1 | "宝钗看毕,又从新翻过正面来细看,口内念道:""莫失莫忘,仙寿恒昌.""念了两遍" | After examining both sides Baochai turned the jade over to study the face more closely and read the inscription aloud, not once but twice. | |
2 | "作者自云:因曾历过一番梦幻之后,故将真事隐去,而借""通灵""之说撰此<<石头记>>一书也." | "In writing this story of the Stone the author wanted to record certain of his past dreams and illusions, but he tried to hide the true facts of his experience by using the allegory of the jade of ""spiritual Understanding."" " | |
3 | “问余何事栖碧山/笑而不答心自闲/桃花流水窗然去/别有天地非人间。” | If you ask why I like to linger on at Green Jade Hill/I smile but say naught so carefree do I feel here/The stream rippling carrying the blossoms I know not where/Surely a different world it is so different from elsewhere | |
4 | “中士,”他吼道,“你没看见那骚货要走! | "sergeant!" he cried, "don’t you see that that jade is walking off! | |
5 | 爱彼之貌容兮,香培玉琢,美彼之态度兮,凤翥龙翔. | Sweet her face, compact of fragrance, carved in jade ; and she bears herself like a phoenix or dragon in flight. | |
6 | 百万年前的旧石器时代遗址、有着惊人玉器和陶器制品的新石器时代遗址,和从商、周朝掘出的墓葬与宫殿--所有这些都属于中国的考古宝藏。 | Palaeolithic sites from one million years ago, Neolithic sites with extraordinary jade and ceramic artefacts, excavated tombs and palaces of the Zhou and Shang dynasties-all these are part of the archaeological riches of China. | |
7 | 本厂生产的固体白脱,洁白如五,味道正宗。 | Solid Butter made By our factory is jade white and tastes pure. | |
8 | 表面光泽的并非全是纯玉,请君注意鉴别。 | Genuine jade is not necessarily lustrous on the surface. So you should carefully discern between the genuine and the fake. | |
9 | 常用本品为您的牙齿洗澡,定会令您的牙齿如白玉般地无瑕可谪。 | Constantly use this product to bath your teeth. Your teeth will be as white as [lawless jade . Nothing to be criticized. | |
10 | 尺璧非宝寸阴是竞 | Jade has a price but time is priceless | |
11 | 春风不度玉门关 | Beyond the Jade Gate vernal wind will never blow! | |
12 | 蠢才,蠢才!你有玉,人家就有金来配你,人家有`冷香’,你就没有`暖香’去配? | How dense you are! You have jade , and someone else has gold to match it. So don’t you have a warm scent to match her cold scent? | |
13 | 从汉代以后,玉器主要用作观赏、陈设以及实用器。 | After the Han Dynasty, jade wares were mainly used as decorations or everyday items. | |
14 | 从周代开始,玉被士人阶层附会了种种道德传统,比如认为玉具有仁、义、礼、智、信、勇等六种风格。 | In the Zhou Dynasty, jade was imbued by the ruling class with the concepts of benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, faithfulness, wisdom and courage. | |
15 | 大厅陈列着瓷器、玉器和手工艺品。 | The Hall displays porcelain, jade and handicrafts. | |
16 | 大雪过后,公园里玉树琼花。 | After a heavy snow, the trees and flowers in the park were covered with snow as if they were made of jade . | |
17 | 黛玉亦常听得母亲说过,二舅母生的有个表兄,乃衔玉而诞,顽劣异常,极恶读书,最喜在内帏厮混 | Daiyu’s mother had often spoken of this nephew born with a piece of jade in his mouth, his wild ways, aversion to study and delight in playing about in the women’s apartments. | |
18 | 但其真体最小,方能从胎中小儿口内衔下.今若按其体画,恐字迹过于微细,使观者大废眼光,亦非畅事. | As the jade was small enough to be beld in the mouth of a new-born child, if we were to reproduce the real size of the characters they would be so minute that our readers would find them a troublesome strain on their eyes. | |
19 | 到商周时期,玉石工艺有了显著的发展 | And they appear delicate and beautiful. Jade ware production skills were greatly improved in the Zhou and Shang dynasties | |
20 | 到头来,依旧是风尘肮脏违心愿.好一似,无瑕白玉遭泥陷 | To end, despite herself, defiled on the dusty road--even as flawless white jade dropped in the mud. | |
21 | 独特而协调,优雅而精致,这种美感,还体现在中国的玉制鼻烟壶工艺中。 | The sense of beauty such as remarkable balance and refined elegance is also shown in the technique of making jade snuff bottles in China. | |
22 | 翻了几页关于“Black Jade”小姐的事迹之后,我实在读不下去,不得不把译本放下,像“Black Jade”这样的名字,岂能与羞花闭月的孱弱女子相提并论! | I had to put the book down after reading a few pages about the adventures of Miss Black Jade because I simply could not associate a beautiful maiden of the most delicate disposition with a name like Black Jade | |
23 | 凤姐因怕通灵玉失落,便等宝玉睡下,命人拿来塞在自己枕边. | For fear lest the precious jade might disappear while Baoyu was asleep, Xifeng had it fetched and put it under her own pillow. | |
24 | 复原后的金缕玉衣充分显示出中国古代劳动人民的精湛工艺。 | The restored jade burial suit fully reveals the consummate skill of the labouring people of ancient China | |
25 | 更妙在甄家的风俗,女儿之名,亦皆从男子之名命字,不似别家另外用这些`春’`红’`香’`玉’等艳字的. | I prefer the Zhen family’s way of giving their daughters the same sort of names as boys instead of choosing flowery names meaning Spring, Red, Fragrant, or Jade | |
26 | 沟宽3千米,长10千米。这里是葡萄的王国,葡萄的世界:白葡萄、红葡萄、马奶子葡萄、玉葡萄等等,五光十色 | In this kingdom of grapes stretching some ten km long and three km wide, there are many different varieties of grapes, white, black, jade and what is known as ma’nai’zi or mares’ nipples, presenting a variety of colours and shades | |
27 | 关于玉不同时代有许多激动人心的故事。 | There are many moving historical stories about the jade treasures of the different kingdoms of the time. | |
28 | 观人如观玉,拙眼喜讥评 | Judging character is like judging jade , the uninformed like to criticize | |
29 | 馆娃宫铜柱玉槛,金装玉饰,华丽无比。 | The Palace of Beauties reputedly is an incomparably magnificent palace, with bronze pillars and jade lattices and with decorations of gold and precious stones strewn all over | |
30 | 汉代玉器,在含义上是从上层贵族文化向世俗文化的转折 | In the Han Dynasty, jade wares moved from noble families into ordinary people’s homes. |