1 | 这个之前的故事,或称前传,《星球大战:第一集----幽灵的威胁》(1999)以介绍诸如洞悉一切的智慧老人、奥比温·肯诺比和恶魔达思·威德等人物为《星球大战》三部曲作了铺垫与衔接。 | This preceding movie, or prequel, Star Wars: Episode 1----The Phantom Menace (1999)sets the scene for the Star Wars trilogy, with the introduction of characters such as the all-seeing old man of wisdom, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the evil Darth Vader | |
2 | 这是我妻子(作为一种介绍用语)。 | Meet my wife.(As a form of introduction ) | |
3 | 这样吹捧的介绍,对总督来说,是白白浪费。 | The florid introduction was wasted on the governor | |
4 | 这又让我想起雅典的导游,我们在参观卫城的时候,他也说他没有导游证,不过他好歹拉了一个希腊导游给我们白话了一阵。 | This experience reminded me of the guide in Athens, when we went up to the acropolis, he also turned out not to have a license for it, but he did pull a Greek guide over to give us an introduction | |
5 | 重新修订的“海洋环境保护法”,对重点海域实施总量控制制度,对主要污染源排放数量实施配额制。 | The revised Law on the Protection of Marine Environment stipulates the introduction of the system to control the aggregated amount of pollutants in key sea areas and set quotas for the discharge of main sources of pollution | |
6 | 准备调将不和谐音作为和谐音引入前一和弦以此来调和该不和谐音 | The anticipation of a dissonant tone by means of its introduction as a consonant tone in the preceding chord. | |
7 | 资本主义国家也实行计划调节,但这并不改变其资本主义制度的实质 | The introduction of regulation through planning in capitalist countries doesn’t involve any change in the nature of the capitalist system | |
8 | 最多的是各国文学名著的译本,与本国古来的诗文集,别的门类只是些概论等类的入门书而已。 | Most of them are Chinese translations of literary works by famous foreign writers and anthologies of Chinese poetry and prose through the ages. The rest, often called an outline or introduction , are merely on rudiments of various subjects | |
9 | 最近微型计算机的出现,一定会促进联机最佳化,或者导弹内部的真正的适应控制的可能性。 | So the recent introduction of the microcomputer has provided a further impetus towards the possibility of on-line optimization, or true adaptive control, within the missile itself | |
10 | 作为序幕或开端 | To serve as a prelude or an introduction . |