opt-in” system for those that are interested.||2:The Equality Act of 2010 will be amended.||3:The Church of England, whose canon law is intertwined with the law of the land and normally has a duty to marry people, will not, at its own request, splice same-sex couples, unless canon law and legislation are changed. | |
28 | ||1:也就是说,除了他们家族古怪的婚配。||2:如果你想知道为什么嫁给你叔叔是不可取的,哈布斯堡家族可以启发你。||3:几个世纪以来,他们一直在尝试表亲、远房表亲之间进行婚姻、繁衍,以至于传统的家庭词汇被打破。||4:一个母亲可以兼任表亲;利奥波德一世的妻子在他们的婚姻中称他为“叔叔”。 | ||1:Except, that is, for their eccentric matchmaking.||2:If you have ever wondered why marrying your uncle is inadvisable, the Habsburgs can enlighten you.||3:For centuries they experimented with marriages between first cousins, second cousins and cousins so multiply intertwined that the traditional familial vocabulary breaks down.||4:A mother might double as a cousin; the wife of Leopold I referred to him throughout their marriage as "Uncle". | |
29 | 旧金山房地产市场与技术部门关系紧密,自2008年起,美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统每月93%的运作与市区房价高涨相关。 | San Francisco’s property market is intertwined with the technology sector: since 2008 there has been a 93% correlation between the monthly movements in the NASDAQ and house-price inflation in its metropolitan area. | |
30 | XACML体系结构与SAML体系结构是紧密相关的。 | XACML architecture is tightly intertwined with SAML architecture. |