1 | 比如富裕中农,大家看到,无论在哪个革命中间,他们总是动摇的,不坚定的,高兴起来可以发狂,悲观起来可以垂头丧气。 | It is plain to all that the well-to-do middle peasants, for instance, invariably vacillate and do not stand firm in any revolution, going wild when elated and burying their heads in dejection when pessimistic | |
2 | 不管这其中有着怎样的心理,"船"在很多名词具有性别的语言中都是阴性,尽管如斯廷普森指出的,事实并非"几乎总是"如此。 | Whatever the psychology involved, ship is feminine in many languages that assign a gender to nouns, although this is nowhere near being "almost invariably " the case, as Stimpson suggests | |
3 | 差别--不管是真实的还是主观想象的--总是被传媒和社会夸大。美国作家里奥 | Differences-----both real and imagined----are invariably exaggerated in the media and in society as a whole.--Delia Rios, American writer | |
4 | 臭味总是使人不愉快。 | Evil odors invariably repel | |
5 | 初访者对这座城市的第一个深刻印象必然离不开那些象征了一个城市的财力和气魄的高楼大厦。 | First-time visitors to Shanghai will invariably first be captivated by the soaring skyscrapers that symbolise the metropolis’ wealth and glamour. | |
6 | 此法不但造成公司资源的浪费,也降低了公司最终产品的竞争能力。 | Experience has shown that the cost transfer price invariably develops waste and inefficacy of the resources, and weakens the competitive ability of the final products. | |
7 | 此时,花朵仍接二连三地抛来,几乎每一下都未中那标记,使母亲曲胸口布满伤痛,不但在这个世界上她找不到止痛药膏,就是在另一个世界上,她也不知道如何去找这种灵丹妙药。 | Still came the battery of flowers, almost invariably hitting the mark, and covering the mother’s breast with hurts for which she could find no balm in this world, nor knew how to seek it in another. | |
8 | 此时检查急性气喘病患者的尿比重,将发现他们都处于水潴留与尿比重高的状态。 | A check of urine specific gravity at the time of admission of an acute asthmatic will invariably show a state of severe water retention with high urinary specific gravity | |
9 | 达孩子有一种天然的优雅,这可不是无瑕的丽质所一定具备的;她的衣服无论怎样简朴,见到的人总会认为只有这样穿着才能极尽其美。 | The child had a native grace which does not invariably coexist with faultless beauty; its attire, however simple, always impressed the beholder as if it were the very garb that precisely became it best. | |
10 | 单剑杆织机使用的剑杆必须是刚性的。在采用双剑杆时,剑杆可以是刚性的,也可以是挠性的。 | The single rapier is invariably rigid, but, when two rapiers are used, they may be rigid or flexible. | |
11 | 但重新上色和复印不可避免会同原件产生差异。在19世纪,布雷克和窦加曾用此画法作画。 | Subsequent prints invariably differ from the first, because variations in repainting and printing are inevitable. In the 19th century, William Blake and Edgar Degas experimented with the technique | |
12 | 当他被说得无言以对时,他当然会生气。 | When he’s driven into a corner he invariably loses his temper. | |
13 | 当他的作品大放光彩时,一直被放在举足轻重的地位(马尔科姆S.福布斯) | His works are invariably accoladed as definitive even as they sparkle and spark(Malcolm S.Forbes) | |
14 | 电压一时间曲线的形状及其平滑程度,即波形,也是质量的一种度量。但波形几乎很少成为问题.因为波形的不规则总是可溯源到用户的负荷特性。 | Also, the shape of the voltage-time curve and its smoothness or wave shape is a measure of quality, but it is seldom a problem since irregularities can invariably be traced to the customers’ load characteristics. | |
15 | 凡是在最高级会谈上伸出触角时,总是提到他的名字。 | When feelers were extended for a summit meeting his name was invariably mentioned | |
16 | 夫人不言,言必有中。 | That man is no talker; but when he does say anything, he invariably hits the mark | |
17 | 海丝特一看到这情景,就要象追逐逃跑的小精灵那样向孩子扑去,而珠儿也一定要开始逃跑 | Beholding it, Hester was constrained to rush towards the child-to pursue the little elf in the flight which she invariably began | |
18 | 华族的传统节日都离不开维系人伦与增进人际关系这个基本主题。 | Traditional Chinese festivals invariably centre on maintaining and improving human relations. | |
19 | 她几乎总是要把那些生动的想象带回去,第二天独自加以琢磨。她生活在想象中,就如同生活在日常生活的现实中。 | Almost invariably she would carry the vivid imaginations away with her and brood over them the next day alone. She lived as much in these things as in the realities which made up her daily life. | |
20 | 她这么想并非出自天性冷漠。她是一个任劳任怨,勤勤恳恳,竭力顺应环境维持生计的人。这些想法是处在这种境遇里的人认真思索的结果。 | These thoughts were not those of a cold, hard nature at all. They were the serious reflections of a mind which invariably adjusted itself, without much complaining, to such surroundings as its industry could make for it. | |
21 | 尽管他在意大利居住了这么多年,服装却一直是庄重的牧师色泽。 | Although he had lived so many years in Italy it was invariably of a decent clerical hue | |
22 | 进入新千年以后,我国股市红红火火,呈现出一派蒸蒸日上的新景象,令管理者、投资者和经纪商无不欣喜。 | Enters new millennium, the stock market of our country is flourishing, demonstrating a more and more prosperous new scene, makes the administrator, investor and broker joyful invariably . | |
23 | 就是如今,上上下下的还有许多人在那里坐木船,如果统计起来,人数该比坐轮船坐飞机的多。 | Even today, many continue to do so, and statistics will invariably show a higher percentage of people travelling by wooden boat than by steamer or aircraft | |
24 | 居住的条件总是一个样:肮脏、匮乏、十分不舒适。对那些习惯于吃佳肴美餐、睡牙床锦衾的人来说,为适应阿尔卑斯山脉而改变习惯确是一件非常不容易的事。 | Invariably the background was the same: dirt and poverty, and very uncomfortable. For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must have been very hard indeed. | |
25 | 空邮纸:轻身高级书写用纸,多用破布造成,质地结实。常用作航空邮柬。 | Airmail paper: Light-weight, high grade writing papers invariably made from rag for strength. One of the common usages is for aerogramme. | |
26 | 例如我上面提过的同事,她总以"没有时间"以及"我不缺钱"来敷衍周围关心她肚皮的好心人。 | "The friend who I mentioned earlier, for example, invariably uses either "no time" or "I don’t need money" in response to friends who are concerned that it is time for her to start a family." | |
27 | 每当奏起庄严的国歌时,我总在感情上受到激发。 | Whenever the stately national anthem is performed, I am invariably emotionally roused | |
28 | 每一次分裂之后都复归统一,并且都赢来了国家政治、经济、文化、科技的快速发展 | After every separation, the country was not only invariably reunified, But also found, in its wake, rapid development in politics, economy, culture, science and technology | |
29 | 镁质橄榄石几乎总是代表了原生沉淀物。 | Forsteritic olivine almost invariably represents primary precipitate material | |
30 | 那些能够满足顶级柴油机生产商,比如Mercedes-Benz公司所提出的最高标准的润滑油都是专门的柴油机润滑油,这并不是一个巧合。 | It is no coincidence that oils meeting the very highest performance standards of the leading diesel engine makers such as Mercedes-Benz are invariably dedicated diesel products. |